We’re busy getting the outside cleaned up in preparation of the “Arctic front” the meteorologists keep telling us about. Leaves picked up, deck furniture and chiminea put away, as well as the bikes and terra cotta pots. We also got the snowblower set in it’s usual spot next to my van in the garage. I’m sure there will still be a few little tasks that we’ll need to do even after the weather turns but for the most part, we’ll be done!
Today has been beautiful in the upper 50’s, although the wind is starting to really pick up now. Likely blowing in that cold front.
I am planning to do some art at the beginning of the week. I have started a painting…a landscape. Not sure how it’s going to turn out. If I like it enough to keep, I’ll be sure to share it here.
Tomorrow is filled with our chili feast with a few of the neighbor families.
- 8 adults
- 15 kids
- 4 pots of chili
- 2 pans of corn bread
- adult beverages
- PB&J for the non-chili kids
- brownies
- treats
- Football on the TV
Sounds like a good time right! Hopefully I can remember to snap a couple of shots of the festivities tomorrow.
Hope you all had a blast sounds like so much fun. Enjoy your self!hugs ginger