I’ve been working on a few things over the last couple weeks.

I made the cover for my ABC_alteredbookclub 8th Anniversary swap book. I’m waiting on the last page to arrive before binding.
I used Citra Solv paper for the background then cut the flower from a photograph I took a few years ago.
I added the paper flower and “Joy” brad for interest.

Since we have a few September birthdays in our family I’ve been busy making cards. This one is for my mom. She loves butterflies and flowers.

Lastly, I’ll share a little peek at a mixed-media painting I’ve been working on. It’s not finished…definitely a work in progress.

Over the past couple weeks our family tried to squeeze as much time out of what was left of summer as possible. We ended up doing and seeing things that we hadn’t ever as a family even though they are right around the cities. Stay-cationing, I believe is the hip term for that these days.
I’ll only highlight a few…

The kids and I helped herd these sheep at a working farm that’s part of the local park system. It was quite funny…we were just there for a walk and to buy some produce and eggs when they asked if we could help. When do city kids get the chance to do something like that?!?

We stopped by beautiful Minnehaha Falls Park on our way to a museum one Saturday. Neither of us had been there since we were kids ourselves. It’s so beautiful that we have it on our list to see once more of the leaves start to change.

After a walk around the falls area we went to a one of a kind military museum that is sadly scheduled to close at the end of the month.   It really awesome to walk around all of those old vehicles…peek inside…

Of course, I took hundreds of pictures of a multitude of subjects in a multitude of other places but I won’t bore you with them all.  I just wanted to say hello and that I’m back online…no thanks to our cable company who kept me offline for 5 days longer than I expected.  GRRR!

Next time I’ll show you some new art…

I’ve noticed that I’ve been somewhat unplugged from the blogosphere lately…even from my computer completely.  It’s been kind of refreshing. With the end of summer wrap-up we have so many things on the calendar in such a small amount of time. 

I’ll be around here and there over the next couple weeks very randomly. I’m not trying to ditch you, if i don’t answer an email as promptly as I used to…I’m just not checking email very often.

Happy end of summer to everyone! I’ll be back to my “normal” self after Labor Day.

This was the last book for me to work in during our 6 player round robin. It has been so much fun! 
This last book is heading back home to  Canada, hopefully later today.

…I feel very domestic. 
As in old school… starting from scratch with all basic ingredients. 
Today was one of those days.
I was inspired by this blog post by Krista to try making butter. 

Into the mixer goes the heavy whipping cream…

Several minutes of high speed mixing brought me to here…
Notice the solids separated from the liquid….that liquid would be buttermilk. Cool huh!

After draining the buttermilk off and “washing” the butter…see Krista’s recipe

  I ended up with this nice ball of butter.

Remember the buttermilk I mentioned earlier… 
Oh yeah..pancakes for lunch baby!
During the midst of all that mixing I made a batch of salsa or maybe it would be pica de gallo depending on how you want to look at it.
Aren’t veggies beautiful!?!

On yet another beautiful morning, I am having a little quiet time on the deck before diving into the day.
Days like today remind me why we put up with the extremes of Minnesota weather.  
We’ve been blessed with an abundant garden once I figured out how to keep the critters at bay. The fencing and the flags along with an occasional sprinkle of blood meal seem to have done the trick.
I’ve picked a couple ice cream buckets full of green beans…  
Enough snow peas for stir-fry and munching…

Several big, yummy cucumbers 
with more on the way…

Very soon I’ll have more tomatoes than I know what to do with…
I can’t wait!
And by the way…
our leaves are starting to turn… 
just a few here and there. 
What a short growing season!

Drop by my friend Kimmie’s blog to see what’s going on with my tea Tuesday pals.
What are you doing today?

Quite a while ago, after posting my Travels handmade book, Margaret asked me if I had an postcards from Switzerland for my collection. 
Since I didn’t, we decided to do a little trade of items from our areas. 
Just look at all the fun items she sent!
I’m really looking forward to using the pretty napkins.
And this postcard is an awesome addition to my collection! 
It’s very Scandinavian looking…love that! 
Have I mentioned that I’m 100% Norwegian!?!
Thank you so much Margaret!

I also wanted to share a couple more bottle cap flowers I made the other day.

They are a fun addition to my garden.


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