

Another day, another party. It’s been a long week of getting together with friends.

Last night we went out to see our friends new house. Not wanting to come empty handed, I made them some custom coasters.

We spent Independence Day, as we have the past several years, at a friend’s house along the parade route in town. It’s always a great time.

I wanted to do a little something extra for our hostess who puts so much time and effort into making sure everyone has a good time. She’s a big fan of Rum and Coke. It ended up being a centerpiece on the buffet table.

Rum and coke

20130702_2348 20130702_2350 20130702_2349So here we are at week 4 of The Summer of Color with Charcoal Grey & Pale Pink. A much easier set of colors for me.

I had a bit of a hard time getting the right grey until I read on Elizabeth’s post that she puts a little purple into her grey’s to give it more intense color. It worked!! So happy….thanks E!

I’ve been doing a lot with splattering paint and inks lately. It seems  to add the texture I’m seeking.

I have to admit that this shot with those colors makes me think 1980’s…”like totally“. There are parts of the 1980’s worth reliving…

I’m also loving the texture I pressed into the grey. I was actually trying to stamp some black texture into it but the paint was still too wet. I decided to run with it.

I had some “help” taking my photos this morning…

20130701_2329I guess the owners of the lanes probably wouldn’t let me use this bowling ball anymore. I’ve had this in my head for a long time and finally found a bowling ball at a thrift store over winter. I had the stand leftover from a table top fountain that bit the dust years ago.


The little garden is really starting to come together. I just need a few more perennials with some color and I’ll be a happy camper.

The stepping stones were made at Mother’s Day when each of my kids were 2-ish. I love seeing their tiny little foot prints saved forever in the concrete.

They both hated the process but I’m glad I did it anyway. Neither remembers it, so it’s all good. :)

words to live by


More art journaling…I can’t stop.  I’m hoping this will become a good habit of mine. The bad ones are too easy to pick up. :)

For so long I struggled, and likely will again, with art journaling. Lately, it’s all I want to do. I’ve even started another book, one from the public library’s free shelf. It’s a teen fiction book called Kira-Kira.

kira-kira (kee ra kee ra): glittering; shining

I loved that! Also since it’s a slightly smaller book, I thought it would be perfect for another art journal.

enjoy the journey

I turned to the middle of the book and started painting with my fingers. No thought…just went for it. I definitely thought I’d wrecked these pages several times over.

enjoy the journey2

First when I accidentally flopped the wet pages together, causing them to stick and tear away the top layer.

enjoy the journey4

But in fact, it created some really fun texture and effect that I could have never created on my own.

enjoy the journey5

Yummy, grungy texture…makes me so happy!!

enjoy the journey3

The second and third time I thought I’d ruined the page was when I stamped the words with dye based in and it quickly faded and soaked into the painted page.  I went back with pigment ink and it was a really crappy image. I once again re-inked with pigment, carefully alining the stamp and finally got an image I could be happy about.  As it turns out, the dye based ink looks a bit like a shadow that I meant to have…happy accident.

I wish I didn’t have so many things on my plate today…I’d love to play with paint and paper all day!  What are you doing today?

be boldThis page just sort of happened. I started with some blues and my fingers…threw in a little green…then a bit of stamping for background texture. Some circles of white made me happy…I love circles.

I squirted some black ink straight from the dropper then gave my brush with the white paint a little shake. I love the drips and splatters.

When I sat back and looked I thought…BE BOLD. Because I was…I didn’t over think it..I just did it.  So go ahead and be bold today!


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