About 6 weeks ago I wrapped some strips of an old dishtowel around a couple of rusty brake shoes and rust flakes. You can read all about it hererust results

Two of the three had some great orange color all the way through. The third…not so much. I’m thinking that one didn’t get much of the vinegar I splashed into the bag on it therefore it didn’t rust as much.

rust collage

This is how they looked before rinsing. I let them hang dry in the garage so it would be easier to brush off the rusty bits before doing the final rinse in the house. Too cold in the garage yet for that.rusted fabric

Again two of the three are nice. I’ll likely only use bits of the mostly white piece. Or perhaps ask for a “new” hunk of metal from Mr. G so I can re-rust it.

T stands for Tuesday rolls around all too quickly each week! I feel like I’m playing catch up all the time. moody tea

I thought I’d give you a little update on life around here.


Not much has changed with the seeds I’ve started other than the view outside is a little white. We got about 4″ of snow which is actually good since we were under a red flag fire warning. 20150323_7478

If you look really closely you can see a few little bits of green popping through the soil.

I also wanted to share about Little J’s surgery. It went really well. She is up and around almost as if nothing had ever happened. She is even going to school today a mere 3 days after knee surgery. Crazy!! Miracles of modern medicine and the resiliency of youth!!

What are you doing today?

I finally found my heART journal!!  So of course I had to play…play in the sun

materials used: gesso, gelatos, acrylic paint, washi tape, diamond netting as stencil, magazine image, clothing tag, butterfly(Michael’s), pre-printed quote, gold pigment ink pad and perfect pearls.

I broke out the old plastic canvas a few months ago and created a little bin to hold my thread scraps while sewing. for the birds

This helped keep my table tidy. My knitting and weaving scraps also made there way into the bin.

Today I was really noticing an increase in bird activity through the window. I decided it would be a good time to gift my feathered friends with some nesting material.for the birds 2

Several years ago I did something similar for the birds.  I found some little bits of yarn in the front yard after a while so I know something was attempting to use the scraps.

Now I need to make a new bin for my scraps. Perhaps this one will be more visually appealing on my work surface.

Good Morning! Welcome to another edition of T stands for Tuesday.  T stands for Tuesday_200

Lets keep our fingers crossed that my back stays in good shape now! Geesh that was a long haul. I apologize for not stopping by many, if any, blogs for the past week.

Every year I start my seeds the week of St. Patrick’s Day.seed starting By the time we can safely plant outdoors, I’ll have nice size plants to set into the garden…or gardens as the case may be. My in-laws are graciously letting me plant in their garden again this year in addition to my two small garden plots.

So what’s in those cups?

  • 3 variety of tomatoes
  • 2 variety of peppers
  • cucumbers
  • spaghetti squash

I will also be starting some herbs in pots and sowing seeds directly into the gardens when the time comes. We love having fresh herbs and veggies with our meals…especially when they are straight from the garden!plant vigil

Miss Gracie is keeping vigil over the seeds while watching the critters romp.

gracie sittin n lookin

I’m off to run a few errands, stop to see my knitting group then make a ton of phone calls to get our ducks in a row for Little J’s upcoming knee surgery. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

What are you doing today?


I finally finished it!! This scarf has been on the needles for far too long.IMG_0253

I knit two yarns at the same time to make this the weight that I wanted. I got three skeins of the yarn at Goodwill for $2. I still have an entire skein left. IMG_0254I  plan to wear it looped like this for a nice bulky look.

life is short full page

My back is finally feeling up to sitting at the computer for a bit so I can show you a journal page I made several days ago. It was created from bits of this and that laying around.

life is shortA couple clothing tags…tissue paper…sheet music and an image I stamped on an old book page. I used watercolor pencils to give her some color. I didn’t even remember that I had this stamp. She’s just so darned cute.

Alright…that’s it…I’m cashed out. Something about having my arms out in front of me just kills my back. I’m going to have to try a laptop on my lap sometime and see if that is any better.


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