As if I couldn’t get any more random… This weekend I started making terrain for miniatures.

My son recently got very interested in a miniature wargame called Warhammer 40k but the cost of said game can drive a person into the poorhouse. After talking with the hobby store owner about terrain and looking at some books I decided that I could make some hills and ruins out of stuff we already had around.

The hill was my first piece. It’s made from foam sheathing. I carved it into hill like shapes then glued them together. Sand was used in place of the expensive texture paint that was recommended. Then came the paints to make it more “real”.  Little bits of moss as bushes helped with the allusion.

The other piece is a ruined building….at least one corner of a building.

I had a lot of fun with this one. I used molding paste to give the heavy cardboard some stone-like texture then used some paint techniques to give it definition.  Again, little bits of moss as bushes helped with the realism.

Bet you never even knew I was gone! Ah, the magic of scheduled posting.

We just got back from Wisconsin Dells! It was a blast! We stayed at a resort that had 5 water parks. Of course the one we loved most was a long walk but hey…wears the kids out!!

We did the typical Dells things that you just have to do at least once if you visit…

We rode the Army Duck Boats, toured the Tommy Bartlett Exploratory, walked the tourist trap downtown area, had our picture taken at the dam and played in the water until we were very prune-like.

We also did some goofy things like stopping to take a picture of the kids in front of most any statue we could find.

It was a wonderful vacation…without having to board an airplane. :)  Jamaica, I’m sure would have been better but we can’t drive there. 

I’m on a roll…

I can’t seem to stop making ATC’s!

It’s a great way to use up scraps!!

I felt the need to make something… ATC’s seemed like the perfect choice since they are small and make it easy to use up scraps.

I came across a link at Frugal Dad to an amazing set of photos. I was so intrigued and captivated by these photos I just had to share.

The 70 photos are at the Denver Post site.

…things just don’t turn out as planned.

This is what came out of my oddball brain after a few mistakes.

Maybe I need to take a break from the madness for a little while…at least until the kids get back to school. Maybe then I’ll be able to complete a thoug….

Oh,sorry… what was I saying…?!

Random thoughts rein supreme around here these days.

Here’s tiny 4×6 inch canvas I made yesterday from scraps as I was attempting to clean up my art zone. Of course, I got distracted…


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