A second page in my new journal. 
Remembering the day I took hundred’s of nature photos and collected seeds with an old friend.


I’ve been sorting beads and making a few more wine charms lately. 
Little J always wants to get in on the act with me. This morning she comes up with this wine glass charm! 
It’s my new favorite of all time.
I never would have seen that in those beads. 
Her mind works so much differently than mine. That’s why she’s a master Lego builder too.
Me…not so much.


Putting paint to pages of a book is very freeing.

This was a cookbook I never used.

All it did was take up space,
a new journal is born.
Little bits of this and that hoarded over time.
Such as the paint strip.
Bayou blue is the color Big J picked for his room.
It reminds me of medical scrubs but whatever…he likes it.

Pieces of projects and experiments.
Like bits of rusted fabric.
Polymer clay leaves from the one and only time I crafted with it. Yuck! Hate the smell of that stuff.
As well as a deconstructed silk flower that I used a script rubber stamp across for interest.

I’ve been working very hard at learning how to publish with WordPress today. I think I am really close to moving all my blogging here. I’m excited and apprehensive at the same time. Blogger has been like an old friend or an old shoe. You hate to give up what’s easy and comfortable. Making this move is a good thing.

No, this isn’t a work of art…
it’s just something I did quickly to cover a hot cocoa container. I may pretty it up more…or not.

I read about a great way to painlessly save for Christmas all year long and thought….hmmm…

We have our 20th wedding anniversary coming up in a little over 15 months. We’ve always talked about going someplace special for each of our “big number” anniversaries but never have. Mostly because we had little kids at the time. Now that they are older, I think it’s time.

So I’ve decided that every $5 bill that crosses my path goes directly through the slot I cut in the lid. I’m not going to look, count, or in anyway keep track until it’s time to open it to pay for our trip.

Mr. G is on board the our savings plan. We are both excited to see how much we can save. Since cash isn’t a commodity we use a lot, it could be slow going. When I told my mom about what we were doing and she sweetly slipped me the $5 bills she had on hand.

What do you think of our plan??


again at Going Green Crafters and Artists.
This time for my “Dr. Suess tree” made from book pages.
Thank you so much Monica!

I got up early…well, early for the weekend…and  this is what poured out of me.
The cold weather has me dreaming of summer now that the Holiday season is over. 



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