Thanks for joining me today for T stands for Tuesday…or in this case…TOMATOES!
As much as I hate the heat and humidity that always seems to come with the end of August, I love the tomatoes that my garden is producing. I’m also still getting a good handful of green beans each day. The cucumbers have been a bit of a disappointment but at least they did something.
And just look at all these yellow pear tomatoes!! They are so sweet and yummy. They sit like candy on the counter waiting to be nibbled in this lovely basket that I won from a fellow blogger a couple years back.
The garden is starting to look a bit haggard but just look at those lovelies on the vine!
I’m watering them from our rain barrels twice a day in this heat. I’m afraid I’m going to reach the proverbial “bottom of the barrel” very soon if we don’t get any rain.
Our family is planning to brave the heat one of the days this week for a visit to the state fair. We may melt in the heat. Hopefully I’ll get some fun pictures to share of “The Great Minnesota Get-Together”
What are you doing today?
great post and great photos. maybe I should send you some of our rain. Enjoy the fair and stay cool
Oh the tiny yellow tomatoes are my favorite. I remember always having them as a snack as a kid. I can’t garden here in the woods. Not enough sunlight for veggies to grow. Happy Tuesday !
Oh those little yellow pear shaped toms look fabulous and I bet they taste it too! Hope your water lasts till you get a bit of a refill from nature… just coming into spring here in Oz and hoping the summer doesn’t get too hot, it will be my first one!
Great little yellow tomatoes, and the red ones look pretty great, too. My garden is looking really ragged, too, especially after we had all that rain, then the heat.
That hand blown glass thing is by some famous artist who sells stuff on QVC. We both know who gave it to me. It’s wrapped with copper tubing, too, so you know why I love it.
Have fun at the fair. I hope it’s not too hot the day you all go. Have a great vacation, too. I bet Mr. Halle is enjoying his time away from the “office.”
i do love fresh tomatoes. i never got mine planted this year, so i’m enjoying yours. thx :)
MMM fresh tomatoes. I didn’t plant enough this year, so as they ripened they were plucked and popped into my mouth, never reaching the table. LOL
We’ve been enjoying our yummy tomatoes too! How cute those little yellow ones are. The cucumbers didn’t do well for us either, of course now I’m craving them and have to buy them. Our Sunflowers are doing soooo well with all the rain we’ve had. Will send some of our rain your way, too much for us. Next to grow is our pumpkins, my favorite since Fall is my favorite season. Good luck at the fair, hope it is a cool day.
In your blog header there was a picture of a little shed/barn and chair and things around it. I’m not sure if I mentioned it but wanted to take a picture and kept forgetting. Would love to sketch/paint it if you don’t mind, just for the fun of it. It reminds me of summer and just so inspiring. Thanks so much.
Glad you enjoyed my Back To School Time pictures, I love asking the kids about their summer memories and at the end of the year it will be about their school memories. Have a wonderful Tuesday!
Sounds really yummy, nothing like home grown, hope you get some water soon Bridget #1
Wow, all your veggies look so pretty. I know what you mean about those yellow pear tomatoes being like candy. When I’m not popping them straight into my mouth, I like to cut them in half and use them in cheese sandwiches with a sprinkling of black pepper.
Happy T day!
Doesn’t it just figure–hot and sticky weather for the State Fair. ;) Your tomatoes are looking good. Stay cool! Happy T-Tuesday! :)
Beautiful home grown toms – they look amazing – crossing my fingers you will get rain soon !! Thanks for stopping by – Happy T for Tuesday…Mxx
gorgeous and yummy pictures and harvest you have there Halle! YUM! nice that something good comes from high humidity ;) don’t melt at the fair! we are going to see John Mayer in concert on Saturday evening and hope we don’t get a thunderstorm or melt! Happy long weekend to ya oxo