T Tuesday: a second look and goodies edition

Last updated : November 19, 2016

Two posts are colliding this week as T stands for Tuesday and Second on the 2nd fall on the same day.


Thankfully Elizabeth gave a little heads up at the end of her post that reminded me before I finished writing up my post. Time to switch gears.

We’ll start with the fun packages in my mailbox from two fellow T stands for Tuesday bloggers.  So fun to get mail…friend mail, not so much on the bills or junk mail. A little while back I had commented on Krisha’s blog about the winery she had visited. She was so kind to offer me some extra wine labels they picked up as collage fodder. I was so delighted to see an envelope in my PO Box the other day. Look at the great craft fodder and lovely card. Really love that card!

happy mail day

This package helped inspire this journal page.

beginning to blossom

Thank you Krisha!

I also received a box of goodies along with a 3rd anniversary ATC for T stands for Tuesday from Patty @ Magpie’s Nest.

happy mail day

She knows my love of bottle caps.

happy mail day

So many fun bottle caps and a bunch I’ve never seen. Too fun. Patty also included some bits of collage fodder as well. Can you see the beautiful ATC that precipitated the package in the first place?

happy mail day- patty's atc

Isn’t she lovely?!?  So many tiny details. I keep noticing more and more little things that I didn’t see the first time around.  Thank you Patty!

And now for the Second on the 2nd portion of today’s post.

Three years ago I took a quick photo of a hostess gift I was bringing to our annual Independence Day gathering. Little did I know this post would eventually become the most visited post on my blog. (More on the at the end.)

Take a look…eyes

July 5, 2013

We spent Independence Day, as we have the past several years, at a friend’s house along the parade route in town. It’s always a great time.

I wanted to do a little something extra for our hostess who puts so much time and effort into making sure everyone has a good time. She’s a big fan of Rum and Coke. It ended up being a centerpiece on the buffet table.

Rum and coke


I’ve seen over the years that the re-pins of this image on Pinterest have multiplying but it wasn’t until an update in their software did I notice that all of the re-pins now count up on the original. Check out this screen shot I took last night.

run and coke cake

Amazing! When I look at my blog analytics it definitely shows that people are visiting from that pin as well.  Not 24,000 pages loads but a significant amount especially given the fact that this is a 3 year old post.

For today I’m going to try and stay cool while running an errand or two. I really need to do some baking and canning but…ugh…not in this heat!

What are you doing today?

15 Thoughts on T Tuesday: a second look and goodies edition
    2 Aug 2016

    Wow you sure DID recieve alot of pretty things in the mail you lucky duck!! Its always fun to see what posts become popular isn’t it?? Happy Tday! Hugs! deb

    2 Aug 2016

    Wonderful post, you got some great packages in the mail, enjoy! Have fun playing with your goodies. Happy T Day and happy 2nd on the 2nd, hugs, Valerie

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    2 Aug 2016

    Wonderful collage bits from Krisha inspiring your lovely pages! Very happy that the cap collection went to a good home…you were doing me a favor Halle taking them off my hands ;-) It is not just anyone that would get excited about bottle caps LOL. BIG WOW on your Rum and Coke cake stats and no wonder because it is such a cool and inspiring thing. You’re making me thirsty… that is the only way I’ll drink coke with a wee bit of rum. Happy T Day and Happy August. oxo

    ~*~Patty's Magpie Nest
    2 Aug 2016

    Also Love your KAPOW treatment of Elizabeth’s two challenges = brilliant!

    Linda K
    2 Aug 2016

    how nice to receive such sweet mail! Beautiful journal page inspired by Krisha’s gifts and Patty is always so generous when she mails too. Cool rum and coke display! Happy T day!

    Divers and Sundry
    2 Aug 2016

    What a beautiful ATC! “Celebrate”! This has been such a fun part of my week during these years. Happy T Tuesday

    2 Aug 2016

    LOVE, LOVE the ATC! I wish I had made it to the anniversary party this year….:(

    Glad you like the goodies. We will be back over to that winery again this month to pickup the wine club shipment.

    Happy T-day

    2 Aug 2016

    Lovely goodies in your mail, and a super post to read. Your journal pages look fantastic Happy T day. Yvonne xx

    Jo-Let's Art Journal
    2 Aug 2016

    Wow, so nice to receive such goodies in the post! I love the daisy pages you created with Krista’s lovely gifts! The ATC from Patty is very beautiful such lovely colours and imagery to celebrate T Stands for Tuesday 3rd birthday :-). I look forward to seeing what you do with all those bottle tops too! The rum and coke cake comment made me smile … lol. Wishing you a very Happy T Day! J :-)

    Lisca Meijer
    2 Aug 2016

    What a beautiful ATC! Isn’t it great to receive happy mail! Lots of lovely things in a box. Bottle tops have become collectables now as people don’t drink from bottles anymore. I have a bottle opener in my kitchen drawer but I don’t think I’ve ever used it in the 5 years that we have been living here. Your journal page is beautiful…. Wow! Your rum & Coke cake is fab! I shall remember that as I have a sister who loves rum&coke. I have pinned it too so your count has gone up in the meantime. Talking about happy mail… Elizabeth has agreed to receive my ATC. She is reluctant to email me her address as her email spams. She told me to ask you. So please can you message me with Elizabeth’s address. There is a contact box in the right hand column of my blog. Thank you so much.

    Happy Tuesday, Lisca

    2 Aug 2016

    I love those goodies and that is certainly a fabulous journal page! Wow to the stats on your rum and coke gift, just imagine your idea at all those parties!! Hugs, Chrisx

    Erika N
    2 Aug 2016

    What a fun package you got from Patty. Perfect T day fodder for certain. And yes i did receive your gorgeous card along with those 2 wonderful ATCs. I didn’t get home until 11:30 last night so I never had time to photograph them for today’s post, but I will post them very soon. A big thank you from me! Happy T day. Hope this week is going better than last time I checked in. Hugs-Erika

    3 Aug 2016

    great mail you got – and inspired artwork you came up with! These bottle caps look very Special. uh, baking… i think it would bake by itself when putting it in the garden *g*… so i better continue with my sun printing, lots of fun. thanks for visiting my blog, halle – have a great week!

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth --
    3 Aug 2016

    I sincerely apologize for not visiting sooner. My internet/phone problem took the wrong time to go offline again. Even the serviceman is confused. Before he could leave, thinking all was well, it went out again. Right now I’m at Sally’s and this has to be quite quick.

    I love how these two blog entries collided on your blog. I laughed at the Kapow.

    Krisha is so sweet and generous, I was thrilled to see you got wine labels for your collage stash.

    I can see art Patty has created for me that I’ve looked at a dozen times, and still find something else I’ve missed. She has a way of loading layer upon layer with bits and bobs. And those bottle caps are simply incredible. Lucky you.

    You have no idea how thrilled I was to see your Second on the 2nd post. I was so impressed that you can see who has visited your pinterest board. Maybe I should try to get on, too.

    Thanks for sharing both these yesterday.

    I was surprised that Deb didn’t ask you if deer like dill.

    6 Aug 2016

    Late to the Tea Party. You received some great mail. I know you will have fun with the treasures. I didn’t see the rum/coke post the first time around. It is So Clever! No wonder you had so many people looking at it.

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