Hello! We’re still here…all still here…always…

Have you settled into a routine within our new normal? I feel as if we have. It’s slightly less structured than the beginning of this new normal. Workspaces have shifted. Schedules have adjusted…Marvin is still not pleased but such is the life of a cat.

In my free time, I’ve continued to put scrap paper to use making serendipity collages. These are so fun and can be made without much thought. Very therapeutic.

I was able to cut 3 postcards, 2 tags, a bookmark, and a tiny tag. These are not finished of course but a good start.

I have a bunch of seedlings started in my plant cart. Tomatoes, peppers, and cucumbers so far. I have some flower seeds in the purple pots but they are kind of old so I’m not holding my breath on those. I also started a few cold-weather crops outside…I’ve never tried it this early so we’ll see what happens.sewing masks

sewing masks

I got back to sewing more masks as well. My fabric selection is dwindling as well as my elastic supply. Thankfully I had a spool I bought last year when I was making scrunchies from Mini-me. Otherwise, I’d have never been able to make as many masks as I have.

Distance learning continues for Mini-me and I.  J has two weeks of class left of his sophomore year of college. Final exams will be taken from his bedroom…so strange.

I’m staying hydrated while getting this post written with some ice water…please excuse the messy desk.


What are you doing today?

Who knew that inspiration could strike while randomly gluing bits and pieces of paper from the scrap bin. Seriously…this is too weird. I was feeling the need to craft something…anything. I had watched a couple of YouTube videos of folks making these insanely beautiful collaged papers. Of course, the bits and pieces that they used were amazing. Pieces that I wouldn’t be “just trying to use up”. But this thought got me to put paper and glue together.serendipity background beginnings

I started with a double-page spread from a children’s music book. I added bits of paper from my scrap bin until I was pleased or in this case…just “done” with this process.serendipity background

Not bad right…not super but workable. I added some washi tape, stamping, and stickers.

Next, I took the sheet to my guillotine cutter and needed to decide how to chop this up.

serendipity background

I decided on three postcards and several tags or perhaps journal cards.

I added some paint and embellishments to the postcards before adhering them to plain paper. I then ran them through the sewing machine to make sure everything stayed firmly together.

serendipity postcard

serendipity postcard

serendipity postcard

Super fun!serendipity background

These are the completed pieces that are ready to use. The gaps are still WIP. Not sure what I’ll do with them but that’s ok.

I had so much fun with this process that I made another collage sheet.serendipity background

I have 5 postcards and 2 tags with a fun springtime vibe.

I made this sheet on Saturday…before this happened on Sunday.Merry Eastergiving

SNOW!! What a crazy weather day. Mini-me and I decided that we should say “Merry Eastergiving” since the outside said Christmas, I was making a Thanksgiving style meal with turkey, all on Easter Sunday for just the 4 of us.

The card in the collage above was made by a sweet friend of mine.  She is a tremendous card maker. I’ve been sending more cards lately. A card in the mailbox is a tiny bit of joy I can send someone. Just getting a handwritten card by a real person these days is nearly cause for celebration. We need that these days.

Distance learning continues at our house…both on the teaching and learning ends of things. chromebook styleMy school issued Chromebook is getting a workout. Stickers optional but fun indeed.

What are you doing today?

nature winsThe following is just a personal narrative or perhaps just a mind dump. I do not intend to offend anyone or downplay that gravity, sacrifices and heartache that COVID-19 is bringing to the world. Choose to read or move on…it’s okay. I don’t mind either way.

Is it wrong of me to think that there is a teeny, tiny part of this pandemic that could be thought of as a good thing? A reset button that was pressed by mother nature. Something to get us back to reality. What really matters. Not the superficial, Instagram worthy fluff. But what really matters day to day. Food, family, connection. The shelter in place, stay at home orders have done this.

There seems to be a great resurgence in old timey skills that were nearly forgotten. Making due. Making things work…not always exactly like you had envisioned but the way you can with what you have. No big box, order online, get it tomorrow ideals.  What do you have and what can you do with it?

This time has also made me realize how close to the edge so many people live. There are tons of families that count on school providing a meal or two for their children everyday. This shutdown has to be scary for them. The whole thing makes me very sad. How do we live in a society that people and corporations throw commodities away daily while some families can’t even feed their children? It makes me a bit sick inside when I dwell on it.

This reset button has had a positive impact so far on our family. Expectations have been lowered. Now some might say that is a negative thing. But I have to respectfully disagree. Because of the area we live in, our children expect more from life than we can afford. That being said, they aren’t like some of the entitled jerks you see in viral videos but they also could stand a bit of reality slapping them in the face. Honestly…most Americans fit into this category…myself included.

Circling back to expectations…for nearly two decades I was a stay at home mom and wife. There is a certain expectation that the title holds. Home cooked meals at the prescribed times, of course, balanced and beautiful. Clean and tidy house. Lovely garden. Bills paid. Cupboards organized. You see where I am going. 1950’s housewife category. Perhaps that was mostly an expectation I put upon myself. This “reset” has helped to temper those thoughts. Can I get my family fed with what we have at home without exposing ourselves to potential illness? Is what we are seeking out worth the possibility of being exposed to a contagion?

This weekend was Mr. G’s 50th birthday. Typically I would have scoured the stores until I found his favorites to cook a feast. Or seeking out a restaurant. This year things were very different. Expectations were lowered. And guess what…we had a phenomenal meal. I tried a couple of new ideas since I was making due. Twice baked potatoes…which could have had more flavor or been better but hey…I wouldn’t have tried to make them had I not been “forced” to improvise. With that said, I feel I must be transparent. I love convenience. I am somewhat prone to laziness. I am not afraid of hard work but I definitely will take the paved road in most instances over the rocky path. 

This time is also getting us to try new things…working from home, learning from home, final exams from home. Who would have thought?  The internet is definitely helping keep us together and learn new things virtually. Thank goodness.

In a year that I wasn’t planning to garden I am now actually expanding my garden. Adding new crops. Experimenting with container gardening and small bin composting. All to be more self-sufficient. Not that I am afraid that our food supply is going to collapse but I would rather not go to the store for fresh produce if I can possibly grow it myself. There is also a bit of pride for me in this. Being able to do things for our family…again those nearly forgotten skills in our fast paced, buy it now society. Having my kids see that we don’t have to purchase everything in life. Things don’t have to be brand new or perfect to be good and useful. 

Beyond expanding the garden I’ve also been baking bread, sewing masks to donate, giving haircuts to the family. We’ve watched movies and Netflix. Taken walks. Had meals with conversations. Played darts in the garage. Felt what it was like to have family time again.

I do pray when this is all over that we, as a world community, have all learned something very important and long lasting. If not it is a very big slap in the face to everyone on the front lines against the fight of this virus who risked their health and sacrificed time with those they love.

Since we have entered April, which happens to be Earth Month…or at very least the month that we honor Earth day…I thought it fitting to “recycle” one of my upcycling posts for Second on the 2nd.

Take a look….

2/22/2013 Recycled T-shirt Bags


First of all, I have to admit that this is not my original idea. I’ve seen many versions of this on Pinterest.    box pleat

But after going through the kids clothes and coming up with 2+ garbage bags full to pass along to a friend, it inspired me to keep a couple school shirts for this project.

This project couldn’t be an easier. I turned the shirt inside out then stitched the bottom closed.  Next was the box pleat to create a flat bottom. Basically you sew perpendicular to the bottom seam at each corner. You end up with a triangle of fabric that is not usable bag space. Gosh, I think I’m making that more complicated than it really is!! Here’s a link that shows the process if I just confused you.

Anyway…then I turned the shirt back right side out and cut off the sleeves and made a scoop cut at the neckline. No pattern just start cutting. We all know what a plastic handle bag from the grocery or discount store looks like….that’s what you are going for in shape.

All in all, not too shabby for a few minutes work. It saved a couple of shirts from the rag pile since  they’d likely never be worn again.

Little J claimed the lime green one as soon as she returned home. It was her shirt to begin with so now it will continue to serve her in a different capacity.


Won’t you join me for

Welcome to yet another rousing edition of T stands for Tuesday.

This week finds most of us in the same place as last…at home, still at home. The difference for me is now my job has started back up after an extended spring break. I find myself in a very strange place much like hundreds of thousands, perhaps millions of people. Trying to figure out how to work from home.

I had two laptops set up on opposite sides of the table yesterday. My work one was the only one that actually saw any work. I had thought I’d get this post written but navigating through day 1 of distance learning proved to be more intense than I had expected. Honestly, I think it’s easier to just go to school. Likely because there is also no distractions.

When I’m at home I tend to wear those other hats; chef, nutritional consultant, household manager, inventory specialist, artist, garden and landscape architect, blogger, chief procurement officer, mom, seamstress, and wife. All these titles…and likely a few I missed…I’m used to at home…it’s the new one, the one that is my actual paying job that needs to be my focus. So weird. Such uncharted territory.  I am thankful for the opportunity to continue to work since with so many folks now unemployed. I am determined to do my absolute best to support my students during this confusing time.

Speaking of the artist hat. I have been neglectful in posting this journal page. 

It’s a very simple page. The striped background is an artist page from an old Stampington & Company magazine. After adhering bits of scraps, I was at a loss as to what I wanted as a focal image. I decided on drawing simple greenery. I used watercolor crayons over my pencil marks until achieving the look I wanted.

The green plant provided hope for spring. We are definitely in need of a little greening up out there. Everything is brown, matted grass and depressing. It is warming up though, so it’s coming!!

Last week I was also sewing masks. I had seen repeated calls for help with providing masks for health systems that are running low. Ones that aren’t used on the front lines of the fight against COVID-19. Since I had materials to create the specific ones shown in this video tutorial.


I made 28 and a friend stopped by to pick them up from the front step to deliver with all of hers. I had posted this image on Instagram. Shortly after a woman private messaged me asking if I’d be willing to sell her a couple of masks. I told her no but I would send a couple to her. She wanted to pay me so instead I told her to Pay It Forward.


View this post on Instagram


Hello everyone.. the picture of the bandanna face mask were made by @halleshobbies and she is donating them to a medical facility. She also sent one to me ( I have IPF) I offered to pay and she asked me to Pay it Forward. The Respironic Nebulizer machines are mine. I contacted Lifespan and a home nurse is picking them up. They will be given to two families that are going to be healing at home with the Covid- 19. Lifespan hospital will thoroughly clean the first of course. It is my way of paying it forward. With my illness these machines were almost in every room of my house. They actually have saved my life many times. If any of you can find a way of donating anything to help out in our current situation look around the house see what you can do. Even if it’s giving your neighbor some toilet paper. A huge thanks to Halle. Please everyone go check out her channel!

A post shared by June Basiliere (@thriftedinapeartree) on

I love that! I’m so happy that our little exchange has the potential to save lives!!

Today is day 2 of distance learning. My own children seem to be doing just fine. I talked to a neighbor last evening…at the proper social distance…her girls are early elementary age and in Spanish immersion. Her day was not so easy. Hopefully, we will all settle into this new normal quickly and keep on learning each day. Perhaps discovering something deep inside ourselves that we weren’t able to see before.

empty halls

This lonely hallway photo I snapped gives me pause. So quiet, so lonely. Yet look…there is light at the end, just as there is light at the end of this journey for all of us.


What are you doing today?

I can’t even begin to count how many times I have used this particular image. When I was first learning how photoshop and my printer played together I inadvertently printed multiple copies of the same sheet of images…which happened to be all the same image. Since I don’t like to waste and printer ink costs a small fortune, I have become very fond of this odd foursome.foursome art journal page

I always wonder what the story is behind this photo. Siblings, extended family, sister wives? I decided to play on the latter with a bit of printed vellum.printed vellum loves me loves me not

The background of this page is simply a book page.  After adhering a piece of Tim Holtz tissue paper over the entire page, I added color with gelatos. I softened and blended the color with baby wipes.

More instances of this image:


I’m sure most of you are in the same position we are here. Adjusting to the new normal. Everyone home trying to do school and work. We had a family meeting on Sunday to set some ground rules and expectations.

So far it’s just J that has specific class times. Mini-me and I are still on spring break. Next week will be an even bigger adjustment. Mini-me and I will most likely be in “distance learning” mode. She will have online classes and I will be…well they aren’t really sure what our role will be at this time. Perhaps making videos to support learning, reading, typing curriculum…what ever is needed really.STOP work in progress sign

I quickly whipped up a couple of these signs for when the kids are working in there bedrooms. It’s not pretty but it is effective.

Mr. G is still working but in a remote location for now. There are just two of them getting an industrial printer running. I think it’s only a matter of days before he’ll be working from home as well. casually bored Marvin

Marvin is confused. His routine of morning snack, morning nap, bird watching, more napping and so on is really getting messed up by his humans constantly going from room to room making noise.dried apples

All this time at home has had me using my dehydrator and even attempting to make hamburger buns. The key word there is attempting. They are a little dense…ok a lot dense. Not too bad cut in half and toasted though.

I’ve been doing a bit more journaling as well. Both just writing and art journaling. This writing journal sometimes gets a bit of both.


This page started as a mind dump. Grievances and complaints but then something shifted. Maybe it was because I was able to rid my mind of all the clutter and garbage floating around in there. I became more mindful of things to celebrate and be thankful for.

gratitude journalling

I continued onto the next page. I was able to go to bed and actually sleep after all of this. Perhaps this mind dump will become a habit that will help me be more mindful each day.coffee for two

Today has three of us home working on chores and little projects. Trying to stay active. Keeping physically distant from others while maintaining social connections.

What are you doing today?

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