Don’t you hate it when your favorite pair of socks gets a hole!


I decided to do something about it. I searched through my old sewing box filled with goodies from the past and found exactly what I was looking for.IMG_0080

A darning tool. Keeping old skills part of the present is a passion of mine. Yes I embrace technology and all that goes with it but there is just something about handwork that really makes me feel accomplished. Or perhaps, closer to my roots.


I set to work stitching and weaving as I have seen in pictures with the darning tool holding the sock firm and providing a surface to drag the needle across…ie: not my fingers.IMG_0083

Given the fact that I was pretty much winging it…I don’t think I did too bad. I learned some things for next time which will likely be soon since the other sock is getting very thin.

New year…new word.


Last year I used Balance as my word of the year.  I feel I achieved Balance in some areas but others completely toppled over to one side.

That is why I’ve selected Focus as my word of the year.  I want to Focus on the important things. Focus is necessary for success; reaching that goal. No matter what that goal may be. It’s different for all of us.

Another year behind us…

It’s been a busy one.  So many projects using a wide variety of media.  These are a few of my favorites.

year in review

Have a happy and safe New Year! Best to you in 2015.

I’m linking up once again with Elizabeth for T stands for Tuesday.

Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. We did and everyone stayed healthy…hooray! I was worried with all the influenza and viruses around leading up to the holiday break. 20141229_7383

I feel like I’m finally back in a creative place mentally so it was so cool that this was the tag on my Yogi tea bag today. “A relaxed mind is a creative mind.”

I find that I’m drawn to my art zone…now if I could get myself to organize it, I’d be set!


I’m continuing to plug away at the last few pages in my journal.20141229_7381

Playing with texture and bold color on these pages.


These pages had a more subdued feel…pastel like. Makes me think of Easter.


The words hadn’t dried completely before I closed the book. Make a  joyful noise!!! got smudged.  Darn pigment ink.

Well, we’ve got a birthday to celebrate today… Mini-me turns 12!! She’s getting so grown up! She is having a friend sleepover so I’m sure there will be a couple tired girls tomorrow…yikes.

What are you doing today??


It has been a while since I’ve worked in my art journals. I was worried that my muse may have disappeared….but I found her. 20141221_7356

I once again grabbed some scraps from around me to create this page. Some suede from a coat I cut up to make a book and some RenFest bags, tea stained lace curtain scrap20141221_7358 and some book page flowers I was experimenting with the other day.20141221_7357

I’m nearly done with this journal as well. I think maybe I can squeeze 3 perhaps 4 more pages out of it. I already have my next journal picked out….and an idea for another. I love the freedom art journaling affords. No theme. No boundaries. Just a place to express and experiment.


In my previous post I said that I was going to try out a bigger size circle punch for my next experiment. The circle was 3/4″ larger than the first. 20141221_7354

This made the ornament quite a bit larger than the first…20141221_7353

They are just so darn cute. Now I want to punch circles from everything not nailed down.20141221_7352

Here’s a little more perspective on the size difference.  I think the small ones would make a really cute garland.


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