We spent Independence Day, as we have the past several years, at a friend’s house along the parade route in town. It’s always a great time.
I wanted to do a little something extra for our hostess who puts so much time and effort into making sure everyone has a good time. She’s a big fan of Rum and Coke. It ended up being a centerpiece on the buffet table.
So here we are at week 4 of The Summer of Color with Charcoal Grey & Pale Pink. A much easier set of colors for me.
I had a bit of a hard time getting the right grey until I read on Elizabeth’s post that she puts a little purple into her grey’s to give it more intense color. It worked!! So happy….thanks E!
I’ve been doing a lot with splattering paint and inks lately. It seems to add the texture I’m seeking.
I have to admit that this shot with those colors makes me think 1980’s…”like totally“. There are parts of the 1980’s worth reliving…
I’m also loving the texture I pressed into the grey. I was actually trying to stamp some black texture into it but the paint was still too wet. I decided to run with it.
I had some “help” taking my photos this morning…
I guess the owners of the lanes probably wouldn’t let me use this bowling ball anymore. I’ve had this in my head for a long time and finally found a bowling ball at a thrift store over winter. I had the stand leftover from a table top fountain that bit the dust years ago.
The little garden is really starting to come together. I just need a few more perennials with some color and I’ll be a happy camper.
The stepping stones were made at Mother’s Day when each of my kids were 2-ish. I love seeing their tiny little foot prints saved forever in the concrete.
They both hated the process but I’m glad I did it anyway. Neither remembers it, so it’s all good. :)
For so long I struggled, and likely will again, with art journaling. Lately, it’s all I want to do. I’ve even started another book, one from the public library’s free shelf. It’s a teen fiction book called Kira-Kira.
kira-kira (kee ra kee ra): glittering; shining
I loved that! Also since it’s a slightly smaller book, I thought it would be perfect for another art journal.
I turned to the middle of the book and started painting with my fingers. No thought…just went for it. I definitely thought I’d wrecked these pages several times over.
First when I accidentally flopped the wet pages together, causing them to stick and tear away the top layer.
But in fact, it created some really fun texture and effect that I could have never created on my own.
Yummy, grungy texture…makes me so happy!!
The second and third time I thought I’d ruined the page was when I stamped the words with dye based in and it quickly faded and soaked into the painted page. I went back with pigment ink and it was a really crappy image. I once again re-inked with pigment, carefully alining the stamp and finally got an image I could be happy about. As it turns out, the dye based ink looks a bit like a shadow that I meant to have…happy accident.
I wish I didn’t have so many things on my plate today…I’d love to play with paint and paper all day! What are you doing today?
This page just sort of happened. I started with some blues and my fingers…threw in a little green…then a bit of stamping for background texture. Some circles of white made me happy…I love circles.
I squirted some black ink straight from the dropper then gave my brush with the white paint a little shake. I love the drips and splatters.
When I sat back and looked I thought…BE BOLD. Because I was…I didn’t over think it..I just did it. So go ahead and be bold today!