My BFF turns the big 4-0 tomorrow. Since she’s across the country from me I decided to SPAM her snail mail box this past week. I’m sure she’ll get me back next month when I going the club but its all in good fun. Neither of us are freaking out about 40…it just doesn’t seem possible. I feel like I’m 20 something. 
I sliced open the side of a water bottle and filled it  with a packet of flowers seeds, a knit dishcloth, crochet scrubbie, a wine cork, confetti, a few fortunes and a note.

The note explained the contents… 
In summary it said:
If I were there I’d give her flowers, instead she’ll have to plant her own. 
If I were there I’d help her clean her house, instead she’ll have to have her family to do it for her. 
If I were there I’d share a bottle of wine but sorry I drank it.

I also made a series of postcards with little snarky remarks all in jest of course. 
I realize this post doesn’t really have anything to do with tea… other than the fact that Sandy and I often have a cup of tea and a chat over the phone. 
Stop by Kimmie’s blog to see some “real” tea posts.


I have finally gone beyond just the standard dishcloth project.
Not that I won’t be making more of these but now I’ve been experimenting a bit.

I made a slight bigger doll hat and am planning a matching scarf.

I wanted more of an elf hat look for this one so I came up with my own “pattern”.   The “pattern” is still a work in progress. :)

Now I’m working on this new stitch on my loom…

Looks like popcorn to me!!
Since Pinterest has gotten so big I’ve decided to start labeling my photos so that if they are “pinned”, the credit goes to me.

Don’t get me wrong….I love Pinterest, but I also want to make sure I get credit where credit is due.
Follow Me on Pinterest
Not a part of Pinterest yet…need an invite?  Let me know in a comment.


 Preparation for this years garden has begun.  
All of my seeds have sprouted into these cute little seedlings…hooray!
I have 4 varieties of tomatoes, basil, mint, parsley, thyme and dill in one tray and petunias just getting started in the second. 
Not sure if  the flowers will be big enough by the time I want them outside but I had to try anyway.

The garden plot is waiting to be prepped as well.  
I haven’t dared do any raking or hoeing since hurting my back. I’ve got plenty of time though, we usually don’t plant anything outside until after Mother’s Day. Then the chance of frost is pretty slim.
Can’t wait to get the rest of the seeds into the ground! 
We love having a garden to eat from.


After having to take a couple weeks off from Darcy’s challenge, I’m back with my…or shall we say…Maggie’s postcard and page. 
Maggie continues to send her drawings or paintings to Thadeus.

She writes:
  Please let me know that you are alright. You haven’t responded to the letter I sent from my Aunt’s home. I had to skip my adventure to The Netherlands to care for the poor dear after her fall.
  I am having a wonderful cup of coffee here in Istanbul. Next I am off to explore the Grand Market. I know it will be a feast for the senses.
  Please write.       Warmly- Maggie

So that’s why there was no postcard from the Netherlands.  

My page has a small “mug rug” and some stained shipping tags. Maggie must have found some fun things to send home at the Grand Bazaar.
The pocket is from a chunk of altered fabric given to me by Belinda Spiwak years ago. I think it adds just the right pop of color and texture.


You may (or may not) have noticed that I have not posted anything since last Wednesday. 
I had intentions of completing projects but my back had other plans. An ice pack, ibuprofen and my chiropractor have been my friends this past week.
While sitting and icing, I’ve managed to finish The Help.
I like to read the novel before seeing a movie based on the book.
 And this, otherwise not comfortable, chair my friend. It has a nice firm straight back…something none of our the seating seems to provide. 
It’s made of elk antlers and is over 100 yrs old. 
I want to recover it in something more interesting than what is currently on it. 
It was my Grandfather’s chair. 
He traded an eye exam and glasses for it with a North Dakota Congressman or Governor in the early 1900’s. 
I’ve heard the story both ways. 
Pretty neat, huh! 
It’s definitely a conversation piece!!
The reason for the doll in the chair is to show one project that I did complete.

A tiny knit hat for Rosie.
Well my back has had just about enough sitting in front of the computer.
I’ll have to go check out the rest of the Tea Tuesday links over at Kimmie’s blog later.


Mixed media painting on a recycled book cover created yesterday on the Vernal Equinox. 

Does anyone still care what I have to say and share after all this time. Yikes! 
I’ve been keeping my screen time at a minimum lately…mostly just enjoying our unseasonably warm weather. I was too late to even have tea today.

I actually have been working on a few projects…none of them ready for viewing.

I did want to share Little J’s school project though. She came up with the concept…I just had to help figure out how to make it stand alone.  
 I covered a bowl in wax paper then had her glue row after row of mini-marshmallows. After everything set up for several days I was able to remove the bowl leaving the wax paper intact.
Check out the little fire she thought up as well. Tiny rocks from the sandbox and a synthetic dyed leaf cut into “fire” smooshed into a pool of glue before placing the igloo. 
The photos don’t show it but the whole works was sprinkled with a generous coating of iridescent  glitter for that “authentic” snow look.  
I’m sure everyone else has already left their links over at Kimmie’s blog long ago. Stop by and see for yourself.



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