T Tuesday: 2020 garden edition

Hello! I totally missed last Tuesday. I had intentions of posting but alas, it never happened. Unfortunately, that has happened more often than I’d like to admit. Instead of dwelling on failures… let us move on to something more celebratory.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t thank the lot of you for all the birthday wishes. It amazes me how much a tiny gesture, a word from a friend, Facebook friend, or even a casual acquaintance can put a smile on my face on my birthday…especially during this crazy time. So, thank you!

I received a text from a friend and former coworker the morning of my birthday telling me she may or may not have left something on my steps out front.

Clearly she did…a fun little basket of goodies for me.

Now fast forward to Friday of last week… Mr. G came home a bit early and tilled the garden for me. The forecast said a rainy weekend ahead so we were in a time crunch. While he tilled, I mowed the lawn…except for the patch of creeping charlie…ugh…allergies stink.

The shed garden or big garden is fully planted.

Like the new top on the gate that Mr. G installed last weekend? Much better than the crummy one I bashed together last year after a deer jumped the short gate.  The crabapple trees were stunning this year.

So much so that I had to use the smaller one as a backdrop to my trio of containers on the deck.

I’m so excited that everything seems to be sprouting.

It was a super busy day. I had taken a walk before I started work for the day too since all the sitting I do isn’t doing my body any good.

Check this out!! Almost 20,000 steps in one day! That is just crazy to me. Remarkably I was hardly sore at all on Saturday morning. I even got up at 6am and went for a walk to loosen up…which I think really helped too. Now if only I could do that every day!!

I can’t remember if I had mentioned this in a previous post but this year I am taking a cue from my MIL who always had lovely, prolific gardens. Both veggie and flower.  I am keeping a record of what and when I planted, harvest dates, etc.

I’ve added the potential first harvest dates to my calendar so I’m aware of those as they come. I am hopeful this will help me in the long run. I plan to note what did and didn’t work. Throw out any old seeds that didn’t germinate or that we didn’t like the product. Every stinking year I forget the kind of green beans that we like vs don’t like. I hate the green beans that are “fuzzy”..ick. It’s a texture thing. I feel as if they get stuck in my throat. Gross.

After all the seeds have sprouted I’ll share another overview of the garden. Right now it’s a little boring if I’m honest. I still have a few containers I want to plant but I simply ran out of time and energy. And then the rain came…we got over 5inches. Not sure how much more than 5 because that’s all our rain gauge holds.

Just a little bit of coffee before starting the day…13 days left of distance learning for the school year.

What are you doing today?
16 Thoughts on T Tuesday: 2020 garden edition
    18 May 2020

    what an awesome friend to leave you a goodie bucket-very special. Congrats on getting your garden in, I miss that this year-so far no garden spot at our new home. Haven’t decided what I want to do yet-we do want to bring our two raised beds from the woods house here. Happy T wishes Kathy

    Erika N
    18 May 2020

    I have 13 days of distance learning left also. I can’t wait. This distance learning is not fun. And you had a super surprise left on your doorstep. I will say your yard and gardens are looking good. Hurrah for everything sprouting. Have a wonderful T day Halle. Hugs-Erika

    Linda Kunsman
    18 May 2020

    How nice to get such a thoughtful basket of birthday gifts , along with all the wishes and thoughts. Your garden is always impressive to me as I don’t have a bit of green on my thumb;)Good on hubby doing the tilling. Happy T day!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth-
    18 May 2020

    Cute basket of goodies and a lovely balloon. I bet CJ will be jealous (grin). However, where’s the TP? A thoughtful gift would have included TP! OK, just joking.

    The reason I’m late visiting is I fell asleep about 15 minutes before T time today. I was SO tired since I’d been up all night and day.

    Your garden is going to be awesome and your record keeping is impressive. I had to make a diagram of my herb garden last year because I bought so many new plants (none of which overwintered) I needed a cheat sheet to know what I had planted in each pot.

    I bet you’ll be glad when this school year is over. I can only imagine how stressful it must have been at times.

    Your mug had me laughing. I think that’s a great photo of your legs in it. Thanks for sharing your birthday gift, your garden plans, and your coffee mug with us for T this almost Tuesday, dear friend.

    19 May 2020

    How lovely to get those goodies from your friend. Your garden is looking good. Well done on the walking, that’s what I love to do, too. Happy T Day, stay safe and well, Valerie

    Iris Flavia
    19 May 2020

    Oh, Happy belated Birthday and what a find on your steps there! Congrats on your fitness, too. I finally got my new stuff for my Polar and there is no excuse no more ;-) Cool idea to keep track of your herbs and all. A happy T-day to you. I´ll finish my application today and send it out, brrr. And walk, sun is out and about, if still cold.

    Iris Flavia
    19 May 2020

    Funny, btw! Why is Hubby´s face showing when I comment on your place! LOL!

    19 May 2020

    It must have been a lovely surprise from your friend, a very thoughtful gift. Your garden photos were lovely and your note book of panting etc is a super idea. Stay safe. Yvonne xx

    19 May 2020

    What a pleasant surprise to receive for your birthday. Your gardens look nice. Good idea to keep a journal log of what you planted, when, etc. I like the new gate to keep the deer out. In local CT news, a deer was running along the beach, where they aren’t normally seen. Both the deer and the people were amazed to see each other. I have a herd of deer that makes the rounds through my yard periodically. I call them rats with antlers. Happy T-Day!

    Kate Yetter
    19 May 2020

    I just got a fitbit a few weeks ago for my birthday and let me say, that 19,720 steps blows my mind. I have to work extra to get my 7000 steps/day. Your garden journal looks excellent and reminds me that I want to start one. I have struggled with groundhogs eating all my veggies so I haven’t bothered to plant anything other than fruit and herbs. For that I haven’t kept a journal but maybe I should. Your post has inspired me to give it a try anyway. Your seedlings are looking great! It is always fun to watch them pop up out of the soil. Happy Tea Day, Kate

    Divers and Sundry
    19 May 2020

    Fun birthday surprise! I love how ambitious your garden is :) You have good space for planting, and you’re finding new and better ways to defeat the critters and track your progress. Happy T Tuesday!

    Lisca Meijer
    19 May 2020

    I am super impressed with your steps. 19000! That is awesome! I struggled to get to 10000. My Fitbits kept breaking/malfunctioning/ going wrong. Yes, they gave me a new one each time, but if a product is that bad, I am not going to buy it anymore. So I didn’t. So now I don’t know how many steps, but I do try to keep moving. What a wonderful surprise on your doorstep!So sweet! It’s a good thing to write down what and when. My hubby does that too and it is invaluable. We have to fence our patch as well, and yes, we get deer too, but we can’t afford the really deer-proof fences. So we just keep our fingers crossed that the dogs will keep them away.

    Jo - Let's Art Journal
    19 May 2020

    So glad you had a lovely birthday and how wonderful to be gifted that box of goodies from your friend – perfect ?. Wow, that’s a lot of steps too, you go girl! Happy T Day! Take care! Hugs, Jo x

    19 May 2020

    Your yard and gardens are beautiful, Halle. Wow, congrats on that step count!

    Your garden almanac (I guess it’s called) is wonderful. I hope you get the green beans right next time ;-)

    Happy T-Day! Eileen xx

    19 May 2020

    What a fun surprise to find on your doorstep. Your garden is awesome. So funny that you mentioned being allergic to Creeping Charlie and I blogged about it today. I’ll have to show Himself your gardening book And the number of steps you took in one day: impressive! Happy T Day

    20 May 2020

    OOh what a great surprise from your friend !! That´s a lovely detail. I have to say that you have a very beautiful garden, look forward how do these little plants grow up. So many steps !! that´s incredible. Hope you spent a nice happy T-day Halle. I wish you a very nice afternoon, stay safe and big hugs, Caty

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