T Tuesday: almost Christmas edition

festive mug

I got out a festive and oversized mug to help me through our subzero temps. Sunday morning it was -25°F here. Luckily there wasn’t the wind that had been in the forecast otherwise it would have been awful!! I delivered a plate of treats to the neighbor in the afternoon and though…”huh, it’s not that bad out here.” It was -7°F at the time. We are a crazy bunch here.

A few days before we had a small gathering with my in-laws to celebrate the December birthdays. My psuedo SIL just came back from Japan and brought the kids each a variety pack of Kit-Kats.kit-kats

There are some really strange flavors in there including….sake kit-kat

sake. That is really strange. We’ve tried several of them and they’ve all been good, even the green tea.

Have a Merry Christmas everyone!


I’m off to do my big grocery shopping trip before the weekend…

What are you doing today?

15 Thoughts on T Tuesday: almost Christmas edition
    20 Dec 2016

    Merry Christmas Halle! Happy T-Day! I would like to try all this different strange flavours of kitkat bars! Beuatiful mug!

    Happy T-Day! oxo Susi

    20 Dec 2016

    It sounds VERY cold, brrrr! Have a great T Day and a happy Christmas, hugs, Valerie

    Divers and Sundry
    20 Dec 2016

    And I thought our low of 16F was cold! lol You have us beat by a lot! Definitely time for hot drinks :) Happy T Tuesday

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    20 Dec 2016

    We were -13 on Sunday, but I’m not as used to this horrid cold as you. It never did get above zero here. You really MUST be acclimated to the cold. Perhaps that big mug filled with hot drinks helped you through the day. I saw on my weather report that you were in that deep chill. Yes, they were predicting much higher winds for you, too.

    Golly, I want a package of those Kit Kats. I bought some at Halloween, and they were “seasoned” white chocolate, but colored orange. I think I gained 10 pounds just eating them.

    Merry, merry Christmas to you, too, dear friend. Have a lovely and SAFE one.

    Thanks for sharing your Kit Kats, your weather, and your big mug that will keep you warm with us for T this Tuesday.

    Linda K
    20 Dec 2016

    Interesting kitkat bars-they were always a fave of mine but I’d try the new flavors too:)Now THAT is COLD!! I’d need a super big mug of something hot for sure. Stay warm, happy T day and a Merry Christmas too!

    20 Dec 2016

    Those KitKat bars sound different and I think they would be quite yummy to try. I really like your festive mug. Stay warm, it sounds very cold where you live. Happy Hollidays and Happy T day. Yvonne xx

    Jo-Let's Art Journal
    20 Dec 2016

    Wow, that’s cold, I really can’t imgine what it’s like – brrr! Your snowman mug is so cute and I love the Merry Christmas sign and plate of lovely lace crepes … I’m guessing that’s what they are :-) I bet it was great tasting all those different Kit Kats, so many great flavours to chose from :-). I’ve done my big grocery shop today too and I iced my Christmas Cake this afternoon whilst listening to Christmas music – such fun! Wishing you a Happy T Day and a very Merry Christmas! J :-) x

    20 Dec 2016

    Oh My – those crepes!!! Love the different flavoured Kit Kats! Merry Christmas! Chrisx

    20 Dec 2016

    What a festive mug! Here in MA, we also got a taste of the way below zero temps. courtesy of MN. (-; We’re supposed to warm up to the 40s and it will feel like short and tee shirt weather. almost. I never realized Kit Kats came in other flavors. My girlies like a Japanese cookie called Pocky sticks. I find them at Target. Merry Christmas. Stay warm

    Dianne C.
    21 Dec 2016

    oh my goodness, I don’t think I could live in your neck of the woods. I am a wimp when it comes to the cold! fun pics of the Japanese candy bars…and yummy looking cookies! happy T day, and Merry Christmas! ♥

    21 Dec 2016

    Oh my goodness – that is frigid! How do you stand it?! I’d heard about the Japanese fad of flavored KitKat bars. I’m wondering how distinct the flavors are. At some level, the bars wouldn’t taste like candy – lol.

    What beautiful crepes and a pretty picture of them.

    Happy T Day and Merry Christmas, Halle. Eileen

    21 Dec 2016

    I’m a sucker for snowmen!!! So i love your coffee mug. We got down to 6 F degrees the other night… i haven’t been in those temps for many years…brrrr….. Todays high is in the 50’sF thankgoodness! Happy Belated T day my dear! And Merry Merry Christmas! Hugs! deb

    Lisca Meijer
    21 Dec 2016

    I love your chrtmas mug. Really festive. Flavored Kitkat bars…. whatever next. The combinations sound weird, but I take your word for it that they tasted nice. What are the cones on the plate? Pancakes? Sorry for the late comment. I got busy last night. Happy belated T-Day and if you celebrate Christmas, I wish you a very happy one, Lisca

    Erika N
    21 Dec 2016

    The cold moved from your neck of the woods to mine. Being close to the ocean we had a bit of tempering- only -8 degrees F. Brr. I also pulled out my over sized Christmas mugs for coco. Those kitkats are interesting. Have a Merry Christmas. Hugs-Erika

    Karla B
    24 Dec 2016

    Merry Christmas my friend!Thanks for being part of my life this year. _________________°Paz° ________________°União° _______________°Alegrias° ______________°Esperanças° _____________°Amor°Sucesso° ____________°Realizações°Luz° ___________°Respeito°harmonia° __________°Saúde°solidariedade° _________°Felicidade°-°Humildade° ________°Confraternização-°Pureza° _______°Amizade° Sabedoria ° Perdão° ______°Igualdade° Liberdade° Boasorte° _____°Sinceridade-°Estima-°Fraternidade° ____°Equilíbrio- °Dignidade-Benevolência° ___°Fé°Bondade°Paciência°Brandura°Força° __°Tenacidade°Prosperidade°Reconhecimento° °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° ________________♥JESUS♥_________________

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