I decided to go a different route with our family Christmas cards this year. We’ve sent out a photo, letter or photo copied scrapbook page for countless years now.  My reasons for changing the tradition for this year are multifaceted. I have to tell you that my family was shocked!!Christmas cards

I’m sending out handmade cards this year. And a lot fewer of them. We’ll see how it goes. I may regret that decision but I already have my plan for next year. :)

These are just a few of the designs I came up with yesterday. Luckily I have a stash of cards I’ve made throughout the last couple of months.




Hello friends…I didn’t abandon linking up with Elizabeth and her T stands for Tuesday party. I just had to have a bit of a break. I  intended on being here early today but life got in the way.


Here we have my token cup of tea. Twinings Earl Grey, in case you were wondering.


You likely didn’t care but I bet you have been wondering what happened with my tea dying experiment.




20131210_3775 20131210_3778Well…I got a nice batch of yummy scraps.

Love the darkened edge on the cotton lace…




How the colors muted on the embroidery.






And the dark tips on the fancy trim.

Can’t wait to start using them in some…anything!

I have my craft area somewhat  cleaned up but I hesitate to start using it until I’ve done some organizing. I may not be able to stop myself soon.

mn winterI ran across this photo on Pinterest. Made me laugh..but it’s true.

I love it when the plows do that…looks so cool and is very effective.

What are you doing today??



As much as I love Minnesota…I hate days like today. When it’s dangerous to be outside with exposed skin.  It has risen to a balmy -3°F since this screen capture.

I got distracted…


… while writing this post.

long shadows

It looks beautiful outside with the fresh snow…  The long shadows from the low sun.

You may remember that I was having a couple of craft boutiques this past week. The first was a bit of a bust. Not much traffic but still a good times spent with Little J and friends.

The second was great…even though we were in a fierce snow storm. They even dismissed school a bit early to get all the kids home before dark.  Only in MN would a snow storm bring out the shoppers. :)

crazy messSince I had been mad crafting up until the last minute…I have quite the mess.  I’m only showing you a little snippet of the mess.

Seriously embarrassing.

But maybe a bit of public shaming will help me get it cleaned up.  One can hope. ;)


I have two boutiques in 5 days…the first one is today! Wish me luck!crafts

The first of several canvases I’ve been working on.laugh always

I love it when my hands look like this…hands

It means that I’m busy creating. I think painting is my favorite art form. I tend to use my hands…a lot.

T stands for Tuesday rolls around more quickly each week it seems. Think it’s possible that our hostess Elizabeth is speeding up time? Yeah…probably not happening.

This week my Tea is not for drinking… I’m just dye-ing to show you what I’m doing. *teeheehee*

Tea dye

My supplies are simple…old package of 6 tea bags that I’d never drink. Scraps of linens, lace and ribbon. Glass bowl. Boiling water. And time.

toil and trouble

Bubble, bubble toil and trouble. And now we wait…

I’m heading for a brisk morning walk with a friend.

What are you doing today?


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