Recycled Christmas card ornament

Last updated : April 11, 2016

This is definitely not a new craft…but it was a new one for me. I hang on to all our old cards. They are so pretty I can’t bear throwing them in the recycle bin.

Of course, Pinterest played a big part in me actually creating one of these. Ah, Pinterest… How much time I spend with you… The thousands of pins we share… Time organizing and reorganizing when I should be organizing the real things in my life.


Maybe this is a better clue to the size. IMG_0051

It was created with a 1.25″ punch. IMG_0054

The green one on the left. My neighbor borrowed the blue 2″ punch. I’m curious how much exponentially bigger another one will be with that punch. Yes I’m aware I could do the math…but I’ll just give it a whirl in the physical dimension and compare. Results to follow…soon.

Unless I’m crushed under all the Christmas goodies I’ve been making…treats2

These are just from this morning. I’m getting a sugar rush just smelling them.

I’m getting to the point that just thinking about eating any of it just doesn’t sounds appealing. Just like when I worked at Baker’s Square when I was a teen…when you are around pies, cookies and muffins all day long…you have desire to eat any.

4 Thoughts on Recycled Christmas card ornament
    Divers and Sundry
    19 Dec 2014

    I remember making ornaments years ago but haven’t done that in ages. I like the idea of using the lovely Christmas cards.

    Your Christmas goodies look so good I’m thinking I’d eat them as fast as I’d make them lol

    ~*~Patty Szymkowicz Magpie's Nest
    23 Dec 2014

    Yum so much sweetness at your house and pretty too = of course! Beautiful use of those saved cards…you are very patient as these look like they take time getting everything prepared and then glued in place. oxo

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    28 Dec 2014

    I’m finally here to see what I’ve missed out on over the past week or so. And I’m also finally able to see something this delicious not make my tummy roll. I think I’d like some of everything (grin).

    BTW, I made ONE of those ornaments years ago. ONE was all I could handle (and fold).

    martha brown
    11 Jan 2015

    ahhh, yes, pinterest, my guilty pleasure….. I have 20, 000 pins……. I love this paper ball — I have used clothes pins and paper clips to hold them together while drying…. then I switched to hot glue, but I hate the “strings” of glue. What do you do?

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