After completing the background for this journal page I realized it had a very 80s feel. The pink and green screamed it actually. I decided to embrace it and add elements that fit the era. 

I have to tell you about this pink brad eyelet though.

It caused me no end of trouble. I dropped it several times…then my crop-o-dile wouldn’t reach to put it where I wanted. Finally I used a Japanese screw punch and a manual eyelet setter. While hammering I hit my middle finger pretty much as hard as I could with my tiny hammer. There were cuss words and then laughter from the next room. Mr. G says “Did you seriously just hit yourself with the hammer?” Yes $#%@!* I did.

Just had to give you something to make you smile for the day.

Another Tuesday is upon us. I swear that Monday is a lost day for me. I have great intentions of getting something ready early but something seems to get in the way.

Yesterday was a teacher workshop day so the kids were home. Mini-me and I went to the mall to spend some of her Christmas and birthday money. She’s such a thrifty shopper…I love it. Goes straight for the clearance racks like a pro. Not that she doesn’t ever pay full price but it’s got to be the thing that she wants/needs and can’t wait for it. I am happy to say that isn’t the norm…more like the exception.

Did you know that indoor shopping malls were born here in Minnesota? The very first one was built in Edina MN which opened in 1956.

Here’s an excerpt from an article on

Southdale Center was built at a cost of $20 million and had eighty thousand square feet; it opened with seventy-two stores and two anchors, Dayton’s and Donaldson’s. Seventy-five thousand people attended the gala opening on October 8, 1956. Another 188,000 visited the complex the following weekend, most taking advantage of the mall’s five thousand free parking spaces (organized into lots identified by clever animal symbols—an innovation, like the mall itself, that would inspire countless imitators). What did visitors see? Gruen’s interpretation of the best of European cities: “streets,” cafes, two department stores, and many smaller boutiques surrounding a “town square” with a garden court spotlighted by an enormous skylight. A fishpond, mature trees, and a twenty-one-foot cage filled with brightly colored birds. In short, a prototype for the malls that would fuel suburban growth throughout the country. 

Then, of course, there is the monstrosity called Mall of America built across from the MSP airport. Most Minnesotans hate the thing. I haven’t been there in well over 10 years even though its less than a 20 min drive.

I’m not really sure how I got off on a tangent about shopping malls but there you have it.

This was my view a little earlier this morning.  Lunches were made, everyone was up and moving on their morning routines…it was time for a cup of coffee and a little browsing on my iPad before moving forward with the day.

I wish it were light enough to take a decent photo of the journal pages I completed the last couple of days but we’ve had nothing but grey skies so I have to wait until later in the day to get any natural light.

Today I’m planning to do a bit of crafting and continue work on our taxes. Fun stuff…blech.

What are you doing today?

I had to try out another girl right away but on a sturdy substrate this time. 

I glued random bits of papers down onto a discarded book cover for texture and a first layer of color. I added paint in various colors covering up the blank areas next. I loosely sketched my girl and began filling in with paint, gelatos, neocolors, charcoal pencil and even plain old colored pencil until I got the look I wanted.

NExt I added stamping with Staz-on and lightly colored them in with watered down paint. Again I used Tim Holtz stickers for my words. Lastly I added the yellow lace trim at the top to give it a finished and feminine look.

I’ve already sketched another face this time on an old canvas. Hopefully you’ll be seeing that one real soon.

I’ve been very prolific with my art over the past few days. I have two journal pages that I can’t wait to share as well. (well…I am going to wait until the next post to share them) Stay tuned.

I’ve tried drawing and painting people in the past with very little success. They generally were disproportionate and had really scary eyes. I mean truly frightening.  I decided to check a couple books on drawing out from the library to see if I could teach myself.

After paging through several step by step tutorials, I felt a had a much better grasp on the technique. Of course not being someone to make things easy on myself, I grabbed a “mop-up” piece of paper to begin sketching on. Perhaps I’m less intimidated by a messy garbage page than a blank white one.

Since the sketching of the girl went well, I decided to challenge myself further and attempt to paint her. be yourself

I had to be really careful not to get the paper too wet as it was only copy paper. You can see that I wrinkled up some of the fibers of the paper in her hair. Luckily I was able to get it to lay back down and not rib a hole in the yourself

The words are from a Tim Holtz sticker pack. They fit my mood…being proud to be a woman and no one can take that away from me. And that’s as political as I’m going to get. :)

Linking up today with Art Journal Journey for Every page tell a story.

Art Journal Journey
Out of the mess of everyday life she finds a way to shine ~Hålle

TIL you ask? Today I Learned.

While looking through photos to put this post together I saw a burst photo series that I thought would make a cool animation…the only problem was that I had no clue how to make that happen. With a quick search I found a great tutorial that walked me through the process step by step.

Not too shabby for less than 5 minutes worth of work.

I did finish my quilt…you can see the full post about it here.

And created an art journal page for AJJ…full post here.

Today consists of some taxi driving….J to school as the roads are pretty slippery from a glaze of ice and Mini-me has an appointment this morning. Nothing like having to drive on the ice. YUCK!

What are you doing today?

I seem to be drawn to this color combo lately. The Bordeaux wines, creams, and Spring greens. Perhaps it’s from looking outside and only seeing bleak tones of white, grey and brown for the past few months.  I need something fresh yet a bit moody.
Dear Diary art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

Adding stitching and layers also seems to be right up my alley as well.  I can’t get enough texture!Dear Diary art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

I continue to challenge my machine to see how far I can push it. I used to be afraid to stitch on paper thinking I’d need a whole separate machine for my mixed media pursuits. I realized long ago that I was so very wrong.Dear Diary art journal page | Halle's Hobbies

I’m linking up with Art Journal Journey today with my Dear Diary journal page for the current theme of Every journal page tells a story.

Since a diary is very personal there are no actual words shown…they are all hidden. I know what is under the layers and that’s all that matters.

Art Journal Journey
Dear Diary art journal page | Halle's Hobbies
This page ended up in my scrapbook journal. I can’t say enough how much I love working in loose sheets.  It provides so much flexibility in mediums.

Don’t you just love that feeling of satisfaction when you’ve completed a big project!?! I know I do. Not only do I have the finished product in front of me but I get to put a check mark in the box on my perpetual list. Yes it’s an actual paper list. It’s never ending which really is a good thing. What would I do with myself if I didn’t have a project?

quilt time snuggle time | Halle's Hobbies

Do want to know a secret? If I complete a task, chore or project that failed to make it on the list…I write down, draw a little box and proceed to “X” through it. So satisfying!!!quilt time snuggle time | Halle's Hobbies

This quilt started as a stash busting project. Just a loose idea of what I wanted or hoped it would look like in the end. Over the course of sewing my idea evolved a bit which I personally think is a good thing. We need to be able to be flexible and learn from our mistakes. Or even just adapt when the moment presents itself instead of being so set on one path that we can’t change. This is true in life as well. Adapt or be flexible when needed as long as your end goal remains it’s ok to change little things along the way.quilt time snuggle time | Halle's Hobbies

One of the changes I made as I neared completion was the type of binding I wanted to use. I was originally going to do a sort of “cheater” binding where you wrap the backing around to the front and stitch down. I’ve used this method before with Mini-me’s quilt. I decided I wanted to do a scrappy binding as well continuing to use up my stash. The quilt really needed a quiet place in between the busy central pattern and a scrappy binding so I added a white sashing all the way around.

quilt time snuggle time | Halle's Hobbies

The scrappy binding went together quicker than I thought it would. Of course I didn’t follow the “rules” and cut everything on the bias. I’m not much a rule follower. quilt time snuggle time | Halle's Hobbies

Isn’t it pretty a rolled up like that? Like a colorful flower.

quilt time snuggle time | Halle's Hobbies

After much agonizing about how to label my quilt (for the very first time) I decided I’d use wing it and hand embroider the info. Let me first say that I suck at embroidery. I think embroidery was the first craft I ever learned…and I never liked it. I’m always sticking myself with the needle, its tedious and boring.  I know there are plenty of people who enjoy it and find it relaxing…have at it. It’s a means to an end for me. I do have a decent size stash of embroidery thread though in the same tin my mom used half a century ago or more ago.

quilt time snuggle time | Halle's Hobbies

After a few pin pricks I finished the job and was able to stitch it onto the quilt back. I am glad I took the time now that it’s finished. I can never remember when I made most of the other quilts except for the two I made while J was napping as an infant. Those I do remember.

quilt time snuggle time | Halle's Hobbies

This turned out to be more than a stash busting quilt. It became a labor of love with a bit of frustration mixed in. But what love doesn’t have some frustrating times.

I had originally planned to heavily quilt in a funky random pattern but as I began I realized it would end up a bit stiff. I went back and pulled out every stitch…hence the frustration. I ultimately ended up stitching random wavy lines only along the white sashing. My thought is that I can always go back and do some more quilting if I feel it needs it.

I’ve been snuggling under it every free moment I have. It definitely helps with the extreme cold we’ve been having. I did hear we have a warm up in store….hooray! I’ve about had it with below zero temps.


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