I am a prolific list maker and idea jotter. I am constantly grabbing a sheet of notebook paper to quickly write my ideas. It gets a bit chaotic with some many pages of half crossed lists laying about. I started thinking that if I could have a smallish notebook with me that I could keep everything in one place.
This idea, like so many others, has been rattling around in my head for a while. Lately I was inspired by an image of a stack of small pamphlet stitched notebooks on Pinterest. That in combination with a Readers Digest Condensed book cover I had in my stash and thinking of the function of a travelers notebook I put the three together to create my own version to better suit my needs.
As I said before, I constantly have papers to jot ideas or work things out visually. Such as this drawing on how I wanted the elastics to work in the spine. Originally I was going to have 3 signatures to my book but after drawing it out I realized that I’d need 4 to have the elastics at the same end of the book.
I used my new book cradle to assist in the binding process.
Mr. G 3D printed and assembled this very sturdy tool for my bookmaking. In the past I’d used an old phonebook for this process with very mixed results.
This book cradle makes it a breeze to accurately make holes in the spine with an awl. The results are perfect.
I added a but of reinforcement to the spine of my gutted Readers Digest Condensed book.
Then used eyelets to reinforce the holes for the elastic cording.
A bit of lace covered the unsightly bits quite nicely. All that was left was assembly. And the glamor shots.
Anyone remember Glamor Shots at the mall circa 1990s? Oh yeah… I have some cringe worthy photos from that place. Faux fur stole and white gloves…geesh. Sorry…ADHD squirrel moment!
The glamor shots…
Nice new book Halle. That’s a great new book cradle too. I bet you can make a lot of books easily with that. I should really look into one myself. And I am a prolific list maker also, so I really like your idea of keeping them in one place. I hope you’ll let us know how it works. Thanks for sharing this, and have a wonderful T day too. hugs-Erika
You made a beautiful book, and I like your book cradle. I ended up drowning in bits of paper with lists and things. So I went digital. Happy T Day
Wow! That is a great new book. Thanks for the tutorial on it too. I see so many uses for this. Have a nice day today
That is a relly lovely notebook. I started making some notebooks from recycled papers, too, as I have the same problem with lists and pieces of paper flying around EVERYWHERE.
Way to go. Looks like it will be an easy job and a great new tool. ,
What a fabulous way to keep your ‘bits of paper. I love how you decorated your book, hugs, Chrisx
Wow, that is beautiful! I had never seen a book cradle before (but then I never knew how books are put together really) so I found the whole process very interesting. Happy T-Day, Lisca