Mid-century vibes

Last updated : July 25, 2024

This page started for me with the “atomic” paper and a handful pf photos from a local antique store. This little boy, Tony, looked to be up to some mischief.

Evidently it was Saturday morning cartoon time and someone forgot to turn it on.

I put together some found text to tell a little story after finding a couple other papers that seemed to fit that mid-century vibe.

4 Thoughts on Mid-century vibes
    Erika N
    17 Jul 2024

    I bet it was Saturday morning cartoons. I wonder do they still show them, or with all the channels you can get you can probably get cartoons 24-7. I love the photo though, and that’s a cool page. hugs-Erika

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    17 Jul 2024

    I love that mid-century modern look and this tale is fabulous. I love the sewing. Yours is so perfect. This is a great entry for your thee at AJJ, too.

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    17 Jul 2024

    That should be theme!

    Divers and Sundry
    18 Jul 2024

    That rabbit ear antenna 😊 I enjoyed the story.

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