For several weeks I’ve been meaning to share a little garden art piece. Last week I didn’t even make it for T stands for Tuesday.  In my defense, last Tuesday didn’t even seem like Tuesday since Monday was the Independence Day holiday. Enough with the excuses and on with the project.

I used a strand of memory wire, beads and a fishing swivel to create this whimsical edition to my flower garden. I started out with a wildly random color assortment but didn’t love it. After some thought, I decided on blue, white and silver. I felt this combo would contrast nicely with the surrounding greenery.


I was really hoping the fishing swivel would make it twirl in the wind. So far it hasn’t seemed to spin. Perhaps if there were something flat or paddle shaped at the end instead of a faceted bead it would have enough wind resistance to spin. Oh well….

I must also mention this was a stash busting project. Absolutely no cost. Nada. Zip. Zilch.

It’s a good thing to since I was saving my pennies to buy a set of these pretty copper mugs for our new favorite summer drink.

Moscow mule

So pretty and the customary vessel for a Moscow mule. By keeping the copper mugs in the freezer they retain the cold for much longer.  You have to be careful with this vodka and ginger beer concoction though….they go down quick but sneak up on you. Don’t even ask how I know that one.

I have errands on my list this morning but I’ll be around to check in with the rest of the T stands for Tuesday gang later.

What are you doing today?

I made this barn wood and fabric cross piece entirely from scraps. Yep, leftovers from other projects…not a dime spent.

Holy scrap barnwood and fabric cross

The printed fabric was from the curtains I recently shortened and lined, the barn wood came from the same gal as they had leftovers from remodel project and the brown suede was from a jacket I cut up long ago.

My inspiration was from Pinterest. There were no directions but the idea seemed simple enough. I used a staple gun to attach the fabric and a hot glue gun to adhere the suede center piece. Five minute project…seriously. I gave it to the family that just remodeled as sort of a “new space” warming gift since it perfectly matched the room. :)

Even though I got a very late start this year, I’ve been able to knock a few items off my list in pretty short order. Equipped with the list from Rinda @ Gallorganico, I sat down with Mini-me and came up with a plan, place or date for each item. Check out what I’ve captured so far…

1. A “wild heart” – a naturally occurring heart

summer photo hunt

These are on two of my giant hostas in the backyard. I never realized how many of the leaves end up heart shaped.


6. A camper (caravan)

summer photo hunt

Really nice travel trailer.


7. A family gathering

summer photo hunt

July 4th gathering of many families


8. A drawing, art project, artistic photograph, scrapbook page, greeting card, or art journal page created by you.

summer photo hunt

This is a commissioned piece…hope she likes it!


9. Someone playing with, in, or around water

summer photo hunt

Annual 4th of July water fight


11. Fresh produce

summer photo hunt

Beans from my garden and our weekly CSA


13. The moon

summer photo hunt

I spied the moon last night and was able to capture a good shot in the low light even without a tripod!


14. A buffet of food

summer photo hunt

This one could be a three-fer on the list…buffet, family gathering and bikes. :)


17. Twins

summer photo hunt

Taking a bit of liberty with this one but I’m just thinking outside the box!


Fun stuff! I love this annual challenge so very much!! Thanks for continuing to host Rinda!

Have a safe and happy Holiday!

Happy Independence Day

Today for Second on the 2nd I’d love to share a second look at my very first published item. Strangely enough, it was jewelry not paper arts.

On a whim I created a charm bracelet in response to a call for items for an upcoming book. I didn’t even really dream that my work would be chosen but was over the moon when it did. My bracelet ended up in two sections of the book, including one full page spread.

bracelet second look

Take a look at the original post from 2008


I just got word that the book my bracelet is published in is on Amazon for pre-order.

As far as I can tell my bracelet didn’t make the cover shot. It was sent off with 49 other pieces as to be photographed for possible cover shots. Bummer. I’m certainly not going to complain though!! It just would have been the super sweet icing on the cake to be on the cover as well!


I find it interesting when I look back at posts from the start of my blog. They are so short, tiny photos and frankly, a little boring.  It’s a wonder that I had any readers at all! Oh definitely develops over time. Thanks for taking a walk down memory lane with me.

Last week for T stands for Tuesday I promised an update on my garden this week.

T Tuesday late June garden edition

It’s flourishing! Tons of blossoms. I think we are just at the cusp of production.

T Tuesday late June garden edition

There are already jalapenos on the plant…

T Tuesday late June garden edition

and roma tomatoes…. come on fresh salsa!

T Tuesday late June garden edition

The deck box garden is doing really well too.

T Tuesday late June garden edition

I ended up pulling up the horse radish that was growing in here since there is another plant in the big garden space and planted my Egyptian walking onions instead. I saved the bulbs from the top of the plants last year in a paper bag in the shed. They overwintered out there will seemingly no ill effects.

T Tuesday late June garden edition

The planters along the railing are also looking great with the herbs and green onions. I’ve been thinning the green onions by using them…so nice to have those fresh green literally right outside my door. I couldn’t be happier.

T Tuesday late June garden edition

It meets Marvin’s approval as well.

Over the weekend I adding a little bit of ambiance to the deck with a string of lights.

T Tuesday late June garden edition

We have yet to try them out at night but I think they will be a lot of fun.

I also noticed some birds have been very busy….T Tuesday late June garden edition

I do remember seeing a chickadee hanging around here quite often. I’d have to bet he is the guilty party.

I’m also going to continue to share my CSA box each week as I really believe that its well worth the cost to bring fresh organic veggies to your table each week…provided you have enough people to eat all those veggies.

CSA week 2

Week 2: cilantro, basil plant, kale, green onions, garlic scapes, mixed spring greens, head of leaf lettuce, strawberries, carrots, kohlrabi, broccoli and white turnips that are eaten like radishes. Can’t wait to see what the next box brings.

Today I’ll be finishing a commissioned seamstress project. I was asked to shorten some curtains and sew lining fabric behind the thin linen for some actual light blocking.

What are you doing today?

Somehow I totally missed Rinda’s post announcing her annual Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt.


Better late than never, right?!  I am WAY late in starting this but I have a feeling I’ll do ok. Check out the list…

1. A “wild heart” – a naturally occurring heart (like the rock above, but it doesn’t have to be a rock)
2. A footprint or pawprint
3. A skeleton, bone or x-ray
4. A book or magazine read during 2016
5. A porch or deck
6. A camper (caravan)
7. A family gathering
8. A drawing, art project, artistic photograph, scrapbook page, greeting card, or art journal page created by you.
9. Someone playing with, in, or around water.
10. A bicycle
11. Fresh produce
12. A window
13. The moon
14. A buffet of food
15. A team logo
16. A map showing a trip taken during the time period
17. Twins
18. A supermarket cart, basket or trolley full of groceries
19. A seasonal cocktail or beverage
20. Someone laughing
21. A photograph of you with a newspaper or calendar page from the time period covered in the Hunt. Note: you may not use a substitute for this item.
Alternatives – if you’re having trouble finding any of the above, you may substitute from this list (but you may not substitute for item #21):
alternative 1: a lighthouse
alternative 2: a baby (human or animal)


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