I broke out the old plastic canvas a few months ago and created a little bin to hold my thread scraps while sewing.
This helped keep my table tidy. My knitting and weaving scraps also made there way into the bin.
Today I was really noticing an increase in bird activity through the window. I decided it would be a good time to gift my feathered friends with some nesting material.
Several years ago I did something similar for the birds. I found some little bits of yarn in the front yard after a while so I know something was attempting to use the scraps.
Now I need to make a new bin for my scraps. Perhaps this one will be more visually appealing on my work surface.
We used to put out bits and pieces for nesting material when the kids. It’s fun to see the birds picking through the offerings.
edit: when the kids were little.
The birdies will have some special and colorful nests all thanks to you Halle! oxo
I’ve put old scraps of paper and yarn in a plastic pop bottle bottom before and nailed it to a tree. I haven’t done that for years, though, because now I save all my thread and create little nests for assemblages. I think your birds will love you and reward you with many babies (just what you needed, right?).
Forgot to mention, I save ALL my dryer lint for the birds.