I’m getting closer to being caught up with the rest of the Dress-up Project folks from the Alice and Camila blog.
I decided to use sheet music for the base of the dress. I did a quick wash of green craft paint and decided I liked the color.
Next came the necklace which set the tone for the dress. Gold flowers. The necklace is made of old earring parts.
Want to see more…check out the other March dresses.
I decided I needed to do something different. Something experimental. So I grabbed a book and started slapping down some paint. I added what ever felt right at the moment. I didn’t even wait for the paint to completely dry. I just made art for the sake of doing it, not for what my end result might be. It was very free and very fun. I’m positive I didn’t spend more than 10 minutes on each one.
I don’t know if I’ll go back and add actual journal entries in these pages or if they are done but who cares right!?!
The sun finally came back out and it warm and dry enough to plant my new garden box!
I have 5 tomato plants this year:
- 3 yellow pear shaped (from saved seeds)
- 1 heirloom apparently striped traded with a friend for a little yellow plant
- 1 purchased Big Boy plant
We planted 3 kinds of peppers, chives, french thyme, basil and green onions. Although I don’t have much hope for the onions.
Marigolds are planted along the front edge of the garden to try to detour the bunnies and deer from snacking.
As in previous years, I have more herbs in containers on the deck as well as this year’s experiment, bib lettuce.
I decided to add a bit more fabric to this dress. It reminds me of one of my favorite Barbie doll dresses from the 70’s. Well, at least the long straight skirt part. Sorry for the poor photo…it’s been raining here for days. I can’t get any decent natural light!!
Be sure to check out the other creations from my fellow Dress-up 2010 participants at the Alice and Camilla blog.
I figured I’d better start at the beginning of the year and work my way forward in order to properly catch up with Margaret and the rest of the group at Alice and Camilla.
This dress is fitting for a Winter Carnival Princess. I even decided to give her a snowflake medallion to wear. The mesh apron was made from a garlic bulb bag from Trader Joe’s. I’ve saved some red and purple as well. It’s a fun material to use!
My daughter says the dress looks a lot like Cinderella’s. I can see that too but that was not my intention.
A few of the blogs I frequent have been participating in a special project this year called Dress Up Challenge 2010. After seeing the unique take on this project from so many participants I wished I had joined. Someone said…”well why don’t you…you can catch up.” Yet I still was reluctant.
It doesn’t look like much now but that is about to change. I’ve removed the tiny hooks and wood cross pieces from the inside. Next I’m going to give both the outside and inside a makeover. Lastly I’ll install a closet rod for the dresses to hang from.
I’m very excited about this new project and look forward to sharing my progress.