Rusting fabric

This is not a new technique for me. I’ve rusted fabric in the past. The only difference is that is was summer and much more pleasant to be outside.  The random results of rusted fabric have always appealed to me. I felt as if it was time to make some more. I keep my rusty bits in the shed safely bagged up. Since I was already outside attempting to scrape the driveway free of ice, sleet and was the perfect time to make a few rust bundles.

I brought out a torn dishcloth as fodder for my project. I used my ice covered garbage can as a work surface…not ideal but it worked. It was just too darn cold to bother setting up a proper table.

rusting fabric

After this round of rusting my brake shoes will need to be replaced. Luckily I have a good source for those. :)

rusting fabric

For my final and smallest bundle I emptied all the rusty bits left in the plastic bag down the center and rolled it up.

rusting fabric

Two bundles I tied and the third I just tucked the loose end inside.

rusting fabric

I placed all 3 bundles in a new plastic bag and added what ever snow and ice I could scrape off the top of the garbage cans for moisture. The bundle will live in the garage until I get too inpatient to wait any longer. I’ll be sure to share the results.

I must add that you need to wear gloves when handling rust.

2 Thoughts on Rusting fabric
    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    13 Feb 2015

    I would have been here sooner, but actually got some sleep for a change. I look forward to seeing the big rust reveal. You don’t add vinegar? I can’t imagine how long you will need to wait without some mordant, like the vinegar.

    BTW, I enlarged the desk photo and didn’t see the new art deco crystal container you got. You are a TEASE.

    13 Feb 2015

    Looking forward to seeing how these turn out. BTW, I have plenty of snow if you need some!

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