I was inspired to work in a board book today for something different. I started by gluing down random scraps of text from old books. I then brushed on several colors until I was pleased with the background.
I took out this image of my Grandmother, her sisters and parents to use. Wasn’t sure what the page would become but wanted to use it none the less.
Here are a couple of close ups of each side.
(Click to view larger image)
I made some more paper beads this morning. I could make these all day if left to my own devices but that just doesn’t happen around here.
I also made up another “busy bag“.
I cut a denim slipcover from an old chair for the back and handles. The lining is cut from an old tablecloth that had a couple stains in all the wrong places.
I love recycling!!!!
I am so excited to participate in this worldwide blog giveaway extravaganza. This is the 3rd year of the One World-One Heart campaign, but the first year I have taken part. The purpose of this event is to get people exploring others blogs and make new connections.
On Feb. 12, I will use a random number generator to choose the winner of this 4×4 mixed-media canvas.
You must leave a comment on THIS POST to be included in the giveaway. Please leave your email in the comment. You may want to post it as: blahblah at yaddayadda dot com This way it’s more difficult for robot programs to pull emails for spam.
Be sure to check out the hundreds of other participant blogs from this list. Who knows, you might find someone really interesting and win something too!
I know that at least 2 of my art friends are also participating.
I made a couple more “busy bags” this morning after the kids dentist appointment.
Between lunch and another appointment, I took our boy and a neighbor kid sledding to a near by, awesomely big and fast sledding hill. A photographer for the local newspaper was there snapping photos…we’ll have to wait and see if our kiddo makes the paper.
We found that we wanted to record more info about the wines we’ve tried than would fit in the previous wine label book. This book is 5.5 x 8.5 twice the size of the old one. This should give plenty of room for details.
I still need to order bigger O-wires for the book but these will do until I get around to it. I also will make dividers to separate the kinds.
It’s funny because even as I finish this one I am thinking of Wine 3.0 …I think the next one will be a 3-ring binder type. Maybe an old cookbook.