I can’t believe we are into December already!! I think its because we have no snow that I’m having a hard time wrapping my brain around it. Although that is supposed to change in the next couple hours as I write this. I am happy to say that we at least have the tree up and the house decorated…as much as we do. We aren’t outside light people. I admire those who do…it’s just not us.
Last year after the holidays I bought a tree on clearance at our grocery store of all places….totally sight unseen. All I knew was it was pre-lit with white lights. It was such a steal that I couldn’t pass it up especially since out old pre-lit tree had a band of dead lights smack in the middle.Isn’t it pretty!?!? Not bad for $34.
Mini-me put together some new hanging decor for a bare corner of the livingroom. I gave her a little springboard idea and she ran with it while I was busy. It turned out really cute.
Last Friday I had the privilege of supporting a couple of students on a field trip to Orchestra Hall. I hadn’t been there since Mini-me was in preschool.
It is so unique inside…and beautiful, not that my quick phone picture really captured the beauty.
I spent a good share of Saturday trying to decide between designing a photo card and writing a Christmas letter to send out this year. Who knows…I may do both.
Oh that’s right…I need to update you with my photos to finish out the November photo a day.
22. A favorite thing…..Marvin, of course
23. I made this! ……fabric star ornament (shared the tutorial links last week)
24. I need to do this! ……put all this crap away…just keepin’ it real folks.
25. Time……clock I made over a decade ago….likely should change the battery one of these days.
26. Wall…….my favorite wall especially this time of year.
27. I’m thankful for this…… Love
28. Black…….J’s school chrome book
29. So, this happened…..inflation of the new activity dome outside my school (it’s truly immense)
30. I bought this! ……not telling what’s inside though.
And with that…November is done.
This is my new challenge for December. I followed an old version of the October challenge by this same site. I’m enjoying the creative challenge of these photo a day prompts especially since most days this is my only creative outlet.
Want to see what I’ve already gotten for December?
What are you doing today?
I swear I’m still full from Thanksgiving dinner! Ok…that’s a bit of a stretch but geesh. Too much leftovers and too many days off. Making me soft(er).
I’ll start with a little catch-up on my Photo a day challenge. I got several days behind but have gotten caught up now.
13. Letters….just one important one. UMD acceptance letter for J.
14. For me….just a little treat of apples in caramel dip. YUM!!
15. Hot + Cold…sometimes I’m a two-fisted drinker. :)
16. After…after a long day at work it’s nice to put my feet up a bit.
17. Cooking…I unexpectedly cooked Thanksgiving dinner this year.
18. I love this…Grandma’s dishes.
19. Whole….it was a whole pie….a whole lotta yummy. :)
20. Bright….the setting sun through my window.
21. Shoes….I have a love/hate relationship with these. I love them (so cute) but my feet hate me when I wear them all day at work.
I discovered mt latest obsession craft on Pinterest yesterday.
Fabric star ornaments. I found the link to the original tutorial but it was in Dutch I believe. It had great photos but I was missing something in my understanding. Then I found the tutorial by Betz White that finally cleared things up for me.
I’m considering putting a button on both sides with either hot glue or tied through with embroidery thread. Not sure but I do know I’ll be making more.
The school I work at is having a holiday boutique for staff so I’ll be bringing my crafts in. I’m so excited both to make a little Christmas cash and to see what crafts my coworkers like to do.
My baby girl starts drivers ed Tuesday…I can hardly fathom it. She’ll get her classroom instruction done just before her 15th birthday but she’ll have to wait until the New Year to take her permit test. That girl is ready to get behind the wheel….me, not so much.
Tuesday holds work of course and a choir concert…at my school. Mini-me’s choir is singing at the middle school. I think they send the high school choirs to perform periodically to keep the younger ones interested in continuing through their school career.
Well T stands for Tuesday friends…here’s a page dedicated to all of you.
I am totally loving this page…basically because the words fell into my lap as I was looking at my teapot and cup rubber stamps.
I didn’t use a filter on the photo and couldn’t figure out why my photos were turning out so soft. Then I got the bright idea…hey…how about I wipe down the lens on my phone camera. It might have a bit of smutz on it. Evidently finger prints, dust and other junk make a nice filter if you want that soft sort of look.
Linking up with AJJ for 101 ways to keep warm theme as well.
See….all clean…and truth be told…different lighting. I’m finding that taking photos in natural light when you get at or after dark is difficult. Hmmm…will have to work on that conundrum.
This is where I’d typically share my photo a day collage. Unfortunately, I’m quite behind. The cold, I’d been fighting, won. I ended up staying home from work on Friday. Totally lost my voice for 3 days, much to the amusement of my family. I am on antibiotics, starting to sound less like a pubescent boy and was able to return to work for my very short week (two days) due to the Thanksgiving Holiday.
I had posted this photo on Instagram at the beginning of the month…totally unrelated to the photo a day….saying “run turkeys run” since they’d be on the menu soon.What I think is so funny is that this was taken in an industrial complex adjacent to Paisley Park. Although, I must admit, that there is still a lot of preserved land around the area. Thank goodness.
This week is filled with family time, food and fun.
It’s been an eventful week around here. so I think I’ll recap a few of the highlights.
I’ve gotten back in the groove of being creative on a semi-regular basis. First of which is some more work on the stocking hat I’m knitting.
Trust me…one day it will be a hat.
I also made a patchwork infinity scarf.
My original intention was to make something red, white and blue for our Veteran’s Day program at school but these colors spoke to me instead.
Speaking of the Veteran’s Day program. It was amazing! I cried all of my eye makeup off. It was very moving. I hadn’t been witness to a 21 gun salute or the playing of taps since my dad’s internment. Needless to say, I was a mess. I seriously am a fairly stoic person but that got me…as well as the Lee Greenwood song, God Bless the USA….gets me every time…especially when all those vets stood up as the line says “And I gladly stand up
Next to you and defend her still today”. The tears were rolling.
I started a journal page…well at least I threw some color at the tissue paper I glued into my journal. It’s a start right!?!
Here’s the next collection of November photo a day pictures.
7. on the floor….me, Marvin and the toy…a little view from his side of things.
8. a place…DQ of course. love that place and its a braizer so it doesn’t close for winter….yes many Dairy Queen stores close over winter around here.
9. Heck yes! …….saw this sign at school “Make your life story so amazing that unicorns have trouble believing it is true.”
10. I do this every day….make and drink coffee. Bam! got my tea Tuesday reference in as well. :)
11. A set…my fiestaware of course.
12. normal….my knitting looks normal at least so far.
In other exciting news… J got an acceptance letter from UMD today!! So exciting!!!
What are you doing today??