We decided to go a little different route with our pumpkins this year. They make me chuckle every time I look at them. They were so much fun to make!!
I spray painted the pumpkin yellow then used acrylic paints to create the denim overalls. The goggle rim is a canning lid. I cut out a circle of card stock then painted an eyeball on each. The canning lid and card stock are hot glued to the pumpkin. The hair is black pipe cleaner that I stuck into holes created by poking a nail into the top of the pumpkin.
Not too long after taking the photo I had to rush my minions into the garage since there was sleet falling on them. I put forth much effort to let some half frozen precipitation ruin them when the paint is is hardly dry!!
These guys are just too cute :)
O M G ! those are so dang cute!!!
Now those are CUTE!!!!!! LOL LOL
Not sure how I missed this post, but I’m glad you got the minions in before the sleet took them out. And we had that same sleet, along with snow.
These little guys are so cute. Only you would come up with something so different, cute, and unique.
OMG!!! These are seriously CUTE!!! I love them and how creative you were with their goggles, so fun!! Keep them safe from the nasty weather, they are soooo CUTE!!!
Those are SO much fun Halle! Wonderful and original… sleet = ack! oxo
I just stumbled across this post….a little late…….but i HAD to stop and tell you that those pumpkins are amazing!!! I can just imagine how much the little trick or treaters enjoyed them! Hugs! deb