Welcome to T stands for Tuesday.T stands for Tuesday_200

Do I dare say that I think our internet troubles are finally over?  We haven’t had a reboot in almost 3 days now.  Of course, we’ve hardly used the computer either since we’ve been so busy.  Where shall I start?

Apples….Phil and friends

We helped with the annual harvest at our neighbors house on Saturday. We brought home 6 grocery bags of apples to be processed…a fraction of the total haul from their 7 trees.

Later that evening I went to a new neighborhood edition of craft club, where I made these 4 cards as well as got my stamp on the backs of a huge stack of previously made cards. I was pretty tired from the day and didn’t really have my craft mojo going.

craft club cards

Sunday was spent with Little J in the garage processing through the apples.  They are organic so they have spots and holes so most need some trimming after being run through the peeler/corer/slicer. BIG JOB! So glad I had help this year. We ended up with about 15 gallons of apples ready for the next step.


So far I’ve made 7 quarts of sauce…

apple pie

One pie…dehyrator

An overstuffed quart bag of dried apple slices and three 8×8 apple crisps are in the freezer at the ready for future desserts. That was only about 1/2 the apples. More apple-ing today…

Last night I had a well deserved glass of wine.relaxing

Last week I finally got around to doing some creating…here’s a work-in-progress shot of a painting.


I’m a little late with my post today as I went for a walk with a friend around a local lake this morning. 4.25miles.  It was a little brisk at times but as long as you keep moving it helps keep you warm.

What are you doing today?

I’m going to keep today’s edition of T stands for Tuesday very brief as I’m not sure when my cable modem will reboot again. Hopefully this issue will be resolved after the service tech comes out today.

Until then…I’m working around the house and drinking my green monster smoothie for a nutrient and protein punch this morning.


Hopefully I’ll be able to do some visiting later on today…

What are you up to?

I’ve set aside my art journals for the time being and have been pursing other ideas. Upcycling for instance.  T-shirts have been my material of choice. Dog chews and baby bibs are the result. No dogs or babies are in our future…whew…just had to put that out there.20140920_7030

The bottle caps that everyone has been saving for me are sorted for a garden art project.

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I’ve been using the big machinery in the garage to help me out. I love using the power tools. 20140920_7029

I’ve also been turning out stacks and stacks of cards….no surprise there.20140920_7036

Basic utilitarian items have been created as well…I made 2 printer covers from a blackout curtain. The thickness of the backed fabric gave it the perfect amount of stiffness.

How’s that for being random!?!

I am so excited about the deal I got at a garage sale today…only $7

20140918_7025A rotating rack for my greeting cards. It will work perfect for craft sales!
In the past I’ve had my cards in a photobox with theme dividers. When cards are displayed on a rack they invite you to come and check them out instead of flipping through a box.

It comes apart into 4 pieces for storage, although the pieces are pretty big. Good thing I’m in the middle of reorganizing, right!?!

Hello…welcome to a late edition of T stands for Tuesday. I know our wonderful hostess, Elizabeth, won’t mind that I’m running way behind today….hope you don’t either.20140916_7008

My morning started with one sick kid, a forgotten item and errands. I’ve been running ever since.

One of my errands was to Michaels. They are having a big sale right now including storage containers… Yeah! I’m working on organizing my art zone.20140916_7007

I’ve managed to get a few things under control but additional storage was definitely needed.20140916_701120140916_7010

When everything has a place, it is much easier to put it away where it belongs….instead of stacked here there and everywhere.20140916_7009I’ve still got some work ahead of me for my space but I’m hopeful that with it organized, I’ll be much more inclined to create and then clean up. One can dream right?!?

I’ve still got a little bit of homework helping to do but then I’ll visiting my T Tuesday friends…at least until I get too tired…then the rest will have to wait for tomorrow.

Yes, I know it’s already the 10th of September. Happy Birthday MOM! But I have been a busy girl including but not limited to…taking my mom out for her 85th b-day today.

OK…enough of that stuff…on with the calendars.august complete

Here we have my completed and date corrected August calendar. I forgot that there were 31 days in August initially.  I made it work though.september

And then, of course, I lay out September and what do I do…add August 31st to September. DUH!! Showing my blonde self, I guess.

Here’s to an uneventful month. :)

Hello, hello!  I finally made it for T stands for Tuesday! I’ve been MIA here in blogland lately but hopefully things are settling down and I can get back into my routine.        Create–>photo—>blog. 20140909_6923

I found this mug at a garage sale last week. There were actually two but I only took the one. Why the significance? We got married in the Canterbury Wedding Chapel inside the Excalibur Hotel a little over 20 yrs ago. We also attended the Fantasy Faire show while there. I just couldn’t pass up the mug.

On to the harvest….20140909_6921

Most of the tomatoes came from the plants I have in the ground at my in-laws house. My garden is really poor this year. Between the deer eating the tops off my beans and the squirrels snacking on the tomatoes…it’s been a little disheartening.20140909_6922I’m planning to make a spicy jam with these little babies.  We’ll see how that turns out.

Otherwise…I have been crafting some. Listing cards in my etsy store, getting an inventory built for the craft season and finding more ways to upcycle.  I’ve found that my back bothers me when I sit at my computer so I’ve been trying to stay away from it…besides I get more accomplished when not lost in cyberspace. :)

I’ve got some shopping and outside chores on my list today. The weather is supposed to turn colder tomorrow so I better get it it!!

What are you doing today?


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