When my husband got his new mini computer for work he mentioned that he really needed something to protect it from scratches and such during transport.
I immediately thought of using a denim jeans leg. I quickly made one up but discovered the denim just wasn’t thick enough.
Then I remembered these camo pants legs I had and the matching belt piece from yet another pair of pants. The original denim pants leg is the lining inside the camo. I also put some light weight foam at the bottom so the mini computer would have some cushion.

I really happy with the result and it cost me nothing but the electricity to run the sewing machine.

I’ve been playing a bit…no real direction or purpose. Just having fun.

The first item is any ATC. I made this one day when I had inserted my foot way too far down my throat for my comfort.

The other items are in a board book. I think this board book is the closest thing to an art journal that I’ve made so far. Other than this book that I haven’t been able to bring myself to actually journal in yet.

I’m so happy with these glass jars I was able to find at the thrift store.

It got me to clean off my pile of random junk so I could display these jars full of wrapped ribbons.

I’m hoping these colorful additions will provide lots of inspiration.

I saw this post a while ago and knew I wanted to emulate it.
I finally made it to a dollar store to get some old fashion clothes pins.

The wrapping process has begun.

I think a trip to Goodwill is in order to find some pretty glass jars to store them in.

I joined a numbers themed ATC swap on ABC.

I used pages from a Mathmatic tables book…from back in the day that you didn’t just push the button on the calculator….as the background.
I attached these pages to recycled cereal and pasta boxes for a more sturdy base.

The woman’s image came from The Commons on Flickr. What a great resource for artists! Thanks to Penny for giving our group the heads up on this one!!

I love putting words into people mouths…especially when I can get a chuckle out of it!

Bloggerannmarie said…

Very nice gift. How creative. Thanks for participating. annmarie (email removed for her privacy)

January 28, 2009 7:26 PM

Annmarie I will be sending you an email requesting your contact info shortly.


Here’s your last chance to comment on my OWOH giveaway post. Comments posted after 11:59 Central Standard Time will not be accepted. I will use a random number generator tomorrow to pick the winner. If I have not heard back from the winner in 2 days or if contact info was not left…I will run the random number generator again.

Good Luck!!!


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