Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 2015

Last updated : April 11, 2016

I’ve been slowly but surely working on the list since Rinda of Gallo Organico posted it way back in the beginning of June.

I missed the first check-in the end of June. This summer has gotten away from me. I have to admit, each year that passes, time speeds up exponentially whether I like it or not.

So on to the list….


1. A bouquet of flowers: This was in the waiting room at the eye doctor. Silk flowers arranged in a vase is technically a bouquet.

door knocker
2. An ornate door knocker: I found this at an antique/junk store not too far from home. The town is super small and hosts shops that are only open 3 days a month. They call them “occasional sales”. The rest of the month you are limited to several bars, a coffee shop and a gas station.

walking a dog
3. A person walking a dog (or other animal): I nabbed this photo before the parade on the 4th of July. You’ll be seeing more photos from that same day…just wait.

5. Architectural columns: This was taken at another of the “occasional shops”. Super fun antiques, remakes and junk to peruse.

7. A turtle: Two for the price of one. We knew just where to spot a turtle at the arboretum. They love that log in the pond.

9. A tent: A couple more photos taken on July 4th. The top is the beer/entertainment tent for the carnival and street dance that is held on the evening of July 3rd. The bottom photo is the cub scout float in the parade.


10. A college or university: I took some classes at this community college many, many years ago. It’s just a few miles from The Mall of America and IKEA. I love IKEA…MOA, not so much.
potta potty
12. A public restroom, bathroom, or toilet: These were only a fraction of the port-a-potties on site for the Independence Day festivities and there were still lines as it got later into the evening!

13. A merry-go-round or carousel: Also from the carnival…

16. A panoramic view, taken while standing someplace high in the air: I was going to use this photo for my natural body of water but the more I looked at it I realized that we were really much higher than Lake Minnewashta in the distance. This was also at the arboretum.

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 2015
17. At least two people wearing matching outfits or uniforms: Again from the parade. I could have had SO MANY for this one as well but most of my photos had the backs of heads in them. This one I was able to crop most out. :)

ticket booth

19. A ticket booth: I bet you can guess where this one was taken!

pond 1
20. A natural body of water: I honestly could have dozens of photos in this section. Minnesota IS the land of 10,000 lakes after all.  This was taken at the arboretum. Its a really nice pond with natural wetland surrounding it. They built some boardwalks so you can walk all the way around it. Just beautiful.
If you find something on the list too difficult, you may substitute one of the following items for any one item on the list, except for Item #21:

I’m not giving up on finding the rest on the list but I will post my alternates anyway.

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 2015
Alternative A: People eating outside: From the carnival before the parade

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 2015
Alternative B: Someone holding an umbrella: Very smart idea this man in the wheel chair had to shade himself during the parade.

Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 2015
Alternative C: A rocking chair: I love my folding rocking chair! My kids laugh but I don’t care.

So lets see here…I got 13 of 21 so far and 3 alternates. Not too shabby.  But I still have these left to find.

4. People playing a board game or card game

6. A metal bridge

8. Someone “plugged in” to social media

11. A cellular tower or television satellite dish

14. A traffic signal

15. A flag pole with at least three flags on it

18. An overloaded truck, car, bicycle or other vehicle

21. A photograph of you with a sign reading “2015 Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt”. Note: you may not use a substitute for this item.

Wish me luck!

15 Thoughts on Summertime Photography Scavenger Hunt 2015
    Divers and Sundry
    31 Jul 2015

    What fun turtle photos! We used to have a rocking chair like that, and now I’m wondering what happened to it. It was always the chair people picked first :)

    31 Jul 2015

    You are doing well, super set of photos there, still a while to go to get the rest. Love the toilets in a row and the same uniforms on horseback, I had horse riders as my taking an animal for a walk option as it didn’t have to be a dog. BJ

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    31 Jul 2015

    Incredibly awesome. I am stuck with the ones I have and may not get the others, including the alternatives. Have any ideas how to get around 21 without showing our faces? I should have been with you over Independence Day. You got a bevy of great photos to add to your list. Most of them I can’t seem to find. Loved these!!

    Lady Ella
    31 Jul 2015

    Great turtles in amongst all that weed! But my fave is the rocking deckchair!

    31 Jul 2015

    Lovely photos, especially the folding rocking chair!

    31 Jul 2015

    That carnival was a gold mine for the scavenger hunt! We were lucky enough to be at the Calgary Stampede this year, and I found several there as well.

    Cheri Andrews
    31 Jul 2015

    Lots of great shots. I avoid portapotties like the plague, but a unique take on public restroom! My favorite are your “occasional shop” finds.

    31 Jul 2015

    Well done! I’m still looking for the door knocker! Have a grand weekend!

    31 Jul 2015

    I love your turtle photo :)

    2 Aug 2015

    You’re doing great! You have some very easy ones left, as well as a few challenging ones. Thanks for linking up. Rinda

    2 Aug 2015

    Love the Turtle shots, and the same uniform on horseback. But the best thing is the rocking chair! Never seen one of those!! :) You’re doing fab, we still have lots of time!! :D

    3 Aug 2015

    You have some fabulous and novel photos! The carnival was a great help. I also love your rocking camping chair. I guess you have to be careful where you place it.

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    3 Aug 2015

    You are doing great Halle. The tent rolling down the street made me smile and your column photo is like out of a magazine. Lots of great shots. It is not clicking with me this year, but I will enjoy seeing everyone else’s pics. oxo

    6 Aug 2015

    Love the folding rocking chair.

    Hootin' Anni
    9 Aug 2015

    This is super!! I had no luck finding a ticket booth…and at 100+ degrees outdoors, I chose to substitute a rocking chair for the booth instead.

    I joined in this time around and posted my finds. If you’d care to stop by for a visit, I’d love your company!!

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