I checked out this book from the library last week and knew I had to make a tie bag.

I had these ties stashed away knowing someday I’d use them.

It took me a couple of hours to put together. I broke a needle on my machine as well in the process. First time I’ve ever done that!

I learned that I had to manually “walk” the stitching forward by turning it by hand through the thick areas. Such technically accurate terms huh?! I am a trial and error girl. I don’t follow directions well. This may be an issue in my quest to learn to knit…

There has been no time for art…

I can even begin to tell you how much snow we have moved over the past few days.

See our pathetically short snowman… Buried…

The piles are so high…”How high are they?”….
I can hardly throw the snow over the top anymore. The garbage can may help for reference.

Welcome to the double digits, son!

As soon as I finished Wine 2.0 I just knew it wasn’t going to work for me. We’ve used it a bit anyway since I’d put so much time and effort into the piece.

I’m sure this one is going to work really well for our journal.
It is an old 3-ring binder cookbook with a dozen dividers so we can arrange and rearrange our labels and notes as much as we want.
We even have a “black listed” section for truly awful wines. Ones that under no circumstance do we ever want to have again.

I fixed my mistake and sewed like a mad woman yesterday and this morning.

I’m very happy with the quilt. I made 3 edges scalloped and the top edge straight so it would fit more like a bedspread.


  • 238 denim circles cut by hand from jeans, shorts and a dress
  • countless small spools of colored thread
  • 46 semi circles and 192 5 in squares of fabric from my stash
  • 3 band-aids…pins and my fingers don’t play nicely together
  • size: 75 x 90 inches
  • weight: 8lbs

See the square piece laying over the rectangular hole!!!!

AGH! I hate it when I mess up!!! Lots of sewing to rip out…


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