Holy smokes…its April already! We’re a quarter of the way through 2014. I better get myself in gear with my get healthy initiative. Green monster smoothie…check. I already finished my coffee for the day and what would T stands for Tuesday be without a beverage.
Mother Nature decided to play a trick on us.
Here we have yesterday…And today…
Snow…wind…sub zero “real feel” temps. Booooo!!
Another trick I noticed after being up for 2 hrs was this…An ugly bruise at the base of my thumb joint. I think maybe it was partially dislocated…I adjusted the joint. It still doesn’t hurt, just feels weird. No clue…I guess I’ll wait it out for a day or so and see what comes of it.
An last but not least…I have to share this photo Little J took the other day.What’s even more amazing to me is that she took it with an iPad mini. No foolin’!
I also thought I’d direct you to our flubber results if you hadn’t already seen them.
I’m going to go ice my thumb a bit before visiting the link list over at Elizabeth’s blog.
What are you doing today?
Sorry you are still having to deal with such wintry weather. We did have a dusting of snow Mon AM but thankfully it’s warmed up enough to enjoy a nice long walk outdoors this afternoon. Your green smoothie looks so refreshing! My neighbor makes some really good ones and she often will bring me a glass of it too-lucky me:) Love the shot of kitty’s paw! Happy T day to you and here’s to warmer days ahead.
Ouch on your thumb and on winter keeping its grip on you all! Great artistic eye on the Gracie paw in the sunlight photo (the apple hasn’t fallen far from your creative tree!) Your green smoothie looks perfect Happy April! oxo
That smoothie looks really healthy. Poor Gracie must have thought she would get to go outside soon, until this latest batch of wind, snow, and bad weather hit. What a cruel joke Mother Nature pulled on you and Gracie, too. Speaking of Gracie, that’s an adorable photo Little J took of her paw. She’s become quite the photographer, too. Love how the light is streaming in.
Wow, that’s one nasty looking bruise. And that’s the wrong hand for it to be on if you are doing any mouse work at all. Get that thumb looking better soon, please.
Thanks for sharing your April Fool inspired post this T Tuesday.
Nasty weather and a sort thumb? That’s no joke, April Fool’s day or not. Hope you get sunshine soon and that your thumb heals up without any problem. Never had a green smoothy, I’ve seen them on several blogs though.
april snow :( what a trick! i hope your hand is better soon :)
Hope all that snow will melt soon and you will find warmer temperatures. Your thumb doesn’t look that great still good to hear that it doesn’t hurt. Hope you feel better soon. Happy T for Tuesday
Your thumb looks like my knee, ankle and arm…had a run in with a plastic bucket–it lost! Little J took an amazing photo!!! We had a little blast of white color the other night, too, but fortunately it is all gone!
Hello and Happy T Day! The weather keeps playing tricks on us too, can’t wait till the snow finally stays away. Sorry to hear about your hand, hope it feels better soon. Once the weather warms up I need to get my walking routine back in, it’s been too nasty and cold to walk outdoors and I can’t wait to finally walk daily. Thanks for sharing and sending you warm sunny wishes and hugs!
Happy T-Day! Oh wow … snow still! Yikes! Hope that bump you got on your hand will go away after icing it. That looked just like the same glass we have. Hmmm … can’t remember where we got them from now. Cute little paw! oh yeah those tablets have pretty good cameras now. Great shot!
Ouch. Need some ice – or snow! I love the photo of kitty’s paw. A great artist in the making! Hope your weather warms up. It will still be hot here for a few weeks yet, and then it’s time to get chopping wood for the fire.
Sorry I didn’t get here sooner…wondering what’s in your green smoothie that makes it so green. I hear ya about the temps…man this is getting ridiculous! we had warmer weather for April 1 but today is rainy. hope your thumb doesn’t interfere with any of your art projects and gets better soon! Little J seems to be quite the budding photographer…talent runs in the family! happy T day a bit late!
Yes, I’ve tried to get my ‘healthy’ on but it’s hit and miss some days :) Love the photo! Awesome! Hope your thumb is better–did you break a blood vessel or jam your thumb back? take care :)