Search Results of "earth day"

24 posts

Hello and welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday.

It’s been a pretty standard week for me…work, home and errands keep me busy. I was tasked with a project by Mini-me though. She has been playing Minecraft for 10 years now. If you’ve never heard of it, here’s a very basic explanation…it is pixel and block based building game so everything is square but check out the link if you want to know more.

She wanted to make the windows in her room look like glass blocks in Minecraft.

Out came the Silhouette portrait machine. We fudged the blocks slightly so that they would be attached for easy placement. Something you’d never notice on the final product unless I told you.

My crafty neighbor had gifted me with some white vinyl a while back, I wasn’t sure how it would work but Lord knows I kept it just in case. It actually worked perfectly!


Look at the fun shadows it creates as the sun sets.

I can’t leave without sharing a sweet photo of Marvin on Caturday Saturday.

And this is just a photo of Marvin being very helpful as Mini-me works on her classes.

I’m totally loving my new mugs with one minor issue…I usually bring a cup of coffee with me to drink on my way to work. My new mugs do not fit in the cup holder of my van. Yes, I use really mugs with open tops in the van. I’m a nut, its okay, I’m good with it.

What are you doing today?

At my school the last day is grade level field trips. I went with 7th grade to Nickelodeon Universe at Mall of America. Nothing like setting 6 bus loads of kids free at the mall (and that was just from our school).

We walked in under this beautiful and interactive art installation.

There was a rope attached with a sign that read “Pull rope to help her fly“.  The kids had fun helping her flap her wings. Here’s a little news clip about it if you’d like to see more including a video of it in motion.

I went on 3 rides during our time at the mall. The first was the worst…hard on the body…very jerky, spinny and not for the feint of heart. The second was also pretty scary but not so hard on the body.

All those teal twists and turns made me scream a few times much the the glee of the students.

This was the view from the Ferris wheel…nice and slow with a great view of the park.

Over the weekend I did some outdoor sprucing up. I stitched up some new buntings for my gardens…

FYI…My glass of water is just out of frame on the step in adherence with T stands for Tuesday.

And refreshed some metal garden art…

I used several cans of spray paint to brighten up the flower. I’m not sure I love it but it’s so much better than before!

This little sign really needed help and a 3D element. I had two of these metal flowers. They have a metal pin out from the back. I used a tie tack back and a washer to hold it on the sign. IT hangs from a shepherds hook along the front walk.

Today I took Mini-me to take her drivers test…and she passed!! Then I sent her to Target on an errand.

Woot! She did great. She is so happy…so am I! Now she can drive herself to work and school and volleyball and well you get the picture…

Tuesday morning we are getting a new roof put on the house. I know…super exciting. I’ve got all kinds of busy work to do in the house while the nail guns are hammering.

What are you doing today?

This Memorial day marks one year since I lost my mom. She was on my mind all day. Half way through my first cup of coffee I made the decision not to be sad but to reflect and remember the good things, The funny memories. The things that make me smile.

As I walked around the yard watering before it got too hot, I thought about her green thumb. She had flowers galore and a big garden. Houseplants too. I guess I’ve taking after her in that way. I love spending time tending to the garden. Making it beautiful and productive,

My newly sewn and strung garden bunting made me smile. Mom was no seamstress. In fact she hated sewing. She was so happy when I learned how to sew in school and gladly passed all of her supplies on to 13 yr old me.  I’ve never stopped sewing since!

After finishing the outdoor chores I headed inside to do a bit of art journaling. I was really feeling inspired by nature.

The background colors I laid down didn’t scream nature. They were the colors that spoke to me though. Sort of a hard edge along with nature.

Layers upon layers stacked. This fussy cut stamped birds nest was the perfect way to embrace nature. I used watercolor crayons to color the robin eggs then used diamond glaze over top to add dimension. The addition of the thread help sell the idea of the nest for me.

I added the skeleton leaf for balance.  As soon as I added the leaf, the words “live gently upon the earth” jumped out at me.  This page made me smile.

Linking up with Art Journal Journey for Flora and Fauna

Art Journal Journey
as well as T stands for Tuesday today.
Eight days of school left. Whoop, whoop!
What are you doing today?


This week has been filled with a roller coaster ride of emotions and events…frankly, I’m exhausted. I wasn’t even sure I was going to play along with T stands for Tuesday but I’m here and will share the highs and lows with you.

Let’s just get the low over with so we can move on to brighter things. My mom has Stage 4 Melanoma so her time left with us is limited. Exactly how limited, we don’t know. Now my absences from blogland both in posting and visiting make a bit more sense. Anyway…mom is determined to live what life she has left on her own terms which I highly praise her for.

She has a good friend in her building that has taken a big sister role in her life. She is such a sweet lady and I am so grateful for their friendship. I wanted to show some appreciation to her and put my nervous energy to a creative use.

(Note the wine glass as my beverage for T stands for Tuesday)

 I think it turned out pretty well and when I delivered it to her apartment I learned that yellow is her favorite color! I love it when things work out that way.

I also got my plants started…well some of them. I still want to start a few more.

I used old kid cups that were just going to hit the recycle bin as my planters. I literally had them in hand over the bin when I realized they could be used for my seedlings. I just drilled a couple holes in the bottom for drainage and ta-da…mini pots.

You may also notice the markers in each pot. I cut down container lids and wrote on them with sharpie marker. Since it’s April (Earth month) I thought I’d point out those little recycling tips.

Now just about a week later I have this! 

Do not adjust your screens….that is the full spectrum UV light you see in action. The different color LED’s all combine to cast a pinkish purple light and obviously the plants love it!

On Thursday last week the kids and I drove to Fargo, ND. We spent the night in a hotel before taking a tour of NDSU in the next morning. J said he thought it was a little too big for his taste but is still planning to apply since they have really good guaranteed scholarships for students with high GPA and ACT scores. Fingers crossed that he does well on the ACT this month. Mini-me said she didn’t like NDSU at all. Ok…check that one off the list for potential schools for her.  I, myself, spent a brief time at NDSU as a freshman. The campus has certainly changed since then.

I also did some work on this painting.

I am letting it sit for a few days to decide if its done or not. I’m thinking it is…what do you think?

Today has a repairman coming out for my stove. Luckily I called in just days before the warranty was to expire. Also lots of phone calls and emails to take care of since I pretty much took yesterday off. I really needed a breather day after last week.

What are you doing today?

T stands for Tuesday

We’re back from our 4th annual Mother Daughter retreat in Northern MN.


It was another great weekend.


We had a really cool cabin that we shared with approx 50 mothers and daughters. I think I heard there were around 250 of us total this weekend.


The weekend was filled with lots of activities such as hay rides,





farm animals


and of course, horse back riding.


Mini me had a horse named Patches


and mine was Quilta. It hard to tell without a frame of reference but this is a very tall horse but just a sweetheart to ride.

We also did some craft projects. Two projects came home unfinished as there just wasn’t enough time.

We did complete our fairy garden.IMG_1005

and a couple of stamped leather pieces.


We had a great time, over-indulged on treats, laughed, got soaked in the rain, walked countless miles up and down the hills at camp and slept very little.

Sounds like a blast huh?

Now that life has returned to normal, I’m trying to get back to eating healthy again.


I’ll start with this green monster smoothie. I have plans to walk with friends later this week. If it warms up enough today, I may walk or ride my bike over to Paisley Park to pay my respects.

What are you doing today?

rainy dayI come to you today with wet feet. Figuratively…thank goodness. We’ve had over 6 inches of rain in the past 72hrs and it’s still coming down….and is expected to thru Friday. coffee listToday as usual I’m making my lists. It’s yet another busy week…actually busier than normal. I’m thinking I need to redefine my normal.20140428_4667I did do another painting over the weekend. It’s on a 12×12 canvas. I’m thinking that I want to put a gloss or at least satin coat over the top because I liked it even more while it was still wet.20140428_4668So far it’s untitled. The top makes me think of sun flares and the bottom, the ocean…what’s in the middle? I’m not sure. I just loved those colors together and the bleeding effect both up and down.

Oh joy…I just looked outside and now it’s snowing.snowingActually much harder than this picture, now that I got it edited. Camp is not going to be fun if this keeps up.

I’m off to do errands but will be back later to visit all my T stands for Tuesday friends.

Imagine yourself carrying about your business when a rumble begins.

It slowly builds.

At first you think it must be a small group of motorcycles.

Then the rumble intensifies and continues.

Curiosity gets the better of your and you drop what your doing and walk through the woods to find this sight…

Hundreds. Seriously, hundreds of motorcycles cruising their way north. Of course, at the time we had no way of knowing what the heck is going on . It gave me goose bumps. I knew it must be something significant….

After returning home I looked up the website shown on the back of the case car trailer and found that this group was on an annual ride in tribute to our brave solders who lay their lives on the line each and everyday in service to our country.

I can’t tell you what an amazing sight it was to see…too feel the rumble of all those bikes. It was fun when the bikers noticed us through the woods…they started honking and waving when they saw me with my camera. Of course, I was too caught up in the moment to capture all that.


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