
Let’s take a look back at a post from 2 years ago. Typically I go back further for Second on the 2nd but as I was looking back through posts I remembered how much I liked (and still do) this journal page. I also remember that my creativity was running in high gear at the time. I was loving every moment of it.



Productive Wednesday

I had so much fun making the first journal spread yesterday, I went back for another.


Once again I worked in my white journal.  Boy, I just realized that I have 4 journals going at once. And I have an idea for yet another. I should probably wait on that idea at least until I fill one of the currents to capacity.

Wednesday texture

Tissue paper was used as a start for this page as well. It had been crumpled over and over again. Lots of tiny little creases. It started out very purple…or maybe violet. The color was a little too “in your face” for my taste. I used a couple of mists around the edges to tone it down to a dull roar.. The aqua washi tape begged me to use it with the new deeper shade of purple. The black and white just helped everything else pop on the page. I have this thing about circles…I use them all the time. They just make me happy I guess.

So last evening I still hadn’t had enough creativity for the day. My sewing machine was still calling me.  I grabbed bits and pieces of fabric, paper, fiber and trims to sew together for collage cards. I didn’t give it much thought…just went for it.

collage card marathon

I made 21 mini collages that will eventually become greeting cards. Some will be left blank…others will have sentiments…some collages may not make the cut. Who cares…it was all scraps and bits laying around.


Some of these mini-collage cards led to being asked to write an article for Sew Somerset magazine. That could be another reason I like this post so much.

Thanks for taking a walk down memory lane with me today. Do you have a favorite project from the past?

WIP catan pieces

I’ve working on painting all of the Settlers of Catan pieces in between playing nursemaid. Mini-me has influenza. I’m beginning to think that Typhoid Mary is camped out in our house.

WIP catan pieces

See those little tiny bits of white in the green hex tiles. Those are teeny tiny sheep..complete with black faces. I have to take off my glasses and hold the tile a couple inches from my face to see to paint them.  BAH!!! Getting older isn’t for the faint of heart.

catan pieces

The attention to detail is worth it in the end though.  Once I get all the pieces completed, we’ll decide in the border color for all the tiles. It must be consistent throughout the tiles. I’m leaning towards a cream to taupe tone so that the paint job on each will really pop.

I also have to share this Model T Mr. G printed. He had to modify the original CAD file as it wasn’t going to print correctly. He designed the wheels, axle pieces and the mounts for the axles.

3D printed Model T

The penny is for scale. This is for a history presentation J is doing today. He and his partner thought a 3D model would add some punch to their project.


Time for a bit of tea before some errands and more nursemaid duty.  I’ll do my best to get around to visit my T stands for Tuesday friends as soon as I can.

What are you doing today?

I painted this for a friend yesterday….just as a reminder for her. She knows why…


Today’s version of T stands for Tuesday will be short and sweet…hopefully.

healthy bfast

I’m continuing my effort to eat a good healthy breakfast in hopes of making better choices throughout the day. Especially now that I’m finally. *knock on wood* better…with the exception of a little cough.

I made a few more of my button pendants…

button pendants

Now if I’d only get around to listing some in my etsy store. As much as I love creating, I hate the time and effort the listing process takes.

I’ve also been working on painting a set of tiles for Settlers of Catan. Here’s a sneak at the work in progress.

catan tile peek

I’m trying really hard to remember to take photos as I go with my phone…there will definitely be more to come.

I haven’t forgotten about art journalling either…

Never doubt your instinct | Halle's Hobbies

You can see the entire post here.

That’s it for today! Time to go shovel. This time I’m determined not to fall. Yikes! My knee is still slightly off colored and that was 2 weeks ago. At least my brain didn’t get scrabbled as well…although I did see stars. ? ? ?

What are you doing today?

Our family enjoys board games especially slightly out of the ordinary board games not made by the typical sources such as Hasbro and Milton Bradley.  Most are titles you won’t find at your local discount department store like Target. Heck we’ve even played a game that was totally in German. We borrowed the game from a hobby shop owner who gave us a rough translation of the rules. But I digress…

Recently we played a game from our collection called Jamaica.

Jamaica mon | Halle's Hobbies

It’s basically a racing game that you manage your cargo and occasionally get to battle another player. Strategy and luck both play into the equation.

Jamaica mon | Halle's Hobbies

You keep track of who is “captain” for the turn with this compass piece.

Jamaica mon | Halle's Hobbies

Mr. G found this model of a ships wheel on Thingiverse and thought it might make a great custom edition to the game in place of the chipboard compass. Looks cool but not exactly the right color.

Jamaica mon | Halle's Hobbies

Here’s the wheel in progress, extremely wet with paint. After this completely dried, I sprayed it with walnut ink. I wasn’t sure this was a good choice but what the heck…I live dangerously.

Jamaica mon | Halle's Hobbies

Here’s the completed wheel in play. I sprayed it with a matte spray sealer to protect it from chips and scratches. I tested the durability of it by rubbing it together with the Hand of the King piece I had previously completed. There is no way either object will be as roughly abused as that during regular game play and storage so I think we are good.

Jamaica mon | Halle's Hobbies

I love how the walnut ink settled into the layers of the print giving the appearance of wood grain.  So fun!

Currently I’m working on another board game. I had always wanted to make a set of custom tiles for this game but assumed that I’d be scratch building each tiles like I do for miniature terrain pieces. Since the game has 19 tiles…the task was a little daunting. Mr. G is printing the board pieces from files shared on Thingiverse. I am adding custom paint jobs to each piece. More on that project to come…

My focus as of late has shifted from art journals and papercraft to 3D items such as button stack pendants and of course, all the 3D printed goodies that just keep on coming.  As much as this variety feeds my art ADD, I find myself missing paper and mixed-media.  I start to second guess myself…will I still be able to create? What if I fall out of practice? Self doubt is an evil thing.

Never doubt your instinct | Halle's Hobbies

So a few weeks ago I dropped in at one of the bigger libraries in the system and got myself an armload of inspiration.  Nope still didn’t do it for me. My altered books, journals and one off paper crafts sat idle.  I even enlisted Mini-me to help clean and organize our art space. Notice I said our art space. She is taking 2 art classes this trimester. One required and one elective.

After finishing painting a couple 3D printed models, I had extra paint brown and gold on the palette. Not being wasteful I grabbed a journal and wiped it on to a random page. I guess that was all it took. The simple act of doing and not thinking to much about it.

Never doubt your instinct | Halle's Hobbies

The page quickly came together.  As I went looking for words I found this series that really spoke to what I felt at that moment.

Never doubt your instinct | Halle's Hobbies

 Do you hear or listen to that little voice inside? Is it the evil one or the one that lifts you up? Or do you just try to shut her up with cookies?

T stands for TuesdayIt’s Tuesday again…time for T stands for Tuesday hosted by Elizabeth. Grab a cup and stay awhile.

hot tea

The past week is one of those I’d like to forget ever happened. Instead I’m going to talk about some pleasant things like what I’ve been doing with the 3D printed items Mr. G has been creating. There is a fantastic resource out there called Thingiverse. It has CAD files for 3D printing for an ever growing number of things anyone can imagine.

Anyone familiar with Game of Thrones??

Hand of the King

Hand of the King…just after I started the sanding process.

Hand of the King

a little more smooth…nearly ready to paint.

Hand of the King

Did you know that a red base layer makes gold deeper and richer?

Hand of the King | Halle's Hobbies

What do you think? I think it looks pretty awesome…aw crud… except….

Hand of the King | Halle's Hobbies

that the photo should have been taken in this orientation. Such as this. DUH!

Oh well…no one is perfect. I blame my everlasting cold virus for my lapse of clear thought.

That’s it for today…more projects to come.

What are you doing today?


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