Mini-me and I went to an event on Saturday. An outdoor art fair! It just so happened to be at a beautiful location in Minneapolis as well. Minnehaha Falls park.

The falls are running a little low since we are in a drought. I honestly was surprised at how much water was coming over but we did have an inch of rain last week.

The little bit of rain did nothing to help the pathetic state of the park grass.  This is an extremely poor photo of the fair but it was the only angle that didn’t have a ton of people right in front of me.

Mini-me purchased a pair of cute earrings, I bought a quilled paper card and a hand thrown pottery planter. I also spoke to a gentleman who makes jewelry from flatware and other metals. I want to have a piece made from my Grandma’s sterling. I think it might be cool to make a piece from my parents sterling as well.

Meanwhile here at home, I’m harvesting a little each day.

Making card and journal embellishments from scraps

and am playing in my journals.

I may have taken a little trip to the fabric store one day as well.

Today’s list includes mowing and laundry…so much fun. I do hope to get some creative time in as well.

What are you doing today?

Time is so fleeting…every year that passes, I realize this even more. I’m beginning to change my mindset. Savor every moment. Not wishing for the next but living in the present.

My garden is beginning to pay off with fresh produce.

I’m loving the food forest I’ve created on the deck. It adds a bit of privacy in addition to ascetics.

I’ve also been adding flowers to the deck. This was a hodge podge on the table until I got things planted.

I decided to make some plant stands for a couple of pots from old tomato cages.

The bonus was using Mr. G’s power tools with the air compressor.

Me- looking kinda bad a$$ in my safety gear.

Here’s a little video of me cutting the very last bit.

and the completed product…

Well technically I did spray paint them after since they were a bit rusty.

Mini-me went and picked us up a treat yesterday morning before she went to work. Love that girl.

I almost forgot Marvin… evidently he thinks he has his own spot for breakfast at the table.

Errands and household chores are on the list for today.

What are you doing today?

YES!! Things are becoming more normal! We are finally having guests over for the first time since Christmas 2019.

This tea tag jumped out at me as the perfect words to celebrate this occasion in my art journal.

As I’ve been doing so often lately, I hid my journaling under a flip. Again not that my words are so private…it just simplifies the page.

I also added this quote which rings so very true. “Lost time is never found again”.  Not sure who uttered those words but they are so very true.

If I’m 100% honest…I don’t love the mushroom sticker on the page but that’s ok.

Art Journal Journey

Linking up with Art Journal Journey for Alison‘s theme of Summer Countryside.


I can’t even remember the last time I sat down to art journal. But I finally did! It felt so good, so natural, like I have been doing it all along. So why haven’t I been??

I used my wonky junky journal to step back into the game. I love that it is so random…no expectations…no limits. If I want to exclusively write…fine. If I want to only paint…fine. If I feel in love with glue and paper…that’s fine too. With the variety of papers as pages I have endless possibilities.

I didn’t think at all. Just let it happen.

I made this little journal flip the my words would be hidden. Not that they are so very private but I didn’t want to clutter up the simplicity.

Since I didn’t share any garden photos last week I thought I should snap a couple to show some progress.

I ‘ve been battling a pest problem in the shed garden. We have a vole living under the shed or in the compost pile. It is getting in the garden and nipping off my plants. The little bugger doesn’t even eat them!! Just cuts them down like its a lumberjack felling trees. I have reinforced the fence…still I found more nibbled plants today. UGH!!! So frustrating. Short of poison, I’m at a loss as to the solution to my pest issue.

Notice the condensation on my pint? That means it actually rained and we have some humidity in the air. We are still super dry but at least there was some precipitation. I never thought I’d be thankful for humid air.

Lastly I have to share the haul I got from a garage sale last Thursday. As I walked up the driveway I saw this box filled with papers and such. I had to ask…is the box really free…as in all of it? Yes. Yes it was. I snapped that up like it was gold. I actually got a bunch of things from the sale…this was the only crafty related item.

Monday was an errand day for me…Tuesday is an at home day. I really need to knock some items off my ever present list since it just keeps getting longer!

Whoa…that sounds deeper than intended. I did find myself sitting down to create today and without even realizing it I uncovered something I hadn’t been thinking about…or at least admitting to thinking about.

I only intended to do the end of the first signature but there was too much and it spilled onto the next. Honestly I really like how it looks.

I’m thrilled with how this part turned out. It has a soft, vintage quality. I used my middle finger to paint the teal butterfly wings. Not too shabby for that occasionally naughty digit.

I used a bit of French grammar text to partially cover the Behr paint brochure then continued with the layers until I finally was happy and had said my piece.



Overlapping fold-outs are new for me but I really felt I wanted to add a bit of found text.

It about sums up my emotions. I know that this is the way of things…the next step…and I am so incredibly happy for both kids. But at the same time, I am mourning my time as a parent of “kids”.  I guess empty nester syndrome was sneaking on in while I wasn’t looking.

EDIT: Linking up with AJJ for the Butterfly theme…thanks for the heads up Erika!

Art Journal Journey

Summer is project time for me. That’s not entirely true, all the time is project time but I feel as if I should have more time to tackle the big ones. Gardening is always on the top of that list. And believe it or not, I don’t even have a photo to share with you of that this week. It doesn’t look a whole lot different.


I picked these service berries off a tree in the backyard. I plan to make muffins tomorrow with them. Several years ago I made jam with mixed results. It was a little too seedy for my taste.

There are so many more berries up higher than I can reach. I am tempted to get out my step stool but I’ve already taken one tumble (I tripped up the stairs because I was wearing my sunglasses indoors…ugh) in the last few days so I think I better keep my feet planted firmly on the ground.

Garage sale

My neighbor was having a garage sale this past week so I volunteered to help out.

In addition to some miscellaneous items that were on ready to be re-homed, I set up a little Halle’s Hobbies table. It wasn’t very successful but that’s ok. Not many people go to garage sales expecting to buy crafts. BTW- my teacup pincushions are my drink reference for the day. :)

Sew scrappy

I’ve started yet another scrap quilt. No i haven’t finished the first one but I think I actually like having both going at the same time. I’m really burning through my scraps. But there is SO. MUCH. IRONING.

This project is using the teeny tiny scraps, the wonky pieces and the ones I mis-cut for the other scrap quilt.

My Monday list had me busy all day. Of course I tend to add new thigs as I think of them…hence the different colors. Plus it just looks pretty. I’ve also started my accountability picture texts with my good friend. Each morning we text a photo of our list then either before bed or the next morning we text the another photo with the checked off list. I keeps us both in line and not in front of the TV binge watching a series on Netflix. With summer off and a tendency towards laziness, it’s best for both of us to have accountability.

fan fav

Sleepy Marvin.

Smiley Marvin

What are you doing today?

Well, we made it…end of school year…end of k-12 career for Mini-me.

Wow! It’s been a bit of a whirlwind here at the end. Leading up to the end of the year I was having very mixed feelings. I was so ready to be done working for the summer so I could start on projects and spend more time gardening but at the same time I was feeling a but sad that my time as a mom of school aged children is over.

I think it all started to become real when I was making a stack of graduation cards about a month ago.

Not sure why it was the cardmaking that triggered things but one never can tell how a mind works. This is my go-to grad card design…the only issue is when I have to mail them. They are non-machinable which means a trip to the post office.

This was the traditional staff photo after “waving off” the buses. It was almost 100°F, I can safely say we were all hot and tired.

I got this sweet gift from a student I’ve been helping virtually on their “at home” day throughout the year. It’s the perfect size coffee mug for me.

A friend, co-worker and mom of a 2021 graduate gave me this candle holder on our last day to commemorate our kiddos final day of school.

I thought this was a really fun photo a mom captured and shared with me. Mini-me is third from the right.

She has an affection for Eeyore so she found an Eeyore quote that fit both of them. She picked out some handmade paper from my stash to add a borders to the elements. Thanks Elizabeth for the fantastic handmade paper. A little piece of you was at Mini-me’s graduation. :)

My neighbor was watching the live stream and snapped this photo just as she was moving her tassel to the left. Speaking of tassel…she chose to wear the tassel she received from her college honor society instead of her high school tassel. She was the only one with a yellow tassel. She graduated Magna Cum Laude. So proud of that girl!

Ok I’ll stop gushing…I’m just so excited for her!

Truth be told, I’m proud of both my kids. J has a paid internship this summer. He’s doing things that I don’t really understand but that’s ok because I’m not the one getting a Chemical Engineering degree. He’s working in R&D for a local company which is right up his alley.

Me…I’m just happy to be working outside with my plants. Every morning I go out to check on my plants. It’s so rewarding to grow your own food. Granted it’s not enough to live off but it sure is a nice fresh addition.

With more time to walk in the mornings I’m sure I’ll be racking up some more Fitbit badges. They just make me happy…gold star girl. 🌟

In addition to going for my morning walk I’ll be working on my perpetual summer list.
What are you doing today?

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