Because it’s January I start to think about summer. You always want what you can’t have..right?

So let’s have a Second on the 2nd look at the summer of love swap

9/27/2009 Summer of Love ATC swap


These were so fun to make!!

I started with an 8.5×11 sheet of periwinkle cardstock. With an old credit card, I spread out some orange and yellow craft paints.

After that was dry, I used rubber stamps, more paint, markers, and stencils to create lots of background interest.

When I was happy with it I cut 9 ATC’s from my full sheet of cardstock.

I freehanded a VW bug to make a template then cut little bugs out of discarded book pages. Paint and marker were applied in a very loose manner.

I punched wheels from black “handmade paper” …I put that in quotes since it was actually store-bought. I then used little flower sticker for some fun hubcaps.

The part that I love the most is the genuine VW key attached to each one. I grew up with tons of Volkswagons. My dad and his friend would buy them cheap, fix them up and resell. Sometimes they would just part them out. Dad never threw out anything so I had just enough VW keys laying around to give these ATC’s just a little extra punch!


Won’t you going me in linking up with Second on the 2nd?


Each year I select a word to be my guide throughout the year. Some years I do better than others to keep my word in the forefront.

This year I chose Mindful.

Being mindful has a place in all aspects of life.

Mindful of the products I bring into our home.

Mindful of the words I choose to use.

Mindful of the impact I have on others and others have on me.

Taking time to be mindful of how much I consume, meaning both internally and externally. It all has an impact.

Mindful of the legacy I leave.

Give mindful thought before making commitments.


The end of the year…the decade…it should give us all pause. Time to think back on the past decade…the good, the bad and the ugly. Of course, things are already set but think of what could we do better, do more of, do less of? What has changed…10 years is a long time especially when you have kids. I came into this decade with kids in the single digits…now I have an adult, nearly 20, and another, close to adulthood.

Last year I picked the word Trust for my Word of the Year. One word to guide, to remember as the moments tick by.

This is so difficult to measure. It’s very personal.

One thing that I know I learned this year was to Trust that things will work out in the end.  Sometimes things are out of your control and worry is just worshipping the problem so that’s where Trust comes in.

Have a Happy New Year!

Hello and welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday! You may have noticed that I’ve been gone a while. I talked about my back saga in the previous post so we are moving on to something more festive and fun!

Since we were hosting Christmas (because I love it!) I had to lean on the rest of the family to do all of the heavy and not so heavy lifting.

Even the simple things like getting a cake in and out of the oven.

The past few years I’ve made a rum cake for Christmas but this time I went for a Fireball Whiskey cake. It was so good. I forgot to take a photo of it with the icing…likely because it wasn’t very pretty.

We had overnight guests on Christmas eve…Mini-me gave up her bed and slept on the couch. Of course, this meant that she was up even earlier than she usually is. She is my early bird kid.

It was a long wait…even with me making all kinds of noise in the kitchen.

This was my favorite present under the tree…it’s hard to wrap arrows. Mini-me needed a new set for archery season which is just days away.

Marvin had to be a part of the chaos…bows are his favorite.

I suppose the whiskey cake could have been my “beverage” for T stands for Tuesday but instead, I thought I’d share the tiniest cocktail I’ve ever seen. My BIL brought this over. It wasn’t anything I cared for but the can sure was cute.

I’ve been working on purging my rubber stamps. I was so frustrated digging through them trying desperately to find a Happy Anniversary stamp since I had promised my MIL that I’d make her some cards. I had a bunch of bases completed they just needed a sentiment and the also requested “shiny butterflies”. Thankfully I have a very crafty neighbor who is willing to share. Thanks, KW!

The “shiny butterflies” have the big wow factor but are pretty easy to make. I stamped each butterfly on white card stock with black Staz-on ink. I used watercolor paint to colorize each. After completely dry, I fussy cut each and placed on a non-stick surface. I coated each one with Diamond glaze. As they dry a slight curl happens quite naturally giving them an even more “lifelike” appearance.

I have now looked through every single one of my stamps and alas…I never even had a Happy Anniversary stamp. ugh. Well, now I do…I bought a set of sentiments at Michaels. I’m sure you’ll be seeing some cards in the near future with these words.

Today is Mini-me’s 17th birthday. I can hardly believe it. 

I was planning to go out and get her favorite meal… Chipotle…but we are getting a snowstorm. It remains to be seen if we venture out or not.

Speaking of crazy storms and slippery conditions….have you seen this video?

The video was taken a few miles from our house. Mini-me had friends on that bus heading to a girls’ hockey tournament.

What are you doing today?

Hello!! I bet you thought I forgot all about blogging. December has been full of highs and lows….none of which had me racing to the keyboard to share. Since my last completed post was December 3rd, we have a great deal of catching up to do.

December 10th I actually had a partial post written for T Tuesday wrapping up November.

T Tuesday: November wrap-up edition

I’m a little slow on the draw lately. I’m finally wrapping up November. Technically, I’m not fully wrapped up since I haven’t completed the #junkjournalnov19 prompts. But just go with me on this.

11/30 Zodiac sign

12/30 Autumn evening

14/30 Dress


As you can see I never finished the post including missing one of the days. That’s ok…I’m learning to embrace imperfection.

December really was a whirlwind. Lots of activities, snowstorms, J coming home for winter break, shopping, cooking, sewing, shoveling, cleaning, decorating and a little bit of creating.

Everything came to a screeching halt when I threw my back out on December 12th….the morning of Mini-me’s holiday choir concert…also a Thursday. This was really unfortunate because my chiropractor doesn’t work on Thursday! I always seem to break on a Thursday!

The last 2 weeks have been painful and scary at times. I’ve had an urgent care visit, 2 ER visits, 2 injections, 5 medications, an MRI, 7 days of missed work and numerous chiropractor visits…including one today.

In the end, I’m doing much better. Diagnostic tests came back good, the healing process is moving forward. My back still is easily fatigued and a bit fragile but something really positive came out of this. I’m learning to ask for help, let others do, letting go of things I can’t change and embrace the chaos.

This week is brought to you by my sewing machine…

Most of what I’ve been doing for the last few weeks is sewing in my spare time.

I can’t stop. I pushed off my junk journal November project a bit because of all my sewing.  I still plan to finish the prompts…just a bit behind schedule.

I completed another quilt top with my scraps and some that were gifted to me. So many fun fabrics!!

I haven’t decided on the backing and binding yet to it sits for now.

Our school is having the annual craft boutique this week. After last year’s dismal turnout, I wasn’t sure I’d even participate but I just couldn’t help myself. Since I was in full sewing mode I decided to try a couple of crafty items that I wanted for myself but would be great and less costly made in bulk.

My first item is key chain wristlets. They are so cute! Since I have such a huge selection of scrap fabrics, I knew these would be perfect for another stash-busting project.

My next item has school staff written all over it.


They are lip balm holders on a clip. Perfect to attach to your lanyard, bag, backpack, purse….you get the picture.

Lots of fun varieties to fit anyone’s fancy.

Today when I set up I saw the cutest Gnome and snowmen decorations. I hope I make more than I spend. :)

Last week had my college student home not only for Thanksgiving but for two additional days due to bad weather on either end of the holiday break. You know its bad when they cancel college classes. But a blizzard with over 20 inches of snow will do that.

Today had me at school and then at a meeting until dinner time. Long day…but I knew I still wanted to stop in for T Tuesday before you all forgot all about me.  LOL My own fault…I haven’t been very active in the blogosphere lately.

What are you doing today?

So playing catch-up is harder than I expected. But I’m not giving up in #junkjournalnov19

Repurposed 6/30

This page isn’t my favorite but I definitely nailed the prompt. I used all repurposed items or ones headed for the trash. Such as the end cuts off a quilt block, packaging from a makeup brush, a scrap of greeting card and it was all adhered to a magazine cover as my substrate. If that isn’t repurposed I don’t know what is!

Colored leaves 7/30


I had a ton of fun with this one. I stitched a few pressed leaves into an interactive specimen pocket. After journaling about my love of fall and memories of fallen leaves I decided that a few punched leaves would add the right touch to the page.

Vintage 8/30

Not my usual style but I do love vintage!! Honestly, every time I create a super vintage page I wonder why I don’t more often.

I picked out a few pieces that seemed to fit with the embroidered piece that was on the book page before I started. I originally thought the embroidery would be a focal point. mind took a sharp left. I ended up with a two-page spread since I had so many things I just had to use.


Foggy 9/30

This prompt had me a bit stumped…then I thought of waking from a dream. How the images are a bit foggy in your mind. Just out of reach. I used vellum to cover the existing page to give the illusion of fog. The found text story was super fun to come up with from my stash.


Autumn food 10/30

Ah, apples. The perfect fall food. Whether you grab one straight off the tree and polish it on your shirt before crunching into that beautiful gem. Or a fresh-baked apple crisp. Apples are a gift.


Linking up with Art Journal Journey today for Rike’s theme of Fruits and Veggies.

Art Journal Journey

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