Photo Scavenger Hunt post #1

Last updated : April 11, 2016

I had mentioned a little while ago that I’d be playing along with Rinda at Gallo Organico on her 2014 Summer Photo Scavenger Hunt.

I’ve been out and about with my camera this week…before the deluge of rain. Over 5 inches of rain in 7 hours. And it’s coming down again. JOY.

In a couple separate adventures, no more than 30 minutes from our home, I found several items on the list…

#3 Bird on a wirebird on a wire#7 A rural landscaperural landscape 3 rural landscape 2rural landscape 1#8 A tattoo on a persontattoo #17 a lamppostlamppost#18 a waterfallwaterfall 2 waterfall 1My list so far stands as:

1. A sign welcoming people to your home town (or a nearby town)
2. A garden gnome
3. Birds on a wire
4. A group of tourists
5. A rack of post cards
6. An urban street scene
7. A rural landscape
8. A tattoo on a person
9. A bakery
10. A photo bomb (someone found lurking in the background of photo; the lurker may have intended to disrupt the picture or may be doing it unintentionally, but the background lurker is a surprise to the photographer)
11. A horn
12. A mascot
13. A sunrise
14. A parade
15. A juggler
16. A sign in a language other than English
17. A lamp post
18. A water fall
19. A public garden
20. A bus (not a car, truck, lorry, camper or RV) with a picture painted on its sides.
21. A photograph of you with something representing the season (recognizing that the season will be Winter for our friends in the southern hemisphere). Note: you may not use a substitute for this item.
If you find something on the list too difficult, you may substitute one of the following items for anything on the list, except for Item #21:
Alternative A: A kite, hot air balloon or blimp
Alternative B: A bird house

Are you playing along? Would you like to? It’s not too late…just pop over to Rinda’s blog and check out the details

6 Thoughts on Photo Scavenger Hunt post #1
    19 Jun 2014

    You’re off to a great start Halle! Great fun seeing your photos… I chickened out the other day in a parking lot when a guy had the neatest tattooed arms…as I ran my explanation through my head I realized it could very easily come out wrong or sound way wacky…I like your approach and will be seeking just such an opportunity :-)

    You sure ARE getting a lot of rain! guess it’s good it’s not snow at least…sorry is it too soon to make those kinds of jokes after the winter you had LOL! oxo

    19 Jun 2014

    Hi, Halle.

    Thanks to you, I’m playing too! Very nice rural pictures. So your tattoo on a person – looks like you just snapped a picture of a stranger? Good idea. I’m a little embarrassed to go around asking people to take a picture of their tattoo. Anyway, this is a fun, slow-paced summer adventure. I’m liking it.


    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    20 Jun 2014

    I printed out the list and left it in Sally’s car, but that was as far as I got. I somehow doubt I’ll be able to get all the photos that require going so many places. But I love yours. And I especially like how you treated the gal with the tattoos. You are SO good at getting shots of people without showing their faces.

    20 Jun 2014

    I’m glad you found at least one sunny day to get started on your list. I really like the bird on a wire photo!

    Denise Price
    21 Jun 2014

    Hi, Halle! Thanks for checking in. We have water in our basement from all the rain. It has been a huge pain cleaning it up. I hope you fared the rainstorms better than we did.

    You are doing a great job on the scavenger hunt and have already crossed a lot of items off the list. Your photos definitely all say “summer” to me.

    Have a good weekend!

    23 Jun 2014

    Wow – well done! These are all wonderful photographs. I especially like the row of telephone poles in your first landscape and the soothing waterfalls. Thanks for joining in, Rinda

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