One of my favorite thrift stores up and closed on me a few months back. I was shocked when I pulled up to an empty lot. Luckily I got out and read the sign. Closed! Moving to new location in April. Well, glory be…that new location happens to be MUCH closer to my house!

They opened their doors on Tuesday in the new, larger, more convenient location. I finally made it there today. I bought more than I usually do but I guess I was having withdrawals. With no thrift store and weather too cold for garage sales, its enough to give a girl fits.

But what is that I see…a garage sale sign! Hooray!

I got everything at the thrift store with the exception the pink bag of crafty goodness that came from a garage sale.

I’ve been struggling with allergies this week. Haven’t gotten much on my “to-do” list accomplished.

I did sit down and create this yet untitled bird page.

I also started a couple other pieces. Not sure where the others will lead.

This my 3rd year using this technique. It never ceases to amaze me that each time I get different results!

This year I used:

  • red cabbage which gave me the acid washed denim look
  • beets gave me the rust color
  • fresh cilantro and thyme gave me the bright yellow/citron color

Now that I’m four days into Spring Break, I could be a mom on the edge of sanity knowing myself and my children. I have to say, over all, things are going quite well.

I had another successful morning of bread making. This time I made buns and a small round loaf. The buns were a little short but tasty. The loaf has not yet been sampled.

The kids are sticking to their chore charts, we ran errands and no blood was spilled. 

The stop at the post office brought a package… My OWOH prize has arrived from Angelina’s Trinkets. Thank you!!

A relative of my mother-in-law is hosting an ATC swap that is right up my alley.

I love painting!

The swap is 3 for 3. Not being able to settle on watercolors or acrylics, I did a set of each.

Remember a while back I mentioned some of my challenge pieces were chosen for publication?   Well…my complementary issue of Somerset Memories Spring 2010 has arrived!

I couldn’t be more thrilled!!

Trust me…I was excited when I got the email saying they had chosen a few pieces back then but I can’t even tell you how much more wonderful it is to open the magazine and see your own work on the page.

I’ll be sharing all seven pieces I submitted as soon as I get the package back. The pictures I took before sending them off were really poorly lit and kind of fuzzy. Thank goodness Somerset takes their own beautiful photos!



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