I know its taken a while but I’m finally going to show you how I do my acrylic pours.  (This is a photo heavy post)acrylic pour walk through

Lets talk about the colors I used first off.  I use all brands of paint, even house paint for my pours. I really only care about the color I achieve in each cup. I mixed the 2 browns until the color felt right. I did the same with the 2 reds in the right of the photo.

acrylic pour walk through

In all I have 7 colors. As I’m mixing these I add a product called Floetrol, which is a paint conditioner. I plan to use some of this in my paint for the front door…hopefully eliminating my brush strokes.

acrylic pour walk through I use about a 50/50 mix of paint and Floetrol. I eyeball it…this girl doesn’t measure. If the paint is still quite thick (which is almost always is) I add distilled water very slowly until I get the proper consistency. For me that is the paint running in a thin line from my stir stick. acrylic pour walk through

Now comes the dirty pour part. I always start with a small amount of white in the bottom of the cup then begin adding streams of color in a varied order. I pour from different heights which distributes the color in the cup in different ways.acrylic pour walk through

As you can see I tried out colors from my paint drawer on the canvas before preparing my cups. It doesn’t matter what is on the canvas before so feel free to reuse an old canvas. After filling the cup with enough paint or what I assume is enough…remembering that some paint will be poured off the edge in this process….I’m ready to pour or flip as the case may be.acrylic pour walk through

Some people quickly flip the cup over onto the canvas…I have yet to be brave enough to do that since I am working in such a small space. Instead I flip with canvas over.acrylic pour walk through

And now we wait a minute or so for the paint to settle. Not sure how necessary this is but its the way I do it. I also tend to put a little paint at the corners to get the pour to flow over the edge quicker.acrylic pour walk through

Every time I’m amazed by the designs that come straight from the cup.acrylic pour walk through

Already cells are forming from the paint bubbling up and popping. No silicone used or needed.

acrylic pour walk through

I sometimes lightly blow on the paint to pop the surface bubbles before tilting the canvas to begin the flow.acrylic pour walk through

acrylic pour walk through

acrylic pour walk through

acrylic pour walk through

So much fun!!acrylic pour walk through

Here is the completely dry canvas. I did drizzle some paint left in the cup at the bottom of the canvas to add interest. Not sure if I entirely like that addition but its all a grand experiment.

Here is the second one I did with the same colors.

acrylic pour walk through

Crazy how different they are from each other. I love this this one…so does Mini-me. The colors work as a perfect accent in her room which was why I used them in the first place.

Special thanks to Mini-me for her photography during the process.

I’m obsessed with acrylic pouring again! It is so fun!! I have one to show you but three additional made. I just didn’t get photos taken before it too dark for natural lighting. Those will be in another post. In fact, mini-me acted as photographer for one so there are some in process shots. 

I decided on black, white, silver, burgundy wine and dusty rose for my paint pour.

So cool. I just can’t get enough of how these look.

I thought the area of pink was a little much of one thing smack in the middle so I used what was left in the flip cup to draw…drip…accent…a design.

They look a bit like striped tear drops meandering across the canvas.  After mini-me saw this one she asked for one for her room in specific colors. I mixed enough paint for two so she’d have a choice. Those I’ll show in the next post.

In case anyone was wondering…we had a two hour late start for school on Tuesday last week. They really should have cancelled in my opinion. We got 6 inches of snow overnight and then it began snowing in earnest again during the day. Made for crummy driving conditions. We decided to use just one vehicle that day…the 4 wheel drive one. I drove Mr. G to work, kids to school then got myself to work on time.

I started a new photo challenge for March. This one is definitely presenting more of a challenge.

Here’s what I have so far.

I’m stretching a bit with some of these and have fallen behind several days…then play catch-up all in one. Oh well. I’m not big on rules anyway.

What are you doing today?

Here we are getting hit with another blizzard on a scheduled Monday off school. What’s up with that?!?  Mr. G was even sent home from work early. The word came over the intercom that they were closing early due to bad weather. I know all of us are hoping for a snow day tomorrow.

So that’s the snowing but what is the pouring, you ask? Acrylic pours. Pour painting. Fluid art. Whatever you’d like to call it. I just call it fun! It totally fits into my love of creative chaos and randomness.

This was the start of a second pour in one day. (You can see the other in my previous post.) I also used white in addition to these bold basic colors,

I used a dirty flip cup technique. Sounds awful doesn’t it? It’s truly not though. Well…truth be told it’s a messy process. I scraped out my mixing cups on the canvas as not to waste them. Having paint at the corners helps it flow over the edge more easily.

Crazy huh?!? The white circles were caused by air bubbles. So cool!

BTW- I didn’t use any silicone or a torch in my process. So many people do and get absolutely amazing results. I’m just not interested in having flammables in my basement. Perhaps when the warm weather comes around I can try that outside.

I love the look of these paintings when they are wet. They have so much depth. 

The dry version is so flat. I plan to put a gloss coat on to bring out some depth again and brighten the colors.

I also need to share the end of February photo a day challenge results.

23. Depth of field

24. Architecture

25. My Face

26. Need/Want  (got my T Tuesday beverage covered)

27. Something Old

28. Street 

I’ve started the photo a day challenge for March as well. This month seems a little more challenging so far. I may have chosen the wrong one for me. Time will tell.


Hopefully *fingers crossed* we’ll have a snow day tomorrow otherwise it will be a typical Tuesday for me after we dig ourselves out. UGH!

What are you doing today?

Since I knew I had a three day weekend I decided to eek out a bit of time to try out acrylic pours again.aka unicorn poop

I have seen amazing results using the three primary colors. I decided to go in a slightly different direction…just slightly. I used colors you’d typically find in your ink jet printer….plus white instead of black.aka unicorn poop

Sorry this one is blurry…I had paint on my gloves and couldn’t focus it. After flipping the cup onto the canvas I poured the excess white around the outside of the “unicorn poop” paint puddle. Amazing how many colors I already have.aka unicorn poop

After tilting and draining off excess paint I set it aside to dry, coming back occasionally to wipe the drips from the underside of the canvas.aka unicorn poop

I love the little bubbles that come up through the layers and pop revealing other color.

Here’s the completely dry canvas. The colors are much less vibrant in matte form. Perhaps I’ll put a coat of gloss varnish over top to brighten things up.

I’ve got another basically dry and yet another freshly poured canvas. I’ll share those in another post.

I’m always shocked at how quickly February rockets through and suddenly it’s March. This year is no exception. I haven’t even posted anything…ANYTHING…for two weeks. Geesh…talk about blog neglect. Thanks for coming back…truly!!

I did get a little creative a week or so ago. This journal page came from that little burst of creativity.

After applying some base colors I used a palette knife to scrape thick white paint across the top muting the colors somewhat. Next I tore tiny bits of washi tape and placed them in coordinating areas.  The black washi provided some interest and acted as a bit of a border. Finally I drew my signature flower in India ink.

As always here are my photo a day challenge results….

11. Begins with T …tailoring (fixed a broken zipper on choir dress)

12. My inspiration ….inspiration is everywhere! Colors and texture speak volumes

13. Bright 

14. I love …this goofy beast

15. Black & White

16. Travel 

17. In the details

18. Stripes

19. Beneath my feet ….icy parking lot…MN Winter

20. Time ….feeding time

21. Twirl

22. Little …that bullseye looks very little

I also had to share my custom laser engraved pencil made at school.

Mine!! :)

And of course it wouldn’t be T Tuesday without my beverage….

I drink about 3 of these 24oz bottles a day at school. I’m well hydrated.

Work and archery are on the docket for me.

What are you doing today?

Happy Valentine’s day! We are very low key around here with holiday much like the others. Must be more of that Mid-west mentality I so often spoken about.

I was inspired to create a journal page though.

It has hidden journaling under the greeting card I recycled. I like to disguise my journal thoughts when they are more personal and private. My journals sit out where anyone can pick them up and look through.

I added our initials to the heart. Sappy, I know.

Linking up with Art Journal Journey since I just noticed the current months theme is Animals A to Z.

Art Journal Journey

As always here’s a little update on the current photo a day challenge.

5.  Three ….salmon patties

6. Skyline

7. Doorway ….kid toys are the best

8, Beautiful

9. Pink …my favorite color

10. On the table …small burst of creativity

Happy Tuesday!

What re you doing today?

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