T Tuesday: apple days edition

Happy Tuesday everyone! This past weekend is one I both love and hate each year. It’s the weekend we help pick apples at our neighbors house. They have 5 trees that are HUGE!! As in you need an extension ladder huge.

apple days

(This is just a 6 foot ladder…)

Some of their family comes over as well as several of us neighbors. We spend  the morning picking then bring our bags of apples home and usually the afternoon or next day processing.


This year we didn’t make time for processing over the weekend. Everyone was going here and there it seemed. Sleepover, Manhattan choir fundraiser, fabricating and 3D printing in the garage and of course, leaving time to watch our Vikings play the Packers (the big border battle) in the inaugural game in the new stadium…SKOL Vikings! Our Vikings won-BTW!!!

On to Monday…this was my morning view complete with coffee as fuel for the day ahead….

apple days

Normally I process in the garage for more room but since I was doing it solo I brought the garage can inside.

apple days

After hours of peeling I had every extra large container I own full of sliced apples.

apple days

As well as a stock pot full cooking down to sauce. And the dehydrator with 6 trays loaded.

I ended up with 7 quarts that I canned…

apple days

The rest went into gallon freezer bags to be made into sauce at a later date.

apple days

As you can see by this photo it was now after 3pm and I was exhausted,

apple days

I also managed to get two loads of laundry washed during that time.

apple days

So my grand total for the day was: 7 quarts apple sauce canned, 2 quarts in fridge, 4 gallon bags of prepped apples in freezer, and a quart bag of dehydrated slices.

So like I said when I started…apple days…I have  a love/hate relationship with them.

Today I’m going to have coffee with some friends then likely come home and can a few pints of diced tomatoes…or else pull up the garden and do the tomatoes tomorrow before the next round of rain.

What are you doing today?

15 Thoughts on T Tuesday: apple days edition
    20 Sep 2016

    You had a busy and very productive weekend, and I loved seeing all those bags of apples, yummy! Enjoy eating all the things you have made, Happy T Day, hugs, Valerie

    Jo-Let's Art Journal
    20 Sep 2016

    Oh my goodness, now that’s a lot of apples, you must have a gigantic freezer to store all those! They look so delicious and apple pies made from them must taste fantastic – mmm! Wishing you a Happy Apple T Day! J :-)

    Linda K
    20 Sep 2016

    wow Halle-that is A LOT of apples and equally A LOT of work!!! Oh but there’s nothing like home canned and made is there? Enjoy your day out with friends, and happy T day!

    20 Sep 2016

    That my T friend looks like a lot of work..but yummy! The three years i lived in CA i had the wonderful opportunity to go Apple Hill up by Sacramento…. I didn’t love the crowds but i loved the atmosphere and smell of apples in the air and the cider… hayrides… miss it tremendously… it had become a tradition in a short time… Hugs! deb

    Lisca Meijer
    20 Sep 2016

    Gosh, that was a productive day! I bet you don’t want to see another apple! That was a lot of work!
    What do you do with the dried apple slices? (I don’t have a dehydrator so I have no idea what you do with it).
    I enjoyed reading about it. Thanks for posting that.

    20 Sep 2016

    You made me tired, and hungry and it is only morning here!

    What a wonderful bounty of goodness you have prepared. I’ve had those love/hate relationships, but it was years ago when we had a huge garden. I miss those days and you will too one day.

    Hope you enjoy your time with friends.
    Happy T-day

    Divers and Sundry
    20 Sep 2016

    Wow! That’s a lot of apples! Looks like a lot of work, but what you ended up with looks great :) Happy T Tuesday

    20 Sep 2016

    AMAZING Halle .. we got nearly NO apples this year – but I got so many plums from all the neighbours around that my freezer is now full again and ready for wintercakes.
    So so so yummie all that looks!
    Happy T-Day!
    oxo Susi

    Patty's Magpie Nest
    20 Sep 2016

    What a feeling of accomplishment you must have Halle. Well done you!!!
    I know that dehydrated apples smell wonderful. Bet your house smells great in addition to having a load of apple goodness.
    Happy T Day oxo

    20 Sep 2016

    That is a lot of apples to process, but you have now after all your work lots of apple goodness to enjoy over the winter months.
    Happy t day.
    Yvonne xx

    20 Sep 2016

    Wow! Lucky you! Love how you are using different means of preserving them too! Looks as though there will be enough to see you over Winter! Hugs, Chrisx

    Bleubeard and Elizabeth--
    21 Sep 2016

    I have absolutely NO idea how I missed this. I am certainly not a very good host.

    I think you have said that before about those apples, but at least you’ve had help in the past. It would have been nice if the family pooled their money and took you out for dinner (Grin).

    I love the photo of mini me. It’s perfect. Of course, I know you don’t want to read another thing about all those apples you prepared in very different ways.

    Thanks for sharing your apple picking, peeling, canning, dehydrating, slicing, cooking, and freezing, as well as your much needed coffee with us for T yesterday.

    22 Sep 2016

    finally my guests are back home again and i find the time for a belated t-day blog hop…

    wow, i´m really impressed! you must feel good with all These reserves you made, it Looks gorgeous. and i can understand you were exhausted – but you will be lucky to come back to all of this in winter! super!!

    Carol L Samsel
    24 Sep 2016

    I love apple days!!! We haven’t had apples for 2 years because of the squirrels eating them all before they are even ripe :( I love making applesauce and used to can about 24 quarts every year… hopefully next year as we now have a trap for the squirrels so they go bye bye :) Great photos and it is hard work to do all by yourself. Great job!!!

    Karla B
    25 Sep 2016

    Love to see your apples. \they are a bit expensive here. We don’t have your traditions but I find them fantastic.I am so late. I am sorry.

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