craft tableIt was a good day!

Lots of familiar faces and some new acquaintances.

I didn’t bring my camera this time..honestly, didn’t even think of it.  Thankfully our hostess for this event had her wonderful camera phone to capture the moment.

A couple days ago I wasn’t sure I’d even be able to pull today off.  I was covered in hives after doing yard work.  I’ve never had hives before and never want to experience them again.  I think I have the culprit figured out. Creeping Charlie…also known as ground ivy. I have a severe reaction to poison ivy so it stands to reason that I might react to a relative as well.  Benedryl is my friend.



It’s been a whirlwind of activity around here since last week. I think the last time I’ve had two hours to rest during the day was when I was in the salon, last T Tuesday, getting my hair done.


I’ve been sewing like crazy. On both fabric…

cup cozy

And paper.

sewn cards

Of course, some painting as well.

painted series

In fact I have some spray painted goodies in the garage right now. Hopefully I’ll get everything done for Saturday. I have so many ideas now at the last minute for my craft sale. That’s the way it always works with me. I come down to the wire and my mind starts racing with new items to add to my table.

In addition to my “crafty crap”, as Mr. G so affectionately refers to it,  I have these this on my list.

  • a chapter to read for my bookclub tomorrow.
  • finish A Wrinkle in Time for Big J’s “partners in reading” project….yes, I get homework too.
  • mow the lawn…bagging it since there are so many leaves.

As well as the regular Tuesday stuff…knitting group, pesky household chores and  visiting T Stands for Tuesday blogs.

What are you doing today?

We all know how to recycle and I’m sure most do it daily. Newspapers, cardboard, glass and plastic are all readily recyclable in most cities, at least across the USA.

This is wonderful! But I’ve been really focused on upcycling lately.  Finding a new use for something that would ordinarily be tossed out.  Wine corks, bottle caps, worn out clothing, stained linens, broken plates…you get the idea.treesI showed a sneak peek of these a while ago. I made a wine cork tree last year but this time I decided to change things a bit. I used a Champagne cork cut in half for the trunk.  I think they turned out really cute.


I’ve also been using some scraps from previous projects such as the denim remaining after completing a quilt or two.  As well as the remainder of the dress shirts that I made wine bottle gift bags from.


In addition I’ve been making a bunch more cards. I’ll show more of these last two projects at a later date. The cards have much less upcycling in it’s truest sense but I am still attempting to include elements that might otherwise be considered unusable such as tiny scraps of fabric and yarn. As well as photo trimmings. I have a cigar box full of photo trimmings…they have such vibrant colors that it’s a shame to toss them out.

It doesn’t have to be Earth Day to be a little “green”. Do a little more every day to be kind to our planet. Last time I checked…it’s the only one we have. :)

promise meIt’s been a while since I’ve sat down and worked in one of my art journals. Or at least it feels that way.

This was a quick page I did one morning while feeling inspired. It felt really good to be painting again.

I’ve been preoccupied with crafting for an upcoming craft show. My focus has been expanding my inventory…not art for the sake of art. :)


think pinkToday is October 1st…you know what that means.

Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

This is a cause near and dear to my heart. My mom is a survivor. She had cancer in 1968…before I was born…heck, before my parents even met.  She had a radical mastectomy and prayed for the best. The best is what she got. That was 45 years ago.

squeezeIn a little while I’m heading to the salon for a haircut. I’m having my gal put in my pink streaks in honor of my mom. This will be my third year of “going pink” for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.  I love that people ask about my pink streaks and I get to remind them of Breast Cancer Awareness.

We have company coming in from Wisconsin this evening. They are staying with my in-laws but we are hosting the evening meal. So much to do…so little time.

What are you doing today?

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I absolutely love kraft paper but don’t use it very often.

Today I made my kraft series of cards.

Well…I’m not sure you can call them a series but every card had kraft paper as the base.

Truth be told…it’s a grocery bag.

I had forgotten to bring my reusable bags to the store this week, so I had an abundance of paper bags.

I found a pretty way to recycle them.

Or maybe that would be upcycling.

I did a lot of sewing on my card bases this time. Much in part to my sewing machine nagging me to use her…well, more like screaming at me… wondering why it’s sitting out if it’s not being used.

After adhering the sewn base to the folded card stock, I go on to add additional embellishment.

Sometimes a sentiment.

Sometimes random bits that speak to me.

Collage cards are my favorite to make if you hadn’t noticed.

Making 25 of the same thing is so hard and mind numbing for me. Partially because that involves measuring and partially because I’d need to purchase enough material to make 25 identical cards.  That takes forethought, pre-planning and again, that pesky measuring business.

I like to mix things up. That’s why I own Fiestaware! I never set a table with all the same color at a place setting. The salad dish may not match the plate on my table. Quirky, I know.

Quirky maybe a way to describe my card making process. Or perhaps some would say, random.

Either way…making cards one at a time is the way I prefer.




BAH! It’s come around to T stands for Tuesday too quickly for me this week. Where does the time go??

Maybe its the plethora of things on my calendar lately.

Or perhaps the pain in my neck and shoulders is what has me out of sorts. I am getting better though. A couple trips to the chiropractor and some stretching exercises have been very helpful.

20130922_3457I had eluded to some changes that were possible on the horizon…it looks as if that is not to be right now. Perhaps that means I’m supposed to go in the direction I had been planning before this other opportunity presented itself. I know I’m being vague but until things are set in stone, I feel like I can’t say much more than that.

20130922_3458 20130922_3452 20130922_3453 20130922_3454 20130922_3456I attended Craftclub next door last Thursday and made 6 new cards,  saw a couple cool techniques and had a yummy pink frosted cupcake.

Why is a pink frosted cupcake significant you ask?  Don’t you just love it when I put words in your mouth?  Well, that is how we found out that one of our crafters is expecting a baby girl at New Years. FUN!

I’ve been having a mini love affair with flowers lately. It seems most things I do have them.

I once again have to apologize for not getting around to everyone…or truthfully…hardly anyone last week.  Tuesday came and went in the blink of my eye and the rest of the week was crazy as well. By the weekend I did have little bit of time but honestly I just didn’t have the energy to visit.

I’m off to knitting and a couple errands. My usual Tuesday gigs.

I’ll be back in plenty of time for visiting today.

What are you doing today?


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