I checked out this book from the library last week and knew I had to make a tie bag.
I had these ties stashed away knowing someday I’d use them.
It took me a couple of hours to put together. I broke a needle on my machine as well in the process. First time I’ve ever done that!
I learned that I had to manually “walk” the stitching forward by turning it by hand through the thick areas. Such technically accurate terms huh?! I am a trial and error girl. I don’t follow directions well. This may be an issue in my quest to learn to knit…
As soon as I finished Wine 2.0 I just knew it wasn’t going to work for me. We’ve used it a bit anyway since I’d put so much time and effort into the piece.
I’m sure this one is going to work really well for our journal.
It is an old 3-ring binder cookbook with a dozen dividers so we can arrange and rearrange our labels and notes as much as we want.
We even have a “black listed” section for truly awful wines. Ones that under no circumstance do we ever want to have again.
I fixed my mistake and sewed like a mad woman yesterday and this morning.
I’m very happy with the quilt. I made 3 edges scalloped and the top edge straight so it would fit more like a bedspread.
- 238 denim circles cut by hand from jeans, shorts and a dress
- countless small spools of colored thread
- 46 semi circles and 192 5 in squares of fabric from my stash
- 3 band-aids…pins and my fingers don’t play nicely together
- size: 75 x 90 inches
- weight: 8lbs