School’s out for summer

I’m pretty sure I was as excited for the last day of school as the kids were this year.  It was a LONG year.

The last couple weeks, all I could think about was getting outside and playing in the dirt. I picked this arrangement from the yard. The Irises were laying on the ground because their stems were too long and spindly. I thought that was a shame so I cut them off and gathered some greenery to fill the space.

I also got my garden planted. I’m really late this year but I’m sure it will be fine.

The deck box garden has radishes, carrots and herbs. I also planted a few flower seeds this morning.

This view has green bean, wax beans and snap peas….along with a bunch of weeds…mostly grass.

Over in this side of the shed garden I have cucumbers as well as some zucchini and summer squash that will hopefully germinate.

I’m growing my tomatoes in pots again this year since I had really good luck last year.  I also have a couple jalapeno plants growing in this same manner. Right now all the plants are pretty small and frankly not that interesting to look at.

Before leaving school for the last time, we had to clean out our room and the two storage rooms inside our space. None of the stuff in the storage rooms belonged to us so as items were found they were given new homes.



Such as all the movie theatre cardboard cutouts.

The media center was the perfect place for these gems.

You should have seen all the kids…and adults…taking selfies and filming silly videos with the props.

It made the lame task of cleaning out a closet so much more enjoyable. Next fall we will have brand new flooring. They are finally tearing up and replacing the old asbestos tiles. Its taking a while but eventually our 60+ year old building will reach the 21st century.

As for me this week I’m trying to get as many things crossed off my list as I can. I have a same day surgery on Thursday that will put me out of commission for a while. Hopefully the family will remember to water the garden for me while I recuperate.

I’m also kicking myself…I gave a journal to one of the teachers at school who is leaving to teach in another district. I totally forgot to take any photos. GAH! I love to document my creations not just for the blog but for me. Oh well not the end of the world.

What are you doing today?
17 Thoughts on School’s out for summer
    16 Jun 2022

    Your garden is growing well! That was a good save of the Irises! I get really cross with myself when I send something off without taking a photograph! Good Luck with the surgery. Belated Happy T Day, hugs Chrisx

    15 Jun 2022

    I still have two more weeks of school. Ugh. We are in a really old school – it turns 100 next year! No air conditioning. We have had major construction this year, and again this summer. SO TIRED OF CONSTRUCTION! I hope that your results are fabulous!

    Linda K
    14 Jun 2022

    Yay- summer vacation! I’m sure your garden will flourish. Never thought to use irises as cut flowers- your arrangement is lovely. All the best on your surgery and recovery. happy T day!

    Carola Bartz
    14 Jun 2022

    When I was still working in a high school I couldn’t wait for summer break to start, esepcially during those last two months. Every year was a long school year, but the ones during the pandemic seemed to be longer than the “normal” ones. Happy T day, enjoy the summer and good luck with your surgery.

    15 Jun 2022

    Yay! for summer holidays and Wow! for your garden! It’s looking very promising. I hope your surgery goes well and that it is nothing serious. Get well soon is all I can say. (and gently remind your family members to water your ‘babies’) Happy belated T-Day, Hugs, Lisca

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    14 Jun 2022

    Been without electricity since about 6:30 pm yesterday. Never so glad to get my AC and internet back.

    Your irises look lovely. Keep them off anything where they could bleed. I lost a doily that way. They OOZE!

    Your veggie garden is amazing every year. I wish I had your soil and green thumb.

    Had to empathize with you over the journal you forgot to photograph. I remember when I made J’s graduation card I was so proud of, I forgot to photograph it, too.

    What fun cardboard cutouts. Welcome to the new millenium, Halle!

    Cute way to share your coffee. Thanks for sharing yoir flowers, gardens, school cutouts, and coffee with us for T this Tuesday.

    15 Jun 2022

    Wow your garden is just beautiful and those flowers are amazing. I know your surgery will go well and your recovery will be swift. Sending all good energy.

    14 Jun 2022

    Your garden looks very promising — good things to eat soon! Have a speedy recovery from surgery.

    best… mae at

    Kate Yetter
    14 Jun 2022

    Your garden is looking good so far. I haven’t even out mine in yet. I can imagine those cut outs are fun photo props. Wishing you a speedy recovery without complications from your surgery. And that you still have plants when you are recovered. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    14 Jun 2022

    Beautiful flowers, a nice way to enjoy them too when they won’t stand up in the garden. good luck with your surgery and enjoy your summer Happy T

    14 Jun 2022

    sigh my comment says it is a duplicate comment-not-and won’t publish-of course this one probably will haha enjoy your summer off, have a good recovery, and your garden looks great so far-shortened version of the first comment

      14 Jun 2022

      I see my comment(s) made it through-

    Erika N
    14 Jun 2022

    Hurrah for summer vacation. You must be thrilled. And hurrah for getting gardens in also. Mine was a bit late this year too. Good luck with yours. And good luck with your surgery and I hope your gardens get watered. Happy summer break Halle. And happy T day too. Hugs-Erika

    14 Jun 2022

    Halle so good to see you for T!!! And Happy End of Year to you!!! Those cutouts are wonderful!! I can just imagine everyone having fun with them!! I hope your recovery is quick my friend! and your family takes good care of your garden!! Happy happy T day… Looking forward to your T visit!! Hugs! deb

    14 Jun 2022

    Happy End of the School Year. Taking photos of the movie cutouts would be a fun way to remember the last day of school. Your iris arrangement is so pretty. Best wishes for a speedy recovery so you can get back to your garden. Happy T Day

    Divers and Sundry
    14 Jun 2022

    So many different kinds of plants! I hope your surgery goes without complications and that you have a speedy recovery.

    I missed T Tuesday while I was on staycation and am so happy to be back.

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    14 Jun 2022

    Wow, those Iris look so beautiful and your garden is looking wonderful as always 😁. Wishing you well for your surgery and hoping your have a speedy recovery! Happy T Day! Hugs Jo x

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