Welcome to T stands for Tuesday.
Do I dare say that I think our internet troubles are finally over? We haven’t had a reboot in almost 3 days now. Of course, we’ve hardly used the computer either since we’ve been so busy. Where shall I start?
We helped with the annual harvest at our neighbors house on Saturday. We brought home 6 grocery bags of apples to be processed…a fraction of the total haul from their 7 trees.
Later that evening I went to a new neighborhood edition of craft club, where I made these 4 cards as well as got my stamp on the backs of a huge stack of previously made cards. I was pretty tired from the day and didn’t really have my craft mojo going.
Sunday was spent with Little J in the garage processing through the apples. They are organic so they have spots and holes so most need some trimming after being run through the peeler/corer/slicer. BIG JOB! So glad I had help this year. We ended up with about 15 gallons of apples ready for the next step.
So far I’ve made 7 quarts of sauce…
An overstuffed quart bag of dried apple slices and three 8×8 apple crisps are in the freezer at the ready for future desserts. That was only about 1/2 the apples. More apple-ing today…
Last night I had a well deserved glass of wine.
Last week I finally got around to doing some creating…here’s a work-in-progress shot of a painting.
I’m a little late with my post today as I went for a walk with a friend around a local lake this morning. 4.25miles. It was a little brisk at times but as long as you keep moving it helps keep you warm.
What are you doing today?