I had so much fun making the first journal spread yesterday, I went back for another.Once again I worked in my white journal. Boy, I just realized that I have 4 journals going at once. And I have an idea for yet another. I should probably wait on that idea at least until I fill one of the currents to capacity.
Tissue paper was used as a start for this page as well. It had been crumpled over and over again. Lots of tiny little creases. It started out very purple…or maybe violet. The color was a little too “in your face” for my taste. I used a couple of mists around the edges to tone it down to a dull roar.. The aqua washi tape begged me to use it with the new deeper shade of purple. The black and white just helped everything else pop on the page. I have this thing about circles…I use them all the time. They just make me happy I guess.
So last evening I still hadn’t had enough creativity for the day. My sewing machine was still calling me. I grabbed bits and pieces of fabric, paper, fiber and trims to sew together for collage cards. I didn’t give it much thought…just went for it. I made 21 mini collages that will eventually become greeting cards. Some will be left blank…others will have sentiments…some collages may not make the cut. Who cares…it was all scraps and bits laying around.
WOW, oh WOW. That stands for WOW!! This spread really popped my cookies (so to speak). I am in love with circles, too, so that could be why this one spoke to me.
I think you should make a few cuffs from those fabric scraps. I might even make another one for myself, but I still need to rework Kathy’s, as it was too big. I learned 8″ for large wrists and 7″ for small ones. Since you are good at hand sewing (buttons on for the fasteners) you should consider making a few.
Those are wonderful. Love the colors!