T Tuesday: 2 month catchup

Just checking in again after a 2 month hiatus. Life happens but blogging doesn’t. :)

Last time I posted Mini-me and I had just gotten back from our cabin adventure. We were trying to get in as much as we could while she was job searching and I had the impending back to school dates looming ahead.

I was happy to get something canned this summer since my garden wasn’t super prolific this year. I was able to harvest enough hot peppers to make some cowboy candy aka candied jalapenos. I don’t need to make very much as I’m the only one who really enjoys it.

I’ve also been slowly working on using the supplies that I have accumulated. It does no one any good sitting collecting dust. I used the better part of a paper pad from my stash to create gift sets of blank notecards. It’s always nice to have some gifts on hand…and bonus that they are handmade!

Mini-me suggested that we go to the MN state fair on opening day this year. I’ve rarely turn her down when she wants to go somewhere since she tends to be a bit of a homebody. Wowsers was it busy! That day set an attendance record with 138,875 people!

We couldn’t leave without getting a bucket of these! We didn’t eat them all there. Only enough to jam the lid on the bucket after using some elite tetris skills. I froze cookies in small batches to enjoy for the future. In fact, I ate the last two cookies today.

On the bus ride to the fair, Mini-me got a phone call that she got the job she’d interviewed for a couple days previous. This was amazing news! Now she needed to find a place to live in and start work in 12 days. Yikes! It was a whirlwind… She is an admissions counselor for her alma mater. So cool! The only trouble she had was trying to find someplace to live in a small town at the beginning of the academic year. Everything is scooped up! However, between her heavy travel schedule on the college fair circuit and some temporary housing, it all worked out and she got an apartment after a couple weeks.

I had fun finding some furniture for her like this amazing vintage table and chairs at a garage sale!

Her place isn’t ideal but it’ll do for now. She’s hoping to get a roommate since she has a 3 bedroom all to herself. Again…that was all that was available!

So now we are really empty nesters. It’s so strange converting your children’s rooms to another use because its even more sad walking past an empty room. The smallest bedroom has become a sewing room, craft room. And now we have a guest room as well. So strange.

Another good update was that my most recent scans show no recurrence of lymphoma! Remission is a wonderful word!

I continue to walk in the morning before school as much as I can. The sunrise over the new parking lot pavement is lovely.

Last week was only three days which was great. I travelled to see Mini-me for a bit. I’m soaking up all the moments I can since I know they are fewer and farther between. Unfortunately my breaks from K-12 school only mean a busy time for her since that’s when people want to visit the university.

We went out a couple times in the brief time I was there. This place had really awesome coffee and a darn good Reuben sandwich. Eat local.

I’ll leave you with Marvin enjoying the “new” vintage quilt on the spare bed. I brought the comforter up to Mini-me so I’d have some blankets on the airbed. :)

Today had me back to work with an early meeting. No walk before school. :(

What did you do today?
2 Thoughts on T Tuesday: 2 month catchup
    Erika N
    22 Oct 2024

    That’s great news about your test results. You must be thrilled. And that is also great news that mini-me found a job. I bet she likes being back and connected to her alma mater too. Wow, I can remember before she went to college and now she’s a working lady. :) I hope you had a super T day too Halle. hugs-Erika

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth
    22 Oct 2024

    I was delighted to read your lymphoma is in remission. Great news indeed.

    I LOVE that vintage table and chairs. Amazing what good quality it is still in. Speaking of Vintage, I also love the quilt Marvin is sitting on.

    What great news for Mini. When I “met” you, she was four and J was 7. Makes me feel old!!

    Thanks for bringing us up to date on your life. Thanks also for sharing your coffee with us for T this Tuesday, dear friend.

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