
I finished the very last page in one of my journals, which ironically happened to be the inside cover.

The bold orange made me happy. When I spotted the quote in my stash I knew it was meant to be.

Other bits and pieces also found their way into my hands from a drawer of randomness. I keep thinking I need to sort that stuff but sometimes chaos is best for my creative process.


This heart makes me so, so happy.

The texture…  The inking on the edge… The the fact that its asymmetrical…

Yeah! Love it when things work out.

If you’d have seen the mess I made yesterday in another book, you’d truly understand why this one has restored my confidence. YIKES!

this has got to stop.April snow

We got a foot…yes, 12 full inches of snow in the last 24 hours.


The sun is out now so maybe it will inspire me to create. :)



Something light, bright and Spring-like  was what was called for last night.

Must have been the sunshine that had me feeling the love.

Since Google Reader is being phased out by July 2013, I’ve been searching for a new RSS Reader to follow blogs and news on the web.

I keep seeing info about Bloglovin’ so I figured I’d give it a shot.

Follow my blog with Bloglovin



The direction and colors I started with for this page got totally covered up.  So strange how things work out.

The background is a page I put together to make a custom Photoshop brush several years ago. It never made the cut so I stuck in a drawer and it promptly disappeared. It surfaced yesterday and was the perfect second beginning of my journal page.

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Most of the seeds I started have come up.

They have also survived Gracie. I put some tin foil up around the sides as some suggested that cats hate tin foil. Seems to have worked so far.

I have 3 varieties of tomatoes, basil, thyme and parsley. My green onions have yet to sprout so I’m thinking  that I’ll have to try again with some other seed.

I just love to look at the tiny little plants though, knowing the yummy goodness to come.


Now if only Mother Nature would cooperate….20130411_1720 20130411_1719

My gardens are a little full of snow right now from the latest storm.

We had thunder and lightning with the snowfall this morning. Crazy Spring!! With more on the way.

Don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for the snow. It provided much need moisture for the ground…I just wasn’t excited about the timing.

I had the honor and pleasure of being interviewed about recycling and the role it plays in my life by my friend Elizabeth as a part of her month long tribute to Earth Day.

Please stop by her blog for the interview and while you are there, check out her projects!!


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