Never doubt your instinct

Last updated : February 28, 2016

My focus as of late has shifted from art journals and papercraft to 3D items such as button stack pendants and of course, all the 3D printed goodies that just keep on coming.  As much as this variety feeds my art ADD, I find myself missing paper and mixed-media.  I start to second guess myself…will I still be able to create? What if I fall out of practice? Self doubt is an evil thing.

Never doubt your instinct | Halle's Hobbies

So a few weeks ago I dropped in at one of the bigger libraries in the system and got myself an armload of inspiration.  Nope still didn’t do it for me. My altered books, journals and one off paper crafts sat idle.  I even enlisted Mini-me to help clean and organize our art space. Notice I said our art space. She is taking 2 art classes this trimester. One required and one elective.

After finishing painting a couple 3D printed models, I had extra paint brown and gold on the palette. Not being wasteful I grabbed a journal and wiped it on to a random page. I guess that was all it took. The simple act of doing and not thinking to much about it.

Never doubt your instinct | Halle's Hobbies

The page quickly came together.  As I went looking for words I found this series that really spoke to what I felt at that moment.

Never doubt your instinct | Halle's Hobbies

 Do you hear or listen to that little voice inside? Is it the evil one or the one that lifts you up? Or do you just try to shut her up with cookies?

4 Thoughts on Never doubt your instinct
    Karla B
    21 Feb 2016

    I always hear the voice inside.What a magical artwork, my friend!

    Linda K
    23 Feb 2016

    fab journal spread! And what a lot of further inspiration you have too. I own 4 of those books you have there-and lots of others too along with a new one on the way. Just can’t help myself:)

    Divers and Sundry
    23 Feb 2016

    “trust your crazy ideas” I like that :)

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    23 Feb 2016

    HMMM. I’ve seen that geography map book. It did nothing for me. Kathy left the Creating art at the speed of life with me and I’ve never read it. Would love to read both mixed media books, though.

    Love what you made and glad it came together. I often clean and organize to get inspiration, so maybe it helped your subconscious a bit. BTW, I need to find Alphabetica. I thought Kathy had it, but we both looked and neither of us has it. I know you got yours at the library, so hoping I can find one, too.

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