Once again we awake to more snow. Never mind the temp gauge on the shed door that perpetually reads 30°F… It’s currently a balmy 19°F. It’s actually quite beautiful out.
Of course, we’d never heard the plow go through during the night so we never guessed there was a bunch of snow in the driveway. Lucky for my husband, I know how to run the snowblower properly now. He could just ram through the berm at the end and slip-slide to work again once again.
So I made a big mug of tea before heading out. It was the perfect temp by the time I finished.
I should probably invest in some proper snow gear one of these years. But for now…hiking boots and jeans seem to fit the bill.
Go see what my Tea Tuesday friends are doing today. Head over to the new page on Kimmie’s blog.
Good you have your tea to keep you warm! We have snow on the way too!
ahh that is the same morning i had!! LOL! and we both know, hiking boots and jeans work just fine as long as you have a good coat and some long underwear, right?? my hubbie actually went out today early so i didn’t have to do it …again!!
cheers from north of you,
Maybe your thermometer froze!! Your snow gear is about the same as mine …. I don’t know how it could be improved except maybe for some waterproof pants. I would love those …. If even for rainy weather :)
Good luck with all that snow … And it’s maybe only just the beginning eh?
Good old snow tea, I’ve had that a lot that lately :)
Snow Tea indeed!You got a lot…we may get a little bit later today…it keeps missing us :(
Stay warm and cozy Happy T to ya(took me several tries to get your page to load, finally went away and tried one more time…success :)oxo
I am enjoying everyone’s “snow” pictures so much lately! I guess it might have something to do with the fact that I rarely get to see it. LOL! I’m not sure I could survive in your neck of the woods though…a blamy 19degrees?Oh my! I thought it was cold here today at 48! We are supposed to get to the 60’s by the weekend, so I will send some warmth your way. Now, I am off to fix some tea! Enjoy your day my friend!
ooh it must be pretty cold….stay warm and happy T to ya…
Looks cold…
sheesh it was -9 here today, and looks like the snow will hang out for a while, good thing, maybe it will insulate the lavendar plants! happy tea day!!
I am pampered– my 11 year cleared the front walk and back patio today (he lives for the reasons to be outside!) No school tomorrow either because of the weather!
More hot tea…
A snow blower!! Sure beats that shovel you used in the past. I looked basically the same as I was digging the car out from under the snow yesterday. Had to go to the PO and the car door was frozen shut. Now it’s my water pipes that are frozen shut. Can’t win, but at least we don’t have the insane amount of snow you have. Happy belated Tea Tuesday.