We’re home! It was a whirlwind trip to Montana, Idaho, and Wyoming. What a fun and crazy trip!!

(fair warning…picture heavy post)

My first time flying in over 25 years started with a full and thorough patdown from TSA and Mini-me getting her backpack searched. Evidently, we looked very dangerous. Our red-eye flight to Montana was otherwise uneventful…thank goodness.

The next morning I woke early as usual and walked out to greet my friend’s backyard chickens.

After we packed up the car we headed to pick sweet corn at her Aunt and Uncles farm before heading to Idaho.

We had a bit of trouble….we spent two hours stuck in the mud before her uncle and cousin came home and yanked us out of the mud with the tractor. For the record…I wasn’t driving.

Much later than expected we made it to the cabin. It was so inviting…perfect for the 5 of us. 

Once again I woke early and enjoyed a cup of coffee in the brisk morning. 

Her Aunt feeds the hummingbirds so I was able to have lots of entertainment with my coffee. 

They even have these hand feeders…if you sit still enough they will drink from the container on your hand.

After a late breakfast, we ventured out to do a bit of sightseeing. A waterfall, historic ranch village and tourist shopping in West Yellowstone. Just as we got back to the cabin dark clouds rolled in and we had sideways rain and hail…thankfully the hail was pebble sized and the storm blew through quickly. We ate dinner, played games and went to bed early since we had a really big day ahead of us.

I highlighted our trip through Yellowstone.

Obligatory entrance sign photo

Old Faithful

Grand Prismatic geyser basin. This photo doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of the amazing beauty we saw. Or the vast area this covered. I’m sparing you the 35 photos I took at this one site alone.

Again the obligatory photo at the continental divide. I’m breaking my rule with this post of not showing our faces…but we both have big sunglasses on.

It was later afternoon by the time we reached the West Thumb of Yellowstone Lake. There is a geyser basin alongside the lake so we stopped to check it out.

As we continued our drive we got to the area of the park that wildlife is more prevalent. When we saw a massive amount of cars parked along the side of the road and some Park Rangers we knew there must be a bear.

Yep…a bear eating a bison. Thank goodness for the long lens that I was able to zoom in a bit. Otherwise, it just looked like a brown rock in the distance.

Later we saw hundreds of bison…some in the distance and some up close and personal.

After leaving the park we got on the Beartooth highway. It is not for the faint of heart…let me tell you. This was just one of maybe dozens of switchbacks. 

The elevation was high enough that there was still snow on the mountains. …oh yeah…notice the lack of guard rails…yikes!!

We made it safely back to Billings Montana after 12 hours in the car. It was along but truly memorable day. Memorable three days really! Our girls got along. We enjoyed some actual facetime. We laughed until I was crying and snorting…so ladylike. So. Much. Fun!!!

This week is back to reality…high school orientation for mini-me, college move-in for J, mini-vacation in Wisconsin, etc. Gosh, I’m tired already!!

What are you doing today?

I have been so focused on creating that I completely forgot about blogging. I tend to do that. My focus shifts and I have tunnel vision. Of course, it’s always hard for me to complete each project. That’s a whole other issue of mine. Many UFOs aka unfinished projects. Amid this creative explosion, I’m trying to devote a bit of time daily to cleaning, organizing and purging unused or unwanted “crafty crap” as Mr. G calls it.

Let start here with yesterdays crafty diversion. It started with me finding a bunch of small styrofoam balls that I’d used to make knitting Christmas ornaments. I thought it might be a good starting point for a yarn ball wreath.  I dug out my bin of yarn and gathered my other tote bags and came up with my color scheme. While I had all of it out I made the executive decision to toss 3 UFOs. I just wasn’t interested in finishing them anymore. How freeing!!!

My fabric stash and sewing supply hoard are much further out of control.  I love fabric. I have gotten rid of a bit. I gave it to a co-worker whose girls learned to sew this summer. They started a scrunchie making business. They’ve earned enough to buy themselves the trampoline they were begging for. Isn’t that amazing!?! Anyway, Mini-me and I have been following their progress. Mini-me loves scrunchies too. They are not cheap to buy. Once she found some pink velvet in my stash, I knew I’d been making some scrunchies too.

We picked out some fun fabrics…now her hair accessory bin is overflowing! I don’t envy the girls at all. Those scrunchies are kind of a pain in the you-know-what. Digging through my fabric did get some other ideas going. Once J goes back to college in a couple of weeks,  I’ll set my sewing machine up in his room again.

Yesterday was HOT and HUMID! We had two rounds of severe storms…thankfully the worst of it missed us. About a 30 min minute drive from here had tennis ball size hail. YIKES! Before the storms came I was going outside to secure anything that might blow away and I saw this in the backyard…

A turkey hen and her chicks…or whatever they are called. She was much bigger than I thought one would be. And very protective. She chased a grey squirrel that happened to jump from the tree…it was pretty comical. Do you see my compost “garden” in the far left middle of the photo? The plants are still thriving. LOL

With the weather so gross I decided to have a refreshing beverage. It’s almost like drinking a mimosa to me. Pretty tasty.

The weekend was really hot as well. I decided to do a bit of work on the computer where it was nice and cool.

I’m creating some printable pages for junk journals. I’m thinking about reopening my Etsy store with digital downloads for some passive income…all to support my crafty habits.

I also got this in the mail last week. I ordered it when they had a 20% off sale. I’m super excited about this project. I have until February to complete and send it back.

So as you can see, I have been busy…just not in the blogging world. I think part of it may be the fact that I have been slack on using my planner. I was definitely more on track when I used it daily. I know I need structure in my life but willy-nilly suits me.

Next week will be a scheduled post if I am disciplined enough to get it done. I have training on Tuesday all day and them Mini-me and I are taking the red-eye to Montana! I’m so excited. I’ll have lots to share about that the following week.

What are you doing today?

Hello and welcome once again to T stands for Tuesday. This week I’m taking a break from sharing my #junkjournaljuly updates to share the wealth of plants around me.

The abundance of rain has yielded huge plants! This morning I picked these beauties.

Fresh produce from the garden is the best. Especially since we aren’t getting a CSA box this year.

As I was trimming the flowers off my herbs, I realized that they are quite pretty and could be used as a base in a bouquet. I wandered around the yard and came up with a sweet little jar of flowers to brighten my kitchen.

When my neighbor saw me picking flowers she offered up her daylilies. 

They are lovely on my table. Thank you, neighbor!

My tea even had some plants in it. A little sprig of mint in my Darjeeling tea.

This one takes the cake though…I happened to notice my compost bin had some tall things in it. Since I knew I hadn’t thrown anything in there lately myself I walked down to investigate.

I have 2 tomato plants and 3 zucchini or ?? volunteers in the compost pile. I guess the organic soil is doing pretty well.  This is a better place for this sign. Time will tell as to what I’m growing.

What are you doing today?

Typically I have this post up long before now. I was suffering from a migraine yesterday and wasn’t able to get much accomplished after the onset. So here we are late for the party or the after-party that is. T stands for Tuesday just celebrated its 6th anniversary. I raise my glass of water… “cheers”.

Without further ado, I’ll dive right into JJJ show and tell.

Day 14: postcard

I used washi tape to add a fold-out with this postcard. I cannot remember where I picked it up but I loved the colors and image so much I wasn’t able to send it out to anyone.

I used the back of the postcard to journal about the card.

I also couldn’t choose between vintage or modern so I added a glassine bag for a vintage card from my collection.

I decided on this one because it was sent to Walnut Grove, MN. A nod to one of my favorite shows when I was growing up. I read a few of the books by Laura Ingalls Wilder but I’m pretty sure I’ve seen every single episode of Little House on the Prairie at least twice.

Day 15: Lyrics

This one was hard for me…don’t get me wrong…I can sing along with pretty much any song out there but thinking about lyrics…ugh. Not my thing. I decided on You are my Sunshine because my mom used to sing it to me.



Day 16: sketch

Kinda fun right?!?

This is how I made the watermark for all my photos on the blog.

Day 17: mail theme

I used a mish-mash of current and vintage for this one.



Day 18: hidden

I used a tag in a pocket to go with the theme here…I also expanded on the theme by adhering a photo of just my eye to the tag as well. I don’t often share my image online unless you know where to look. Yes, it’s out there but I’m definitely not the selfie queen. 

Day 19: stamps

The day before this prompt I’d been cleaning purging in my art space and found a small tin of old postage stamps. It was the perfect fodder for this prompt. 



I have one more set of pages but I think that’s all I can muster for today.

What are you doing today?

I have taken the liberty of shortening #junkjournaljuly to JJJ for the sake of my blog and my annoyance of typing the hashtag with all lowercase letters over and over…hope that’s alright with you.

I do have to tell you what a great time with this challenge and it’s keeping me creating each day. I’m not working ahead even though it would make sense some days.

Day 8: minimalist

I struggled with this prompt. First I attempted to cover the original page with tissue and colorize it with distress paint. It was a complete disaster. After walking away for a bit I decided to use the back side if some textured wallpaper…or at least I think it’s wallpaper. Next, I grabbed a tiny souvenir postcard which went perfectly with the Tim Holtz word sticker I found. That’s as minimalist as I can do.

Day 9: favorite quote

I have used this quote in several projects over the years. It really holds true…and is always a good reminder for me. There were a lot of tears when I made the decision to return to the workforce after being home with my kids for 17.5 years. The tears were real some days thinking of all the change. Now I look back and think that it really was the perfect time to return to work. And guess what?!?! I love my job.




Day 10: handwriting

I decided this one should remain fairly simple with my handwriting being the focus.

Day 11: unconventional

This is another quote that I absolutely love…and it is a very unconventional thought.




Day 12: washi galore


I decided to use a selection of some of my current favorite washi tapes on this page.

Day 13: elements

It may be summer but my head was still in the classroom when it came to this prompt. How else could a science nerd take that prompt?!?




Here in Minnesota, we are currently in the grip of a brutally hot and humid stretch of weather. Watering the garden twice daily from my rain barrels is completely necessary. I’m “watering” myself with a bit of local brew as well. 

Not too shabby.

I harvested the first of the green beans today…take that you thieving deer… We ate them before I even thought to take a picture.

This week has me driving Mini-me back and forth to work each day…her Jeep is out of commission for the week until Mr. G can get the part and install it.  So thankful for his previous profession and that this didn’t happen when he was traveling for work in his new profession because we wouldn’t have known it was critical that it not be driven…yikes!

What are you doing today?

So far so good with #junkjournaljuly. I’ve been keeping up each day. I was only late in posting once on my Instagram. I call that a win!

In previous posts, I shared the concept and prompts list as well as days 1-5. So I guess that makes this post part 3.

I knew I needed to add a couple of pages to make this journal last the full 31 days of July.  The page was quite flimsy so when I found a greeting card that I liked it seemed the perfect thing to glue straight down to add stability to the page.

I also wanted to add the list of prompts somewhere. This blank white page was the perfect canvas. I dug out my typewriter and crossed my fingers that the ribbon still had some ink.

The ribbon was decent but there was something else funky with the carriage. I had to really fuss with it each line. As you can see some lines I was more successful than others. Oh well…that’s what makes it eclectic and unique.

Day 6: Note to self

Fairly self-explanatory. I ended up covering the entire card on this one since it was pretty boring white.

Day 7: Florals

I covered the top of this page with a vintage look floral paper. I added a calendar cut out stamped with the date in proper placement.  Next, I stamped flowers with Staz-on ink. I loosely watercolored the blossoms with my used but new to me watercolor set. This really helped set the calendar back into the page. The words felt perfect.

This is what the fold out looks like both open.

I know I’ll definitely need to make another fold out perhaps two since I am still a few pages shy of completion with the journal.


I could have used the front of the card but those bunnies were just too darn cute.

Hello again! Welcome back to T stands for Tuesday!

Last week was a busy one with the Independence Day Holiday. Lots of activities including a parade, cookout, fireworks but not many photos to document them.

I thought it would be fun to share my #junkjournaljuly challenge pages here as well as Instagram. Here I can get a little more in-depth and frankly it’s easier for me to edit and organize.

Day1: Introductions

  I decided to introduce the journal and project…not myself.

I am using this journal in order even though I’ll have to add a couple of pages before the end.

I have most pages documented before as well as after but I know I did miss at least one set such as this next set…

Day 2: create a collage

This page I almost completely changed for the original.

Day 3: Use a tag

It was kismet that this page already had a tag on it. I added the sunflower paper and lace to fit with my vision. A package of old rub-ons came in handy as well.  I thought this page was the perfect place to document this old, well-loved photo.

Day 4: very vintage

This page is basically completely covered with pieces of a 1968 map of Hawaii.

I honestly loved the original page spread…but it wasn’t going to work.

Day 5: favorite color

You know it had to be pink! With a splash of orange…I do love orange too!

The only little bits of the original page showing through is the math text and the stems of the flowers. I don’t love those tissue flowers but they worked to cover the yellow without once again completely covering the page.

I’ll be posting more sets of these pages as I go along…not sure of the schedule but likely not waiting until T Tuesday either.

I do have to tell you about my garden pests once again…you won’t even believe it!!!! You may remember last week my garden was looking lovely…my green beans were lush and full of leaves…

Not so much any more. UGH!!! I found full grown deer tracks in the garden. Keep in mind this garden is maybe 5′ x 8′ and has a fence almost 6′ high around all but a 2′ wide gap where the gate is.

Well not anymore…it’s not pretty but it is functional. I’m hoping Mr. G will build me a proper full height gate before next growing season but for now, this will have to do.

Today has household chores in store…super exciting I know.

What are you doing today?

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