For several years I’ve wanted to join in with Karen of My Desert Cottage for her annual blog party but have missed it due to busy schedules. This year I finally made it!
So without further ado….Welcome to Halle’s Hobbies!
I’d like to introduce myself for you first time visitors. I’m Halle, which is pronounced Holly. I’s different. I’m am a self taught mixed-media artist from Minnesota. I’ve been crafting since I was a kid. Over the years I had played around with a little bit of everything…plastic canvas, embroidery, painting plaster ornaments, quilting and even tried scrapbooking when I had my first child. It wasn’t until I discovered altered art in 2005 that I realized I had a passion for art. I started blogging in April of 2007 on Blogger then eventually purchased my own domain and moved my blog to WordPress. So here we are today.
On with the tour…
I have a couple of creative areas in our house. I’m am very lucky that the family puts up with my creative chaos.
I’ll start with my art space.
It’s not fancy or sweetly decorated but it’s mine! Although I do share my space with the laundry, deep freeze and utility room. Don’t get me wrong….I’m not complaining. I’m lucky because I have room to spread out and bonus, I have a sink to wash hands and brushes! I also have tons of storage for all my bits of this and that. Somehow I still find that I’m running out of room!
This is the view to the left of the previous shot. I keep my guillotine cutter on the clothes dryer. It happens to be a perfect height. The top of the file cabinet and the deep freeze have become storage spots as well. I’ve been organizing and purging bit by bit. Slowly but surely I’ll get it finished.
Remember I mentioned my family being patient with my creative chaos…
This is my sewing table that resides in a tiny corner in our family room. I tend to sew a lot so having a space that is constantly at the ready is key. Beyond creating and repairing basic utilitarian objects, sewing finds it’s way into my art as well. Currently, I have a feature article in Sew Somerset where I share my technique for collage cards.
And where would a blogger be without her computer…I love my big monitor. It makes photo editing a dream!
My “office area” sits in a nice little nook in the game area of our family room.
Truth be told, my desk is usually covered with papers. It’s just how I work best. I can’t explain it but it works for me unfortunately it drives Mr. G crazy. Thankfully he is tolerant.
Thanks for coming along on this little tour with me. I hope you’ll stop by again.