Today for T stands for Tuesday I’d like you to help me celebrate a real milestone…an entire decade of blogging!!!
I am so incredibly shocked that I have been at the keyboard sharing my work with the world for 10 years now! I started the blog on a whim and wasn’t sure if I’d even had any readers but was thinking of it as a digital diary of sorts. I hadn’t ever had success a paper diary or journal so who knew I’d still be at it all these years later.
Take a peek at my very first post…
The blog itself has went through many changes over the years, but though it all the content has remained the same. The visual presentation and the platform have changed. I was on Blogger for the first 5 yrs then purchased my own domain and moved over to WordPress.
Blogging helped me learn to identify myself as an artist…something that was very difficult to say out loud for the first time. Of course, part of that is likely due to growing up in the upper mid-west, raised in a conservative Lutheran church. We cannot take a complement. No seriously…it’s a sickness. If someone says, “OH I love that new blouse!” Instead of just saying “thank you” like a normal person, people like me will try our best to avoid accepting the complement by down playing everything… “Oh gosh, you wouldn’t believe the great deal I found on it at blah blah store…I’m sure it would look even better on you…” totally avoiding the acknowledgement of the compliment because that would be to “full of yourself”.
Ok not sure where that tangent came from but hey…it’s my anniversary…I can get off track if I want.
I’ve “met” so many wonderful like minded people through blogging from all over the world. I shared my art, crafts and photography. Gardening, travels and kitchen experiments. My failures and celebrations. Blogging has become an integral part of my self-expression.
I have noticed a tendency lately for people to use more social networking than blogging. I have found myself falling into that trap as well. I post something on Instagram so I don’t bother creating a post about it. Such as this…
A painting in progress. I was commenting that I wasn’t sure where I was going with it or even if it looked best in this direction. This quick superficial post without a followup on the blog is what I want to stop myself from doing…mainly because it’s a little lazy. It’s tendency I’d like to break myself of quickly.
So have you had enough deep, introspective thoughts from me yet today? It’s been that kind of day. Having an introductory meeting with hospice will do that to a person.
We do have some exciting things on the horizon though…a wedding anniversary and a choir trip. Truth be told, I’m only going in spirit on that trip, but I can’t wait to see and hear all about it! More on that at a later date.
So what’s on tap for me…an appt for mom and a parent meeting about the trip to NY.
What are you doing today?
Congrats on 10 years of blogging! Happy T Day, happy celebration. Hugs, Valerie
Congrats on 10! I think July will be 8 for me. Who knew! You’re right, I post more to IG because it’s quick and easy. I’d like to tie those posts to what I blog about, but then I don’t follow through and wind up having loads of things to share but not sure where to begin. I need to organize myself better. I used to be one of those people who had a hard time accepting compliments. I stopped that bad habit years ago. Blessings as you meet to discuss hospice care.
congrats!! i just had my 11th blogaversary, and i´m glad i stuck to it. social media just are not the same to me. i do not post as much as in my early years, but my weekly summary is my diary. i hope you will enjoy lots of coming years on your blog!!! cheers! and happy t-day!
Happy Blog Anniversary and a Happy T day. Blogging has put me in touch with so many new friends, but I never felt happy and don’t now use social media sites Yvonne xx
Congratulations on your 10 years of blogging-a great milestone to celebrate.
Have a very Happy T Day
Love Chrissie xx
Wow, now that’s worth celebrating – cheers to your 10 years blogging, many congratulations! I loved reading your post today, it was lovely to learn how you got into blogging and how things have changed over the years. I think your new canvas looks lovely and can’t wait to see where you go with it :-) . Wishing you many more years of blogging and much happiness this T Day! J :-)
Sorry I’m so late getting here. I couldn’t work on my blog while Scott was working on it, so that’s why I’m late visiting.
You and I are SO alike. In July, I will have started my blog 12 years ago. Of course, I only posted sporadically the first two years, but like you, I started my blog as a way to keep track of what I made. Everyone told me I should write down what I made and how I made it, but that is not me. I can type, but writing hurts, so I’ve never been into journaling. I’m also NOT on other social media or networking sites. I’m a BLOGGER and proud of it. I haven’t been sucked into Pinterest, either.
Anyway, congratulations, and I’m so glad you started blogging. Now we have been friends since Little J was about 3 1/2. That is scary.
Thanks for sharing your anniversary drink, and your first blog post with us for T this Tuesday. BTW, today is Kathy’s birthday.
Congrats on 10 years. Me too. I didn’t even think about that until I read your post Halle. How is your Mom doing? Sounds like life is busy with you-me too. Wrapping up the quarter at school and thinking about getting ll the spring chores done before surgery in (hopefully) early May. Happy T day. Hugs-Erika
Ten years!!! And i’m not far behind you.. i think i started back in late 2008… My blog has morphed alot along the way too…I think it is just whatever i need it to be…at the time … I only do blogging, no other social media … well i do get sucked into Pinterest now and Blogging has really helped me find like minded friends… I have no one around me who likes the things i do..crafting.. art…snail mail etc… and its so lovely to find someone who enjoys those things too… Happy happy T day and best wishes for your mom…Hugs! deb
10 years-wow! Congratulations!! Funny, when I first began blogging I published my first post by celebrating with a glass of champagne:) I love that blogging is still popular as I am not connected to other social media and am rarely on FB. Thanks for sharing and happy T day!
Congratulations on 10 years of blogging! I started my blog originally to keep track of what I was making for one thing , but resisted it for so long, finally nagged by friends I am so pleased I did! I must say the Instagram way does seem so easy and certainly for the challenge I am taking part in lately it is the only way pages are being shared, but I do love my blog! I have of course seen your canvas and think that this is the best way for it! Hope things go well for your Mom! Happy T Day and Happy Easter! Hugs, Chrisx
BIG congratulations Halle that is no small feat (you made me realize it will be ten years for me in October)…where does/DID the time go!!! Some bubbly is perfect to celebrate. Sure glad to have met you in blogland. Looking forward to more sharing and fun in the future. Happy T Day to ya oxo
I’ll add my congratulations on your blog anniversary. I used to be a very faithful blogger but now I only make the occasional post. I try never to miss Tea Tuesday though as it gives me a chance to catch up will bloggers I’ve known for a long time.
Happy blogaversary! Happy T-DAY!
Congratulations! I just looked back on my own blog and hadn’t realized how far back it went. Time does fly!
I tend to post books and movies to Facebook as I read/watch them, then write a post and schedule it later on blogger. I use both, but FB doesn’t lend itself as well to a longer report.
Happy blogaversary, Halle! You prompted me to check and I found my 10th went by unheralded last July. Where did the time go?
I enjoyed your introspection and can relate to your inner critic and compliment thoughts. I was raised conservative Catholic in Milwaukee WI in the 50s. I still react the same way to compliments – lol, but my inner critic is getting quieter like yours.
Happy T-day! Hugs, Eileen
Halle, it’s hard to believe it’s been ten years already. I’m sure I knew you when – as that would have been back in the day when the AB group was active. Love seeing your latest work, and I enjoyed your celebratory ‘t’ (champagne!). :). Congratulations on this milestone.
Congrats on 10 years of blogging. I do love instagram, but the stories behind the pictures are so nice. It really fills in the picture. Loved your introspective post. I hope you enjoy the compliment and t day as well.
Congratulations! I wondered how long I have been blogging — and I missed my 10 year blogiversary! I’m past 11 years! I had no idea :)
Good evening-Congrats on your 10th anniversary. I have noticed too that most all of my old blog friends (I started back in 2004) now prefer the faster easier pace of fb. and instagram twitter too–I enjoy the journaling best with blogging Happy T day Kathy
congratulations on blogging for 10 years! oh, the time goes by so quickly…I think you’re right about the social media. I’ve fallen down the Instagram ‘rabbit hole’ too and not sure where I’ll end up! Glad you’re keeping up your blog, it (and you) are definitely an inspiration!
Congratulations on your 10th blogaversary! I bet it just flew by. I started later. My aim was to start a blog when I retired, but 2 weeks after I retired I was diagnosed with breast cancer, so that put me back a year (with all the treatment etc) but I did start after we moved to Spain and here I am. I’m glad you share your instagram photos on your blog too as I don’t have instagram. It’s a mobile phone thing and I am a computer girl. Belated happy T-Day, Hugs, Lisca