Search Results of "12 days of Christmas"

34 posts

I’ve been in a major art slump. I decorated the house with seasonal decor but that’s as close to artsy as I’ve gotten these days.

I’ve got a lot on my plate…medical issues with both my son and my father. This is just a really crappy time of year for this sort of thing to happen. Not that anytime of year is good but it’s hard to be excited and happy when everything around you seems to be going down hill.

Over the past few years I’ve started collecting Christmas trees. Mostly because I keep making a new kind each year but I’m not opposed to buying one at a thrift store or garage sale if it really speaks to me.

This year I was inspired by Mini-me. She had to film a tutorial for her technology class. Her group of three girls each picked a different Christmas craft and bought enough material for the three of them to each create their own.  She was inspired by this tree.

inspiration tree | Halle's Hobbies

Her version used smaller pieces of cardstock. It got very tedious for her towards the end of both punching all the scallops and hot gluing them to the paper cone. It was her punching all those pieces that had Mr. G prompting me to try my Silhouette machine again.

Speaking of paper cones…I made the cones from poster board after first seeing the price of a craft store foam version and then realizing that the foam would melt with hot glue. Glad I thought that one through before starting!!

lace wrapped tree materials | Halle's Hobbies

This tree came together really quickly.

vintage lace trim for lace wrapped tree | Halle's Hobbies

This vintage trim was in the bottom of my sewing box likely bought for some project my mom had intended to make in the 1970’s. At least it’s getting used now! lace wrapped Christmas tree| Halle's Hobbies

Isn’t it sweet. I had the tiny glass ornaments in my stash as well. All it needed was a topper. I auditioned several ideas but finally decided a star was in order.handmade star for lace wrapped tree| Halle's Hobbies

I drew a star on a piece of paper so I’d have a guide to do my bending. I used a twisted piece of 22 gauge wire. I had to “tie” the star at the crossover points “barbwire style” for stability.

The second tree (well technically it was the first one) was yarn wrapped.

yarn wrapped tree| Halle's Hobbies

I used a leftover partial skein of acrylic yarn for this one. Again I had some tiny trims in my stash to give the tree a finished look.

Nothing I love more than to use stash items! No cost…no trip to the store…AWESOME!

Tree collection | Halle's Hobbies

My humble little collection in our game area of the family room. You may be able to see both my Suess tree and cork tree. Additionally you also may be able to see the recycled Christmas card balls I made last year and the 12 days of Christmas swap book from several years ago adorning the table.

I thought I’d show you some of the projects I’ve been trying to work on until my back tells me to stop.
I had started each of these projects BEFORE hurting my back…

First, a bunch of glass marble magnets…

Then a tiny sneak peek at my 12 Days of Christmas swap…

And finally, another piece of miniature terrain.

I have to admit that I’m really having fun making this stuff. It’s a challenge and work is slow…which can become frustrating but the results are worth the wait.

I feel as if it’s been ages since I’ve posted anything.
At least I had my Friday freebie scheduled to post…  I threw out my back on Thursday and today is the first day I’ve been able to sit at the computer without a great amount of pain and back spasms.

I have been slowly working on a couple things over the past couple weeks. Some miniature terrain and a 12 days of Christmas swap(which I can’t show full photos of until they are opened). 

My girl and hubby carved some nice pumpkins over the weekend. I roasted the seeds and they are oh so yummy!

Stay tuned…I promise I’ll be back in gear soon. Feeling better each day!

The time has come to start opening the presents I received in my 12 Days of Christmas Swap.

My children are taking turns opening the packages for me.

Day 1 was this cute ornament with a funny sentiment from Kathy.

Day 2 is this super cute plaque made by Leigh.

I spent a very pleasant afternoon in the craft room with my daughter. Daddy had come home sick so we figured we’d spend some time on a quiet activity while he rested.

I don’t really understand art dolls or why people make them but am always willing to experiment. Moonflower child was actually kind of fun to create.

I also made these 2 Map 4×4’s…I still have 2 more to make.

What I really should have been doing today was working on my 12 days of Christmas swap that is due in a couple weeks. I just can’t seem to get into making these gifts this year!

My creative actively during December was limited to my sewing room. Not purposefully but it just worked out that way.

I made a bunch of fabric clusters from scraps like these.

As well as adding a handful more scrappy blocks to my ever growing stack.

This past December was very un-December-like for Minnesota. Warm temps, barely any snow…definitely not the norm.  But having the soft glow of the Christmas tree lights helped make it a bit more festive.

Marvin is always a fan of the tree…and bows. Bows are his favorite.

My mother-in-law gave me her Dicken’s Village collection. I chose a few favorites to set up on top of my lawyers bookcase. The photo is really poor but you get the idea.  I was very sparse in my decorating this year to be honest. Without Mini-me home for Thanksgiving to help and get me in the spirit, I took a more minimalist approach.

She did return home on one of our worst weather days…and as you can see, it wasn’t an uneventful trip. She went off the interstate into the median. Thankfully the safety cables caught her from heading into oncoming traffic. She was able to put the Jeep in 4 wheel drive and get out on her own. After accessing the damage, she drove the additional hour or so home. Mr. G was able to fix it up with new and used parts. I did a little spray painting…it’s good enough for the kids we hang out with.

J surprised me at the high school holiday concert. He didn’t think he’d get out of work in time but was able to get there just a bit late. At the end of every holiday concert, all the choirs combine to sing Sussex Carol. The alumni attending are invited to come on stage and sing. J and a friend were two of many that went up to sing. It brought me so much joy!!!

My second batch of lefse for the season was made just before my winter break. I had shared with some co-workers with the previous batch and was asked if I’d sell some for Christmas. My mom used to do that every year but I had never even considered it…until now.

I had to document this…grilling steak on Christmas Eve is absolutely crazy to me. What a treat to have in the middle of winter!

I bought myself a little gift at a local craft fair. I have no skill or patience with needlework. I love the look but I’m never going to do it so when I saw this, I had to have it.

We are in our second week back to school. I keep my favorite water bottle with me throughout my day. I usually end up drinking 2 of these 32oz bottles. I definitely drink more water at school than when I am home.

Linking up with my friend Elizabeth for T Tuesday once again.


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