We’ve lost our table to eat by, at least until all the glue sets.

Our son’s 3rd grade Academic Challenge group has been studying bridges.

This is there homework assignment.

It’s made entirely from spaghetti, marshmallows and glue. Other optional materials were toothpicks, scotch tape and paperclips. It had to span 75cm and 15cm in width. It also had to support 3 matchbox cars…as you can see his supports more than that. They also had to keep track of the materials they used because each item had a $ value and the goal was to build a bridge to meet the requirements the least expensively. He’s not done reinforcing it yet so we don’t have a $ total yet.

Susan Tuttle has a new book Exhibition 36: Mixed-Media Demonstrations + Explorations which you can find on Amazon here.

She is also giving away a copy on her blog so swing by and join in the fun …

My old recipe book started falling apart. Not structurally but the paint finish started coming off. It was driving me crazy so I needed a new solution.

I scavenged the 3-ring binder mechanism from the old one and combined it with the cover off an unwanted cookbook.

We had a “Thanksgiving dinner” this week to celebrate my brother-in-law’s 30th birthday. We knew he loves a good turkey dinner so it was the perfect fit.

With Christmas approaching, I’ve also been doing some baking. I hate baking, but the kids think decorating the cookies is “the best thing ever” so I give in and bake. I’ll be bringing LOTS of cookies and fudge to share to our neighborhood party.

I got some good advice on perspective and fixed my painting. (sorry the lighting is a little poor)

I had originally put the table in sort of wonky because my previous painting that also had a table always bugged me a bit as well. It appeared to be too flat like it was trying to climb up the wall. Now I know what’s wrong with that one as well. Not sure if that one would be as easy to fix.

Just playing around again.

I found this picture in an old family album. Mom said she wasn’t sure who they were so… I get to play.

Check out the curtains!! And davenport…yes, that’s what my parents always called it.

Anyone know what card game this hand would be good for??? Bet you can’t guess!

I finished up my painting this morning.

I still need work on perspective. The table is bugging me because it seems like it is tipped up too far.

Anyone have any ideas for me for perspective…should the angle be bigger or smaller to make the table look flat?


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